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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I still recall everything about her, even to this day. She was extremely NICE. I think she was very amused, as well. Thank you for asking.
  2. 50 years ago, I happened to be aboard an old ship plying its way around these waters. Very near here, close to the equator, the ship dropped anchor. It was a beautiful sight, the ocean still as glass, the sky cloudless, not a whiff of wind, and the beauty of green mountains not far off across the water, humidity and heat sky high. It was a quiet December, like the night before Christmas, nothing stirring, not even a moose. And then, what to one’s eyes did appear? Not Donner, and not Blixen, but 12 tiny boats coming our way. The First Mate showed no fear. He ordered all boats willing to board our vessel would not be repelled. And soon, the tiny boats were rubbing against our ship. The women of the boats skillfully clambered up 40 feet to our deck, and quickly overcame us. They went to the slop chest. They went to the engine room. They even went to the smokestack. All these women, young and old, on our ship, after 90 days at sea without us seeing port. Being pretty much a virgin aboard ship, myself, and a virgin in most ways, I thought these women had boarded our ship to trade trinkets and handicrafts for the food in our galley. Yet, these brazen women passed by the galley, and then one accosted me, me a child of barely 18, speaking a language I had never heard. It was all very scary. One woman pulled me toward the nearest berth, and began to attack me, outright. My heart was aflutter, and my face was red. Love, aboard ship, when it happens suddenly, is a many splendored thing. Soon, it was all over, and I was looking out my porthole to the tiny lightly-bobbing boats below. These pirates had robbed me of my innocence. How could I thank them enough?! Those were the good old days before I became celibate, thirty years later. These days, love is never free. There is always a price to be paid. Sex aboard ship, when least expected, with a woman who can climb 40 feet up the side of one’s ship, is the best sex of all. Those lithe women despoiled and spoiled me. No hard feelings. That was the best sex, of all. Things always go better in Asia. Asia is just…..Better. No wonder Chris Patten cried real tears… Right?
  3. The question is NOT how many shots of tequila can a poor woman drink. This question is uninteresting. The REAL question is how many shots of expensive Remy Martin can YOU afford to drink? Rémy Martin’s flagship Cognac, Louis XIII, is a legend in the world of spirits. How many shots can your GF down in a night? ฿168,999.00 Have at it, with your GF..... It's going to be a great night when you choose Remy Martin.
  4. Some might think that degrading oneself to this extent, selling one's body in order to lower one's rent, might be beneath them. However, trading your body for a discount on your rent is not a bad idea. I am sure that I am not the only one. Some landladies can be pretty HOT, even though they might, at first, seem either ugly, fat, or unappetising. Once you get going, this can be a very good deal. After awhile, you forget what they look like. And, you will receive many good perks. This does not mean that you are selling your body. Instead, what you are really doing is something that a psychoanalyst might do. You are healing your landlady, sexually. And, in providing this service, then you deserve a rent discount. Marvin Gaye used to do this. WAKE UP, and try it, if you want a rent discount.
  5. A refrigerator is sort of like a computer Hard Drive (HD). One can never have enough space, no matter how large it might be. As you know, anytime you move into a condo, a guesthouse, or even a large house, you immediately recognize that the refrigerator is about three sizes too small. Also, in most cases, the refrigerator the landlord provides is not frost-free. Why is this? So, anyway, when I look for a house to rent, I always seek a house with no refrigerator, and also a house with no air conditioners. This way, I can just buy my own BIG fridge, and my own very high-efficiency air conditioner units. Mostly, in most cases, when you rent a house, the refrigerator unit, and the AC units, are garbage. And so, I am just wondering...How BIG do you prefer your refrigerator? If I had my own house which I purchased myself, then I would have one of those walk-in refrigerators in which I could hang a lamb and a side of beef, plus about 40 cases of beer, and a ton of vegetables, such as squash, broccoli , brussel sprouts, as well as about 2-years supply of rice and flour, not to mention other things I would like to keep very cold. Some walk-in freezers can maintain temps down to about minus 25 degrees C. HOWEVER, if you are just renting a house, then what is the MINIMUM size refrigerator that you can accept as being adequate for your purposes? Here is my RULE OF THUMB for judging the size of my fridge: The refrigerator should be taller than you are, if you are about 182 centimeters tall. The refrigerator should have two doors. The refrigerator should be able to make ice, quickly. The refrigerator should be about 180 cm wide. The refrigerator should also be BEAUTIFUL. The problem is that when you rent a house, all they give you is this tiny pisant refrigerator that ices up too fast, and is not suitable for everyday living. Why do they do this? This just makes our lives so very much more difficult. And so, the best thing to do is to buy your own refrigerator, and negotiate a better price with your landlord to make up for the cost of buying your own machine. We all have our own brands we like. However, my favorite brand of fridge is Hitachi, and also Panasonic. But, I like Hitachi even better. === What I like to keep in my refrigerator, these days, is mostly water. But, I also sometimes keep about 30 kilograms of rice in my refrigerator. Also vegetables, by the large box. And, I always keep about 120 eggs, at low temperature, as well. During the pandemic, it is always good to have at least 30 days-worth of food in the fridge. But, in the past, I kept 60 days of meals, just in case. So, I am just wondering how large your refrigerator is. And, do you use two refrigerators, plus a large freezer? During these uncertain times, I really wish I had one of those very large freezers where I could keep meat. Of course, if the power were to fail for three days, then everything inside the freezer or refrigerator would be worthless. ============= Having a beautiful big refrigerator, at least for me, provides me with a great deal of satisfaction. No doubt you feel as do I about this.
  6. Do you prefer Monet? or Van Gogh? What is your favorite Monet asset?
  7. The battle against Smallpox has been faught and one. The discovery of anesthia means that complicated surgery is now possible. World starvation levels are low. Each year, we are increasing the number of percapita toilets around the world. Biitech is proceeding at amazing speed. So much more.
  8. Were you in Montreal around 1972? I didn't see you there. Maybe you were too busy taking a leak against a city wall in Montreal.
  9. Personally, I just love his curly hair.
  10. Are you sure? IF you die at such an early age, then will you, do you think, go the same way as Winston Churchill's father?
  11. Were you also neighbors with Harpo Marx? He once lived in an ethnic neighborhood.
  12. Do you know the meaning of the term Banana Republic?
  13. How old will I be in another 10 years? So, does it really matter?
  14. Several days ago, I used the term Pollyannaism. If you don't believe me, please search on TV.
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