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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Of course, the adjective Apollonian refers to rational, ordered, and self-disciplined aspects of human nature. This adjective probably does not refer to what goes on, during the evenings, in places like Pattaya. In Pattaya, then you probably have mostly Dionysian life.
  2. Anyway, before I die, I just hope that I can better understand the distinction between what is is considered Apollonian and Dionysian. Life is short. I mean, what would happen if I got the virus, and then....I never firmly cemented my thinking about the Apollonian and Dionysian dichotomy? Some say that drunkenness and madness are Dionysian. And all forms of enthusiasm and ecstasy are Dionysian. I am sure.... I really need to understand the differences between these two...before I die from the virus.
  3. Dear Friends, Have you ever read the Count of Monte Cristo? Do you know much about Alexandre Dumas? What is it really like to be locked up for years in a French gaol? What is it like to be locked up like Henri Charrière? Most murderers are really very tough guys. And, we are not. Yet, even though we have not murdered anyone, still, in past months, we have been locked up for our own good. Personally, I have been locked up for about 18 months, or more, at my own volition. Most of my normal life, during these past two years, has completely passed me by. At the moment, I would say that some of my symptoms, due principally to social isolation, have replicated the symptoms typically found in patients with a brain tumor. In my opinion, it will require several years to recover from this pandemic. And, maybe, those guys who are older, will never recover. Personally, after having been locked up for so many months, my cognitive function has definitely deteriorated. These days, I just wish for more pablum. I could say lot more, however I know you would not wish to hear more. When I was very young, I read Dumas. Amazing. These days, most people don't read books. Instead, they just read advertisements. (Obviously, many on the Pub Forum read books. There are some very smart guys here. But, they only read because they are very old and about to die.) I am sure that I feel, at this moment, as if I have a brain tumor. My question is, .... Do you? Chomsky reads books. Chubby Checker never did...
  4. This is the way life should be, ideally. This is the life that most can only dream about. One can only question if all three dogs are the same breed, or not.
  5. Is Kunming in China? If so, then why would you wish to go there? Yes, you can use the T-Word to describe China.... https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/10/china-xi-jinping-totalitarian-authoritarian-debate/ Please wait until Xi retires before venturing into China. Just my humble suggestion. Funny enough, you might not know what it is like to live in a totalitarian state, other than the off chance you have read Orwell, which is not the same thing as Being There. Or, maybe you love Xi, just as Edgar Snow loved, SO MUCH, Mao. In case you are a commie, have your read the books of Edgar Snow? I have. Here is Edgar and Mao... Please enjoy. They made a great couple.
  6. Good Morning to you, also. a. You are correct. This is a wonderful land. b. I can imagine just how thankful you must feel to be back. c. Some guys, who live here, for ages and ages, somehow forget how lucky they are. d. At the moment, the weather is about 14 degrees C, in the early morning. Not especially cold, but just a bit too crisp for some. Again, Good Morning to you. You are lucky to have returned.
  7. What is it that you don't understand, my friend? Are you so NAÏVE that you still insist that your youth is eternal? Get real, my friend. Your clock is ticking. Just wait, and see.
  8. No matter what you might say... Can we please just agree on one thing: Boom boom boom, is not bad. 27 MILLION listeners can't be wrong. Bang, bang, bang, bang......
  9. Within a microsecond, compared to the age of the universe, you, too, shall become old. And then, please believe me, your skin will crawl for many reasons. Maybe, by then, you will find more understanding about your world. And, you will appreciate, more, the beauty of Thailand. Until then.... Go West, young man. West of here is India. Go to India, My Son. Enjoy.
  10. Well, if I do not yet represent the farangs who have been here for many years, and this is debatable, then, surely, someday I might. By the way, how long does it require, since one first set foot here, for one to be considered long time? Is 50+ years enough?
  11. Because, we love Thailand We do not come to Thailand for short-time, short-time, tourist quickies in the bars.. We come here because we love it. We do our best to learn the language. We try to be good guests. Life is short. Better, during this short life we lead, to spend our too-few days in Thailand. The grass is never greener, outside Thailand. Just remember what happened to Grace Kelly. She should never have left Philly. So, also remember this: When you finally find a good roost, like here, then settle down and stop your wanderlust for places imagined that, if you were to get there. would not measure up to where you are now. Thailand is the best place in the world. You are lucky to be here. Note: During the past week, the weather has been quite cold. I am not used to the cold after having lived here for many years. I just hope the weather will warm up, soon.
  12. I am sure that Hitchcock would tell you that, in your sentence case, the word, mother, should not be capitalized. Even someone like Norman would have known this. It's like this: I had a conversation with my mother. I had a conversation with Mother. Can you see the difference? Now, please go take a shower.
  13. Hendrix Beck Clapton In this order. Beck is better than Clapton. Hendrix is better than Beck. Hendrix could not only play the guitar, BUT....he actually WAS a guitar.
  14. So obviously, Clapton and Frampton enjoyed their time on stage, together, this time. Yes, it was priceless and unique. Don't thank me...just thank these two for their great performance. Priceless.
  15. Tried it. And, you are correct. Therefore, no need to do so, ever again. (Too many biting comments, as you predicted....)
  16. Maybe wait until March, would be better. No one is writing theses during the months of December and January. But, thank you for your suggestion.
  17. My alternative thought, my friend, is that 95 to 96 percent of people who post here are quite caring of others. For example, I have never experienced a negative comment directed at me which caused me any harm. In most cases, "seemingly derogatory" or cutting comments are posted, most obviously, tongue in cheek. These comments always seem both humorous and helpful to me. Also, fortunately for me, on this forum, I have, not even once, encountered a lunatic. TV is, in my opinion, a nice place. And, as you know, "decent folk" are the very ones who, sometimes, do most harm. I never take pleasure in reading the suffering of others, not even fictionally, in reading books like Les Misérables. Not even once, on this forum, have I ever been subjected to attack or ridicule. My Conclusion: TV is actually a very nice place. And, also, there is no other place like TV. Maybe, it's a matter of taste. If you have a bit of taste, then TV is for you.
  18. During the past almost 10 years I have been reading this forum, I have seen good friends come and go. You know them by their writing, even though, in some cases, their names have frequently changed. As old as we are, it is only to be expected that some of the writers here have passed beyond this world, most likely to live in the netherworld, where they will find even greater happiness, and from such a world in which they are, no doubt, still looking down upon us with a smirk. In all of TV-dom, the land of TV, the older posters of years gone by who once posted here with great humor, I would say, are like the old farm animals in Orwell's great novel, Animal Farm. Orwell, if only he had lived long enough, would have happily posted here on TV. This is just a feeling I have, yet I am sure my feeling rings true. There is no doubt that TV is the greatest forum for thinking individuals, and that the Farang Pub is at the apex of TV.
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