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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. And then...I think.... IF Vivaldi were to be played in every Tambon, maybe.....heads might explode.... Like this...
  2. Sometimes, while dreaming about things that might have been, or what should have happened, I wonder much about what might happen if, in every Tambon, instead of other music, Vivaldi started the day here, Every Day: And then...I think....
  3. I mean, Vivaldi is OK. Vivaldi is only second to JS Bach, and Vivaldi was born before JS Bach... But, is there any significance in this yellow gown.....or....NOT? Who cares about the color of the gown, when one tries to play Vivaldi, and never achieves even half of what Vivaldi intended. But, anyone's interpretation might be considered as good as the next. Since, Vivaldi died too young, before the age of electronic recording of music. Such a pity. All we have left is the dregs of written music. We can only interpret what we, nor anyone, never witnessed. In a court of law, these days, we realize that testimony from eyewitnesses carries no weight. Vivaldi is second, only, to JS Bach, a man I knew well, and still know, to this day. Hope it is the same for you.
  4. aa. Jack Nicholson was a Bad A.s in the film "The Last Detail" bb. And, we know that colors are important here cc. And, what about this color?.....
  5. My Five Easy Pieces, sung by Jack Nicholson....(Maybe you know about playing piano pieces to please your father...)
  6. Certainly, the Meaning of Life, if not lower life, is to pass on our genes, indubitably. However, the higher meaning of life is to pass on our genes in a more refined way, and, perhaps, to refrain from passing on our genetic material in the bars of Pattaya, if one can possibly avoid doing so, one might guess.
  7. Do I have a book for you.....! "The Power of One" This book is about a young boy named Peekay who throughout his life has to fight adversity as well as persevere through hardships. I enjoyed this book, many years ago! And, I enclose the title of this book, here...in quotation marks, as recommended by someone else, here, on this thread. Read it. I have no doubt that you will enjoy it. Or, not. No harm done.
  8. Are you calling me a limp Yankee Noodle Dandy? This has become our insult of pride! Of course, we all enjoy barbs and arrows, and word games, here, for sure. Otherwise, why would we keep coming back to this great place???
  9. You seem to be repeating the old refrain from one of the most memorable characters in Joseph Heller's Catch-22 novel. Anyway, there is very much in Heller's novel which might be applicable to what goes on in these southern climes. Maybe, if one wishes to remain healthier and happier, then one should just follow the path of moral rectitude, and refrain from engaging in acts which cannot lead to your final uplifting ending. Joseph Heller wrote an amazing satirical novel which influenced young thinking people, all around our shrinking (shanking) world. Greatest author of the 1970s. Still valid, these days. For youngsters: Read it and enjoy it, because...you will never forget it.
  10. My Dearest and Endearing Friends, Here I am, like you, faced with the unmentionable thing some call old age, and facing eventual loss of everything one worked so hard to accumulate during recent decades, all the good times we spent during our callow youth. So, how goes it with you? Are you presently experiencing a state in which you find yourself continuing to accumulate wisdom while losing your quickness, not to mention the loss of your hardness? How is your Seventh Decade treating you, in Thailand? Are the women still just after you, and are your loins still loiny enough for their liking? How goes it with you in the mental department, which is connected to your joint department, which is connected to your heart department, all three of which, being connected to your vascular department? Once one gets beyond a certain age, which is actually not a set age, one begins to ponder what seemed unthinkable when one was both 17 and randy. So then what? Looking back now, would one be willing to give up this hard-accumulated wisdom just for a return to the stupidity of rampant and randomly-directed randyness, the wastefulness of sowing oats around the world, in any given port of call? Would I give up my mind, today, just to enjoy mindless sessions of in-and-outs with the comeliest of young thingies, day after day, until I lost my mind, also, as a result of this, for no specific intellectual benefit? So, therefore, what I think might be the better choice, since there truly is no other choice left open to the likes of those how have reached the Seventh Decade, as a result of no fault of their own, is just to go with the flow, and make the best of it, and do no harm, while, also, maybe trying to do some good before kicking off to another planet, such as Saturn, something Kurt Vonnegut fondly wrote about doing himself. Somehow, maybe, we need to continue to find meaning in life. The best way to find meaning is to use what little wisdom we have accumulated in order to justify our own existence during this period of our own ongoing and increasing decrepitude. We NEED to remain full of optimism and gladness, for sure, if we are to continue on, like the good soldiers we are. Although we never asked to be born, for sure, still, here we are. And, like the Good Soldier Svejk, we must maintain a certain decorum and sense of humor during our remaining years, I think. What do you think? I love the trilogy, Good Soldier Svejk, because he has always spoken to me. Thank you Hasek for your great job telling a much-needed account of what it means to be a good soldier in this life, in Thailand, and in all other countries around our shrinking world. Fondest regards, Globulin
  11. On the Plus Side: Creativity, such as this, just proves that Homo sapiens are the most intelligent species, so far, on this planet. In the future, we will continue to evolve. Most of us never even thought about stealing road signs, one might guess. Also, sad, in a way, that we are using our intelligence for this baser purpose.
  12. When you say, "many years", how many years do you think would be "many years"? Yeah, Dude, young guys like you seem to have no real conception of TIME. And, no conception of Father Time, nor no conception of the Grim Reaper, which is bearing down on young people just as is the case with old people. Sometimes, it freaks me out that young people no longer read books. And that, young people like you, who address people as DUDE, are just so...... ....what is the word?
  13. After 9 years, here in Thailand, I had never heard of Sangsom, which, after googling, turns out to be a Thailand rum spirit. Is it good? Can it beat The Real McCoy? I do not drink spirits. When I was young, I once had some Wild Turkey, 101. Probably, the only thing better than LEO is something like Remy Martin, and the most expensive of Remy is definitely worth paying the extra price. I just wish that I could be afforded a Remy Ration, just as the sailors in the British fleet, back in the day, once had a daily rum ration, for free. Probably, and in my opinion, cognac is the most beautifully smelling drink. And, for this, you need a snifter, same as with Coke. I never tried coke, though, years ago, drank much Coke, a habit I stopped years ago, after Coke Light became Coke Zero, and then refused to take the sugar out of coke in Central and South America, due to the diabetes issues, etc. Still.... There is nothing wrong with a snifter of very expensive cognac. This is the delight of the gods. It's strange, because, after reading so many books in my life, and being so old, now. it has turned out that I have lived my life mostly through books. One other important observation, though, is that: When the Grim Reaper comes for me, I will be able to look him in the eye.
  14. Rather than bragging about what I did, I would prefer to mention what I did NOT do. My mother wanted me to become a proctologist, after studying medicine. Instead, I studied human behavior, and resultantly became completely disillusioned with my findings. Consequently, these days, I am spending my days working on ways to create a pill which, when consumed with one's meal, will turn one's waste into nothing more harmful than Swiss Chocolate.
  15. My Dear Friends, Most guys, one might imagine, imagine coming to Thailand for the purpose of sampling sugar plums, one after the next, and almost for free, or at least, this seems to be their ultimate goal. They seek candy they cannot find in countries they come from. Maybe they think that women they once knew were too hard, or to dried up, or just not like the low-hanging exotic fruit they saw painted by Paul Gauguin. And, they imagine, wrongly, that they will be able to easily pluck this fruit, without paying a cost. Little do they know that there is always a cost, and that this cost might turn out to be more than they can pay. Their Prime Directive in coming to Thailand is to find suppleness which might bend to their will, young things willing to give them endless massages, and just love them to death, something which, unfortunately, occasionally happens, indeed. But this is only the case of most guys. I cannot speak for others’ motivations. All that I can tell you is that I came here because Conrad told me to come, at age 13, and for no other reason. Speaking of the heart of darkness, or even a total apocalypse, you can probably find your sorrow in the bars of Pattaya, as I have recently learned from listening to one of my favorite YouTubers, one who reads interesting stories about Crash and Burn accounts sent to him from regretful souls, those who finally learned a good lesson the hard way. I just wish to mention that this YouTuber seems to put out some interesting content, just a bit more meaty than most YouTubers in Thailand. Well, anyway, this YouTuber is no spring chicken. And, I doff my cap to this guy, for working very hard in order to put out some content which is somewhat riveting, at times. His Crash and Burn stories that he reads are ultimately entertaining, because, these stories ring so true. You know, since first coming to Thailand, I have never set foot, nor toe, in a Thailand bar. And, neither have I had a massage of any sort. For me, the pain of it is not worth it. What I prefer, instead, is to rely on my memories for stimulation and entertainment. Of course, Conrad is an amazing author. And, as you know, reading Conrad can only be done when one is 13, or 14. I mean, one cannot read Conrad after this age, simply because so much is lost in the translation, especially the true impact of Conrad’s stories. So, anyway, how much low-hanging fruit are you enjoying these days? And, is the low-hanging fruit measuring up to your expectations, or not? I know that most of you are interested. Best to you, Glob Note: Be wary of the heart of darkness that some will encounter when they seek what should not be sought. My best advice: Take care.
  16. Actually, I did read your post about vagaries and dangers involved with mindlessly relying on GPS, which you posted weeks ago, as I recall. Also, TV, not to mean TV in Thailand, this forum, has been a unifying force, during the past 70 years, ensuring that we are all equally dumbed down, in 2022. At least, we, in the same country, are speaking with the same accent. Singaporeans do not speak English, however, as you may or may not agree. They speak a polyglottish English, instead. ====== At least, you have not yet lost your touch. However, back in the day, you could have easily trumped this post of yours, I dare say.
  17. Did you say unwaxed? Hope you did not mean that she was subservient to you, though. Just wondering, however, if she understands Newspeak. In the end, anyone who hooks up with a Thai GF who loves to read, is so very much blessed by his/her GF who appreciates this pastime.
  18. Sorry: What I meant to say is that... The UK is and always was a place from whence all great English flows, only to become corrupted in the former colonies, such as America, Singapore, British Malaya, and Australia, not to mention New Zealand and so many other colonies. These days, almost everyone around the world is getting on the English bandwagon, just hoping they will be able to speak with the lilt and erudition of Oxford grads, if only they find the right tutor. Some places, such as Singapore, are instead satisfied to increase their mishmash of what was formerly known as English. So, the question might be: Will English become, in the future, no longer one language, but several English languages, each rendition of English mutually unintelligible to speakers of the other form of English? The answer is definitely, YES. This is already happening. So, if you are seeking Golden Years, then I hope you will not spend your time in a land, or former colony, where you find it annoying and difficult to understand the English spoken in such circumstances. From my perspective, I find it difficult to understand the form of English spoken in India, and also Singapore, and some other thankful colonies. Maybe you might try places like Bermuda, for example. Far better, I would say, is to just give up on relying on using English for everyday communications in your new chosen land. Instead, for example, just learn Thai. And then, you can write letters home to speak with former friends who have a respectably high command of what we know to be English. Don't compromise your English standards.
  19. In this case, I would choose to say, "Words are among our greatest means of of communication". However, either among or amongst will definitely do. Same with while and whilst, we are perfectly justified in using either one. Language is ever evolving, and if this were not so we could not speak about our present world, and make our meaning clear.
  20. I have never paid for sex. Still, I doubt that not having paid for sex necessarily qualifies me as a Real Man. Also, we need to be meticulous when speaking about "real" men or women, wouldn't you say? Sometimes, while walking on the wild side, what seems to be a real woman might turn out to be a Real man. Of course, I know what you mean.... Which is...paying for sex helps nobody, be they real or not. Paying for sex, or buying sex, is like buying sand if one lives in the dessert. Sand and sex is always around, and paying for it leads to loose morals.
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