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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. So, then, what editor do you use, usually? How many paid editors do you have working for you? How much do you pay per hour? I will edit your Topics, for a price....if the price is right, Sir.....
  2. Dear Folks, A few years ago, I occasionally edited my posts and Topics on TV. But... I do not do this any longer. Here is why: It spoils the MOOD. When one edits one's topics, the MOOD gets spoiled in the editing. This is why I just free-flow my Topics, and then just hope for the best. In most cases, it all comes out OK, in the wash. You know, Hendrix was a proponent of Free-Flag Flying, in almost all cases. Too much editing, always spoils the MOOD.... Do you agree? Normally, what I do, anytime I feel a Topic coming on.... Is just to post it, first.... And then, maybe make a few corrections to typos. This always works for me. So, is this your strategy, too, for posting on TV? I bet that STONER has never edited a Topic in his life. Come to think of it.... Has STONER ever even posted a Topic? He mostly just likes to provide good insight concerning others' Topics, which I, for one.... APPRECIATE! Without good readers like STONER, then where would we writers be, anyway? I LOVE TV. TV is the ONLY Forum in Thailand which makes any sense to me. I will always be reading TV, as long as I am alive. Even if I were to leave Thailand for Japan, or American Samoa, which I hope I never do.... Then I would still be reading TV, and wishing I were back where I belong.....which is....of course..... On this Great Forum. Just saying.... TV is still the best, no matter how many times ownership might change, and.... I can feel a new ownership coming on.... Best regards, Gamma Note: I can feel it coming on.... Note2: So, when I say, "I can feel it coming on", what great tune immediately comes to mind? I will post the tune, later, maybe.... Note3: That's Right.... I can feel it coming on.......! My best buddy.
  3. You need a hyphen in this title, maybe. Do you read really-old forum posts? Am I right? This is only logical, maybe.
  4. I would not agree. Most of my readership that loves me are silent. They rarely post comments. And, so, I write here, mostly, for the silent majority on TV.
  5. At the very least, I think that you must admit...that.... My posts here on TV provide you with an opportunity for some welcome CATHARSIS: By this I mean that I never fight back, or rarely. Therefore, please feel free to denigrate and castigate me, at your pleasure. For sure, I will read and enjoy your comments. You can trust me on this. Take care, Man! I love you, as a brother! Note: Many decades ago, I learned this technique from my psychoanalyst. If you don't know what I am talking about here, then please just ask JT. He knows; I know.
  6. Concerning the false rumor of Chomsky's death.... When I first say this rumor on the internet.... It was a real shock to me. Chomsky has always seemed to be some sort of moral compass for so many, and for me. Whether to the right or left of him, still Nim Chimpsky has meant a great deal to millions around the world. I really hope that Noam lives another ten years, or more, to the age of 105. Probably many of you don't like him much. Probably many of you love him, too. I can only say that I hope he lives another decade. My sincere wishes to Chomsky for many more years. I want to hear from him, again, soon..... I enjoy, very much, listening to what he has to say. He's a Philly lad, after all....
  7. Your comments are improving.... And, I am enjoying them, even more, the more I try to understand them....
  8. Dear Folks, aa. Why am I so handsome? Was I just born this way? bb. How handsome are you? (On a scale of One to Ten) cc. Handsome men always have it better in life. And, therefore, I hope you are almost as handsome as I. dd. Anyone here who wishes to upload their handsome puss, for all to see....then please feel free.....! Do you even dare to do so on TV? ee. I would upload my puss, if I were not worried that it might be so handsome...that....it might.... Break TV. ff. So, then....just how handsome are you? gg. Do you need a Nose-Job, for example? Best regards, Gamma Note: Thank the gods for TV! Because, if it were not for TV, then I might be Six-feet Under, by now..... Thank the gods for TV. Guys here in Thailand, should be GRATEFUL! I do not care about anyone OUTSIDE Thailand.....! Note2: Wow....! I just hit 9.5K. Can't believe it, really. It's taken me a LOOOONG time to get this far.....believe me! Thanks guys, for all your support!!!!! Note3: In fact....it's making all my windows fog up, with condensation, and EMOTION, as I speak; I am just so very touched by my readership.....you would not believe....! Have a Good One !!!!!
  9. You can be the THIRD, IMHO.... But, I would not wish to lose you from this glorious forum by having you repeat this stunt.... I care THAT much about you, Stoner! You are NOT half-bad....IMHO.
  10. Yes, but, as far as I know, this does not involve just verbs. Chomsky is not speaking of something as superficial at verb tenses, or grammar in the way grammar is commonly perceived. It's deeper than that, as I guess you know. https://www.structural-learning.com/post/chomskys-theory#:~:text=Chomsky's Universal Grammar theory suggests,innate grammatical structures and rules. It's about an evolved internal language learning ability, and not necessarily about spoken language. But, as I stated just now, I am sure that you already know this, from your comment. I am not debating this issue here, and only commenting about one aspect. I am not saying that language evolved first through an "internal" conversation before spoken language became possible, as I think Chomsky proposes. Still, it remains an interesting question concerning how human language ability evolved. Not debating various theories here. And, I am not sure that I would agree with Chomsky's beliefs in this. Anyway, there is probably no way to prove one theory to be more valid than another.... Interesting to think about, though.
  11. When he talks of an underlying grammar, he does not mean the grammatical constructions particular to any given language such as Thai, or Japanese, English or Russian, of course. He is talking about a different underlying grammar that is not learned but common to all human language....
  12. So then. Why do you think I have been celibate for the past many years? Most girls are unable to fully appreciate 18-degree sleeping weather. Why doctors say 18 degrees is the best for sleeping, I really cannot say. However, for sure, for writing on TV, 20 degrees C seems best for me.
  13. The condensation here begins 3 hours before sundown, and lasts until a few hours after sunrise. Note: I try to get my rooms down to about 18 degrees C, or lower, before I go to sleep. I am following my doctor's orders, in this case. Note2: In truth, too few of us take the trouble to lower the ambient temperature in our bedroom, before we go to sleep. And then, for some strange reason, we wonder why we sometimes do not sleep well. Note3: I have many Chinese friends. And, one of my Chinese friends has told me that when he is willing to spend the money to lower his bedroom temperature to 18 or below, then he sleeps wonderfully, just as he once did before he left the mountains in the province of Sichuan. Ever since he mentioned this to me, I have tried to keep my bedroom temp at about 19 degrees C. However, I plan to go even lower in the near future!
  14. Concerning Choice of Ambient Temps in my rooms: We must follow this good advice.... I follow this advice.... To the letter! NOTE: I have found that 20 degrees C most suits my intellectual work. And, I assume it's the same for you.
  15. Right. If I installed windscreen wipers on the windows and glass doors of my house....then..... My neighbors would ask me to leave.
  16. My rooms are COLDER than outside, by MANY degrees.... Hence, the condensation on the outside of the glass in every room, obviously.
  17. No. Not small. I have 3 ACs. Total BTU cooling.... 70,000 BTU at max. I do not care whether or not you have ever heard of anything....actually. I just posted a photo of one of my windows. Hopefully, you can believe your eyes. (Sorry. Seems that the photo I uploaded no longer exists. I will try to post again. Not my fault, though....) Here is the image.. Can you see this?
  18. No. I would rather hire a Punkah Wallah from India, .... Thank you.
  19. You mean the evaporator unit fan? Well, I am referring to the compressor unit fan. And, I have no time to turn on and turn off either the compressor or the evaporator fans just to reduce noise from a defective fan. I will report more later.....when.....I have more info from the company. Tks.
  20. OUTSIDE....of course! Humidity inside is very low, approx 50 percent. Temperature inside is 22 degrees, or lower. Humidity outside is high. Temperature outside is high...of course...since this IS Thailand, as you know. Note: Photo image attached in the OP was captured this morning from one of my windows. All windows/glass-doors look about the same.
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