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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. I bought a Toyota Cross hybrid. Actually I would have purchased the all gas model but it only came in the base model. I previously purchased in the USA a Lexus hybrid. It was $10,000 more expensive, got no better mileage and was worth less than the gas model upon resale due to people concerned over the life of the battery. Suprise. Technology with hybrids has improved. I get 18 to 19 km per liter and the shift from gas to electric and back is absolutely imperceptible.
  2. No Jingthing, I just don't find who someone chooses to share their genitals with to be particularly entertaining, fascinating, or worth social comment. Obviously you disagree. 47 posts on this article alone. That is 5 times the person with the second number of posts. As I have repeatedly said, I find it very bizzare that for some reason LGTBQ are predisposed to wanting to share their regale in their lifestyle. You see we heterosexuals do not suffer from that mental malady that thinks that others care about our sexual habits. As to my comment about the marketing outreach, I did so based purely on the economics of the idea. If you spend millions in a special effort to attract LGTBQ from purely an economic standpoint did you get a good return on your investment. I suggest the equal amount of money spent to attract a much larger segment of the population makes more marketing sense. Your comment that nothing special is being offered is naive. As said, you don't see similar marketing focuses to other groups based purely on their sexual orientation. Your comment that somehow Puerta Vallarta is popular because it is a popular destination of gays is also a joke. Do you know the difference between correlation and causation. Puerto Vallarta has been a popular tourist destination for decades. It has margaritas and senoritas. Turning your argument around perhaps Puerto Vallarta is not at all popular because of the gay lifestyle but in spite of it. One only has to look at Target and Budweiser to see that being "woke" comes with peril that you alienate the large customer base. As I have repeatedly said, your constant posts on this singular subject suggest that it is not you who is trying to covince others of the LGTBQ lifestyle but rather convince yourself because you obviously are seeking public affirmation of it. A peson confidant in their decisions and lifestyle does not need others to validate it for them.
  3. You still miss the point. You only have a limited amount of money to spend to market. A smart person focuses that on the target market that will have the greatest value. Sure you welcome all customers. However money spent to attract LGTBQ is money not spent to attract wealthy from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Japan, and Kuwait to name a few. PS there are more of them than LGTBQ, they have more money per capita, and they are geographically close. Also concentrated unlike the 7% of the LGTBQ community that is spread across the globe. Note what happened to Budweiser when it focused mypopically with Dylan Mulvaney. Did it increase sales. Hardly, it alienated others. I can tell you I was on one of those cruises that you spoke about. Each day we had a circular stuffed with the events of the day focused on LGTBQ. Each day there was a flag raising ceramony to raise the pride flag. Each day each entertainer started and interjected their performance special recognition to the LGTBQ community. Each day there was a special pool party just for the LGTBQ. Had the cruise line did the exact same thing but focused exclusively on being straight. They would be criticised. Candidly I would find them equally wrong. On a ship with upwards of 2,500 passengers those special activities were attended by at best 50 passengers. So was the marketing effort and thousands of dollars expended to be woke financially worth it. You take no action that will cause you to alienate a customer, tourist, or a potential customer or tourist. When you show favoritism to one based soley on their sexual preference you are treading on dangerous territory. Yes you welcome all irrespective of race, religion, political affiliation, or sexual orientation. But when you treat one of those markedly different strictly to be "woke" that is wrong. If I was running a resort and wanted its customer base to be predominately LGTBQ, then the marketing should be focused on them. If I wanted the resort to be predominately asean oriented I would market predominatly to Asean countries. One needs to just look at places like Atlantic City that focused on only gamblers and the unintended consequences that came with that. Thailand is already attempting to change its image to a more family and less sexually oriented tourist destination. I hardly think that any marketing effort that is focused strictly based on sex will further that goal.
  4. You are absolutely correct. I am 100% certain that no one on earth cares about my sexual preference, or behavior. I have no delusions about that. Why a huge proportion of the LGTB community think that the rest of the world cares about theirs is a mystery. It must be part of the mental disparity that leads them in that direction. I have the opinion that the public declaration is a "need" for affirmation about a lifestyle they are not not to convince others is fine, but to remove their personal doubts by seeking public approval. The constant need to inject someone's sexual orientation, is no different than the constant interjection of someones race into the conversation. Irellevant
  5. I did not say that. You were the one who said that it was about "identity" Today the politically correct term is called "identity" Years ago the same actions was called by its correct term. Make Believe If this was a natural phenomena it would also be true througout the animal kingdom. However natural selection took over and things didn't work out very well for the fish to self identified as a sheep and went ashore.
  6. You are entitled to your own opinion. Not your own facts. I may "identify" as a Greek God but that does not make me one. As to this notion of acquiesing to those who "identify" as something other than they are biologically, I adhere to the same practice as I do to talking to the invisable friends of those that are schizopherenic. I choose not further their delusion,
  7. Now there is nothing wrong with trying to attract a population segment. However my degree was not in Marketing but rather Business Administration. Business majors were always taught that it was most profitable to have a target market that was large. At best the LGTB community represents 7% of the population. Wouldn't it make more sense to target the 93% rather than a very decided minority population. In addition, lets say you don't target based on sexual orientation but rather another factor perhaps gambling. If your country is suddenly comprised of a large population of gamblers it will dramatically change the characteristics of the country. I know Pattaya in particular has tried to shift ithe attractiveness of the city away from being just a bar with bar girl image to something more attractive to a larger segment of the population. I can't say that I would find the transition to a city/country that similarly was sexually oriented could be done without impacting its attractiveness the the other 93% of the population.
  8. Let see, you can't mail anything with a battery in it and no you can't pack lithium powered AA batteries in your luggage or bring too large a power bank on board the plane. However, lets push for electric cars with batteries weighing between 600 and 900 kilos and have them drive through tunnels and across bridges. Better yet have them parked next to your home. I am waiting for one of these to happen while parked inside a high rise building. Not that it can't happen with gasoline powered cars but extinquishing the fire from an electric car is far more difficult. They burn hotter and water does not put the fire out.
  9. I am doing a house build in Pattaya. I have one contractor who I would like to consider but he does not do pools. I have not been successful in the past on this forum asking for contractor suggestions. I get mostly peoples opinions rather than suppliers. Does anyone have a questimate as to what the approximate price to build a pool like shown in Pattaya and who would be suggested contractors. This would be a tile skimmer pool.
  10. This is a "fair trial" in the USA right now. They shop the judge for someone who is predisposed to their verdict then pick a jurisdiction that is anti-Trump and load the jury with those who likewise are biased.
  11. Rule #1 when trying to increase tax always come up with a good cause that the money will be used for. Rule #2 After tax is passed ignore the reason why the additional money has been raised. Rule #3 Propose even further tax increase using again the same reason as number #1 to justify the tax increase and repeat. Rule #2 It is the same in every country and every government. A private company or person looks to reduce their spending and expenses. A government looks to expand its spending.
  12. Well I am glad you are easily amused. Someday I would hope to return the favor.
  13. Are they good? We are meeting with the owner. I was under the impression that they too were really just ordering kitchens built by some company and not truly an onsite carpenter who can adjust to any imperfections in the construction of the home or build anything that truly is custom.
  14. For whatever reason the people on this forum seemed inclined not to be helpful but rather make what they believe are humorous comments, I guess just to see their post.
  15. I am looking for a good carpenter in the Pattaya area to build kitchen and bathroom cabinets. I have been to the big box stores and for the most part they carry overpriced poorly constructed pre-builts.
  16. I found a company in Bangkok that carries every brand. They responded that the companies have to comply with the TIS Thai Industrial Standards 816-2538. Said that warranties and branding represent the biggest difference in pricing. Some due to shape but mentioned three brand names that he said were all virtually equivalent despite price differences.
  17. You are correct. If I didn't know anything about where to look for a water tank or had no experience with either a P&S or D-Home I would not reply for I have nothing of value to add. However, this seems to be a routine for responders to posts. They like to interject their opinion rather than respond to the question that an OP has asked. It must be because we are in Thailand. It is a trait here that no matter how straight you ask a question, you never get a straight answer.
  18. Did you even read my post? I don't know if the quality is the same as DOS or WAVE but I want to see in person. Its amazing you have the ability to ascertain that the quality of these products are inferior despite never seeing them. I am not as skilled as you and I actually have to see the products in person and to the best extent possible determine if they are inferior, as good or better. Now you seem to believe that just because you pay more for a product that somehow it is better. I have no delusions that such a mindset is accurate. Paying more only guarantees you have less money in your pocket and is no guarantee you got a superior product. But then again, I don't have your ability to ascertain quality without even seeing the product.
  19. Ok Bob Villa. Again I didn't ask for your "opinion" I did ask where a person could view in person. I can tell you that in today's world a substantial amount of product is all produced in the same factory. If you go to Homepro or Thai Watsadu they have their "house names" For decades Sears in the USA did not make a single product but created the illusion of "quality" by putting its name Kenmore on it. Though price "may" be an indicator of product quality. It is just as likely to be like Hafele here in Thailand a brand name that gets its products from the same factories as everyone else.
  20. They price "may" indicate quality. So are you telling me the construction quality of a Louis Vuitton luggage is better than a Samsonite? In today's world a huge proportion of companies, I don't know about WAVE or DOS are nothing but marketing and distribution firms. They contract with a manufacturer and have them stamp their name on it. I can tell you I was in the furniture business. I bought mattresses direclty from the manufactuer. The mattresses were identical except for the cover of the outside fabric. They would put whatever name and logo you wanted. So you put a more luxurious cover and jack up the price but what you got was the same mattress. I looked at three absolutely identical range hoods. They all had different prices on them depending on whether they were a "brand name" or an off brand. In any event I didn't ask for a lesson in getting what you pay for. I specifically asked where I might be able to view the product first hand and make my own determination if the product quality was comparable. In the case of WAVE and DOS they sell through retailers like Thai Watsadu and Home Pro. As a former retailer myself I can tell you the markup is not 10% to 15%. When they run a 50% off sale or buy one get one, they are not losing money on it.
  21. Thanks with that advise and 100 baht I can get a cup of coffee at McDonalds.
  22. I know I can go to Homepro, Thai Watsadu, etc for a water tank. I am building a house and need two septic tanks and two water tanks. I see on Facebook ads for brands like D-One and P&S that are much less expensive. I don't know if the quality is the same as DOS or WAVE but I want to see in person. Does anyone know know of a good source for tanks here in Pattaya and does anyone have experience with P&S or D-One.
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