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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Are you sure? Or, are they just invisible peasants? When you move to places such as Columbia, you will NOT see half of the populace, which are those who are invisible. After reading Invisible Man, everybody recognizes the invisibility of most of the people living in the places being suggested on this thread. Please, Sir, may I have one more bowl of porridge? Fortunately, Life is not everlasting. Everybody is bent upon eeking out one more day in paradise... until... Until, one fine day, the realization of our own mortality comes crashing down upon us. Anyone who has had a near-death experience fully realizes that there is no escape from our inevitable and inglorious final moment, no matter if we might travel to the wilds of Chile. The guy from Pategonia met his maker when he least expected. In my opinion, if I wanted to escape death, I would live in a tent on the pack ice, for a while, and then row my boat, in order to save my men, same as Shackleton. If you want to know where to go, then just follow the path of Shackleton.
  2. Miami Beach with falling-down apartment houses? Been there. Did that. Drug lords for neighbors, sometimes. Just recall Al Pacino with his head full of snow. Or, in Pacino's case, I think Al was snorting baby laxitive. Google it.
  3. It's not a problem here, when we do our best to plug ads which support TV. Also, most women love H&M jeans. Although, nothing wrong with USD200.00 designer jeans, form fitted, with sequens, etc.
  4. My only advice is, no matter where you might go... Please take as many pairs of women's H&M jeans as the airline will allow. All women love H&M jeans.
  5. If one is a software engineer, Belize is good. The waters are crystal clear. Very few regulations in Belize. Take your Glock. 40 millimeter. Bang Bang, I shot him down. Bang Bang. He hit the ground. Bang Bang. Or, off yourself in Spain. Life is so unpredictable once you decide to leave Thailand.
  6. Japanese women are starved for love. Please just refer to the demographics. It's like about 0.8, maybe. Although, having been celibate since before 2000, the Japanese government would not welcome me.
  7. Somewhere where all is red. Somewhere where The East is Red. Somewhere where concubines teeter-totter around on hobbled clubbed feet. The clubbed feet of yesteryear-women is like Viagra to me.
  8. You will return to TV, even from the afterlife! Such a thing as this has occurred time, and time, again. No one knows if a poster might be 6 feet under, unless the cadaver dogs provide TV with the smell test. I hope you have 35 or 53 years to go TV cannot afford to lose even one good writer. Eat more steamed brocalli, vitamin D, zinc, and Stilton cheese.
  9. However, it is only sentient beings on TV who can possibly give meaning to the construct of infinity. Are you now saying that those posting on TV are not sentient? If so, I disagree.
  10. The concept of infinity is a construct which does not apply to the real world, something which we have already discussed on this good forum. For example, if one were to look at our world, just one googolplex years from present day, then even the concept of infinity would have no meaning. And, anyway, no matter whether or not you choose to be buried, you will, most definitely, be incinerated by our Sun, sooner or later. Therefore, please do not worry too much about what happens in the near term.
  11. Important Consideration: After preparation for dissection, one's physiognomy is completely and radically transformed in a way that would be unrecognizable to you or your closest relatives. Therefore, in case you might be concerned that the dissection would be taking place on "you", this is actually not the case. Also, somehow, it provides me with a modicum of comfort to know that young med students will be looking deep inside me, after I have gone.
  12. ME TOO! I mean...I do not care much about myself... But, you are a nicer person than I, and you deserve to live longer.......
  13. One needs to go a long way back in history to truly comprehend the impact of Buddy Rich. I would say.... 1970 or before. Back then, Buddy Rich was legend. That was when cool, also, had a different meaning.
  14. If one wishes to be truly happy in Thailand, then making a commitment, such as knowing where your body will lie, in one of the many provinces available, is one's most important step to bliss. However, if anyone might be amenable to it, then giving one's corpse to a research center in Thailand, or teaching institution, might be the best thing one could do. I mean, there is a dearth of good bodies lying around here, bodies suitable for teaching purposes. Next week, I will do a bit of research in order to learn how I can sign up for this. Time flies. Before I know it, I will be back at university.
  15. BUT, what is the best guitar for country? What strings do you prefer, I meant?
  16. I might imagine that you might think this post is sort of tongue in cheek. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because, it will do my heart good to know that my body lies, fully embalmed, providing med students with some delight, after my delightful days have ended. There is always a beginning and an ending. Sooner than later, we must all reach the end of the road. And then, what is one to do with one's remains? We should all make good use of them, I think.
  17. Also, it costs money to fly bodies into Thailand for research purposes. Surely I will sign up this week to do this. Obviously, this will be my final good gesture. Take care, and don't give up your corpse sooner than you must. Regards, Gamma
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