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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Right On!, Man! Now you understand me, finally, it seems. Took you a bit of time, it seems..... White-collar conservatives..... F them ALL! They don't dress like me. I'm a preppy Dig..... (Any good ideas about which tablet can replace an expensive smartphone? Do tell.....) Wave on... Wave on.... And, castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually..... ====== https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-android-tablet/ I will not buy another smartphone in my lifetime.
  2. That was one tune that struck a nerve, for sure.....
  3. OK. Since first beginning this TOPIC just a few hours ago, I have come to the conclusion that I should never give in, and I should never give in and buy a new OVERPRICED smartphone. Instead, I will consider replacing my smartphone with a cheaper and more powerful tablet. I will buy a tablet that is able to use more RAM, and which has a larger screen. I have no need to carry something in my pocket, and so I do not need something super-small. IF you also have the same idea, then this video might be of interest to you: aa. This guy is a TRUE GEEK bb. Also, this guy has the same idea as I. (No worries. He is using Android Marshmallow 6.0. But, he still has the correct concept of getting rid of smartphones, and using tablets, instead.) cc. I love this guy! Great video. IF I can finally free myself of the SMARTPHONE ADDICTION, and use small tablet computers, instead, then this will solve two issues. 1. I hate to overpay for anything. So, I think that tablet computers must have lower profit margin for lousy companies such as Samsung and Apple. 2. I think I might be able to get far more power, in terms of RAM and Storage and CPU, compared to the smartphone,.....IF....I am willing to settle for a LARGER package. ALSO...... I almost never need to have my mobile device in my Brooks Brothers shirt pocket, these days......! I do NOT care that much about.... SMALL and THIN I only care about POWER, and.... Screen Size. So, I am thinking about replacing my phone with a TABLET computer that I can easily carry in a shoulder bag. And, in fact, I use a German shoulder bag to carry my Note4, anyway! I really like the VAUDE quality of bags. Especially, I like the Vaude courier bags..... ======== So, anyway, in case you might want to know: I am thinking about getting rid of my tiny smartphones....FOR GOOD. Instead, I will buy a powerful small tablet computer. And, when I need to be very mobile, then I will just carry it in my Vaude Messenger bag. I know that this will probably work great for me. Just my suggestion to you, too. What do you think? Can we finally get this SMARTPHONE Monkey-addiction off our backs....IF.... Everyone will do as I intend to do? And, what might be the best tablet replacement for the S23 Ultra? (In terms of CPU power and RAM and Storage) Let me know, please. This just might get interesting, both for me, and for many others, I think.... Regards, Gamma
  4. You know..... The more that I look at the Samsung ads for new phones..... The more DISGUSTED I become. I think I will not buy a new phone, this year. F Them! I will repair my Note4. F Them!
  5. OK. This is not a JOKE post. I really need a new phone, after over ten years of using my Note4. I want something like this..... But, Amazon will not ship to my location here in Thailand..... No idea why! I will ONLY buy NEW, and no used or refurbished phones. This will be the LAST phone I will ever buy in my life, for sure. Any thoughts? How to buy one here for the lowest price? Tks! NOTE: https://www.phonearena.com/reviews/samsung-galaxy-s23-plus-review_id5605 Or..... I would rather buy this one: But.... WHY Can't Amazon ship to me in Thailand???? Such a crazy state of affairs, I think!
  6. Yes. Randy Newman is truly a genius, and one of a kind. Nobody appreciates him.....enough.
  7. You are never subtle, Sir. I am amazed that this word, subtle, is even part of your lexicon. Wonders never cease, obviously.....
  8. aa. First.... I hope you're feeling better.... bb. Any reasonable and helpful suggestions, please post them. I do not have a lot of money to waste on paying to Samsung. I like Samsung phones and Samsung memory. But, I am not a billionaire, either. I need to buy at the absolute minimum cost, and still get what I need to survive in this techno world. So. Thank you.
  9. Dear Folks, What with Trump, and such, one wonders if most Americans actually DO feel like this.... Are you one of my fellow-Americans who feel just as do I? Anyone who does not like Americans......? Let's SURPRISE them.......! Best regards, Gamma Note: BOOM goes London! Note2: They all hate us, anyhow......
  10. Hi Folks, I need a replacement for my NOTE4, after over 10-years of use. I want something AS GOOD AS the Note4 I purchased MANY years ago (and by that I mean....as good as the Note4 was ten years ago). I need a LOT of RAM (12 GB). I need only about half a TByte of storage. I MUST have a Samsung phone. So, then, where in Thailand can I get the BEST DEAL? I am a Dtac customer. I love Dtac service. I will NEVER change from Dtac service. I don't want to pay out the cost of the phone, all in one lump sum. I want to pay for the phone, by the month, as I pay my Dtac bill. But, also, I am not one to make many calls. I rarely even use the internet on my phone. Therefore..... Any good suggestions? Best regards, Gamma Note: a. I make very few phone calls per month. b. I almost NEVER use the internet on my phone. Tks, again! Any good thoughts would be much appreciated. ========== I have been thinking of buying from AMAZON USA, for example. But, not sure if this might be the right decision.
  11. One thing I learned about Chimps, many years ago, while at university: Chimps can be very vindictive, and they never forget any slight, no matter how slight. I have never beat a chimp, because, beating a chimp, when young, can cause dire results, when the chimp reaches adulthood. Here is a case in point: Fortunately, such a thing as this has not yet happened to me, on TV. I am so thankful! Chimps can be VINDICTIVE.... Please believe me!
  12. It is bad. It is not normal. That does not mean that some idiot tech guy in these parts might SAY that it is normal and then walk out after two minutes without checking ANYTHING.
  13. Even just the thought of viruses and ransomware gives me the creeps. I would never get so close to them as to work for a company where I must also talk about them everyday.
  14. Even just the thought of viruses and ransomware gives me the creeps. I would never get so close to them as to work for a company where I must also talk about them everyday.
  15. Now you sound even less like a true Stoner, and far more like some hippie of yore. But, I never saw you on Haight Street, back in the day, when Haight Street had real hippies hanging out there.
  16. Also, in fact..... CHIMPS can become even SMARTER than Human Children: We always knew it! All they need is LOVE...... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1133515/Baby-chimps-smarter-human-child--need-love-say-researchers.html All we need is LOVE.... And, both we and chimps can become smarter. LOVE is the ANSWER to almost any problem.
  17. Just linking some random music video does not make you a bonafide STONER! So far, you have, in no way, proved that you are able to live up to your Profile Name. I would say that just smoking hemp never makes one a REAL Stoner. And, you know what I'm talking about..... You gotta spill some wine, etc., .... You gotta dream you are in a Hollywood Movie, for one..... You are just a pretender..... ============ If you think you are a STONER..... NO! No way. ==================== Can you understand???? You are NO Stoner, IMHO.... Not while Eric exists in my memory. How can you even BE a Stoner, after the fact!? You are three or four decades too LATE, IN FACT!
  18. You're not there YET....Stoner. You are just a pretender to the Stoner Throne.... You lack .....what? A bit of Creativity, I would say..... You are NOT a real Stoner, IMHO..... The Durango '95 purred away a real horrowshow..... IMHO, if you really want to be a STONER, then you gots to be like a man of Burgess's stature.... So solly.... You are only a pretender, Stoner, comparatively.... Keep on trying, though.... (And, you need to try a LOT harder to impress us before we might consider you a Stoner. Just a name on your profile in TV does NOT make you, anyway near, a true Stoner.... And....THIS....is the truth, my friend.)
  19. Wow, Man.... I am beginning to think that you....are.... What we once called..... A real stoner.... Although, I don't think you will ever be able to compete with Dennis Hopper.... No matter how hard you try. Hopper was far more a stoner than you will ever be.....
  20. If you have two buckets that each hold five gallons.... And five buckets that each hold two gallons.... And one large bucket that holds four gallons.... Then..... How long could you live on the Mohave Desert, without water replenishment from outside sources?
  21. BUT.... Can a simple chimp comprehend simple but priceless humor such as this? Tall girl. Short man. Shorter mic. I guess not. Leave it to the humans, for this.....! Uriah Heep, she is not. She is taller. How tall? Seven Feet, maybe....
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