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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Or, maybe time to re-watch the Nixon-Kennedy debate that lost Nixon the election? Either one of these guys could have out-debated Biden, and Trump, no matter how many debates were held. Biden can return to debate Trump, once more, if he wishes. But, nobody will forget his first debate with Trump this year. It will be one for the history books. No recovery for Biden, and so what is the point of another debate which will only add undue stress to a VERY Old Man.... We can do without such cruelty.
  2. Actually, YES, I would rather see Hillary up there, taking the lumps. In fact, I feel both some sympathy and empathy for Old Joe. And, I feel none for Hillary. Therefore, far better it were She than He! I felt a bit sad for Old Joe while watching the debate.
  3. Just a question: Who are these two guys, in this video talking about K. Harris and Biden. who make more sense than anything I have seen on AMERICAN Television? Is it just me, or do they actually make sense without appealing to emotion?
  4. Wouldn't that, option 2, require an amendment? And, is there enough time for that?
  5. Yes. You are correct. But, most of us, I think, have not even been paying attention.
  6. I bet you are correct. So then, what does this mean? Obviously, to me at least, this means TRUMP in 2024. This seems the most probable outcome. And, I am for none of those running in 2024.
  7. However, if, even given the unlikely chance, Biden were now re-elected to the second term as Prez, then died soon after, which is NOT unlikely, then we would be faced with The Word-salad Woman for four years as president. One shudders at the prospect....probably.
  8. Actually.....He COULD, I think. But, there are many who may not agree with me.
  9. Nice one, Bro! You actually watched this very humorous, yet accurate, analysis. Now, my question is: Is there any way for the US to postpone the presidential election until Nov 2025? Install an interim government. And then re-think both presidential candidates? Too bad we do not have a viable third party, also!
  10. Dear Folks, What would you do if, through a weird chain of events, K. Harris became Prez? Also, here is a nice video, from a true Geek, explaining K. Harris's penchant for speaking in Word Salads. Quite amusing, especially the day after the first Biden Trump debate. Could she become Prez? What would you do if she did? Regards, Gamma
  11. Your prediction is actually not unlikely. He does not look well, at all. Guys with egos big enough to run for prez of the United States are a very strange breed. Reality is foreign to them.
  12. One shudders to think what Biden will look like in 4.5 years! Or, no need to consider 4.5 years from today, actually. What will he look like walking to the voting booth this November, five months from now. Will he even be able to find the voting booth, much less have the strength to pull a lever?
  13. Asking Biden to continue in the presidential race is nothing short of "ELDER ABUSE"! This is so true. Elder abuse, in the US, is illegal! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/29/new-york-times-first-us-paper-urging-joe-biden-to-drop-out-of-presidential-race
  14. Not that I have noticed. However, you are free to presume anything, I assume.
  15. Liars, historically, have made the very BEST US Presidents! It's the ABILITY to lie that most qualifies them for the job, in fact!
  16. BOTH Trump and Biden are completely mad. How can anyone not yet see this. They are mad as hatters, BOTH.
  17. Yes. Biden will Be Back No doubt. Just too hard to teach an old fool new tricks. The guy is already in complete delusion about what a fool he looks like to others. Trump is exactly the same. They are two peas in a pod, now. Biden has become a Raging Bull. Same as that nitwit, De Niro. Talk about symptoms of Senility! Biden and Trump are now becoming classic cases. Nobody in power will tell these two to... GET LOST! The US Gov is completely out of control, now. Psychosis is RAMPANT in DC! There is no hope of any prevailing sanity!
  18. Until the end? Until the end of what? Until the end of time? Prepositions are just so important, it seems.....
  19. Your wish will go unanswered..... At least, for now. Maybe later.
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