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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. This reminds me of the following quote from Winston Churchill.
  2. I never thought of that, but she complains about a stiff neck also.
  3. No she experiences it in the morning upon waking. But by moving her hands the numbness goes away. It resurfaces when she goes out in the yard and uses any implement like a broom, shovel, rake etc. That makes me think that when her fingers apply pressure that it is causing impingement of a nerve. I tried several home tests on her for carpal tunnel but she said it did not trigger the numbness. She says it is all five fingers. I have had carp;al tunnel which impacts only the pinkie, ring, and middle finger. I am told that ulnar tunnel impacts the thumb and pointer fingers. So either it is something other than nerve impingment or perhaps she has both carpal and ulnar tunnel impingement.
  4. Thanks Sheryl, If it was a problem with an ulnar or carpal tunnel wouldn't it be a neurologist that performed the surgery to eliminate the pinched nerve. Maybe mine years ago was an orthopedic surgeon and I was thinking wrong that they were neurologists.
  5. She is 52 but I would not think she has diabetes. We were just in Jomtien Hospital back in February and had complete physicals including blood work.
  6. You certainly could be correct. It was 5 years ago. I only recall the man at immigration first saying I had to apply for a 90 day extension. As mentioned the only thing that differs is the semantics. Visa vs Extension. If I obtain a visa to stay in lets say the USA. Would that be any different if they termed it an extension of my tourist visa. One way or another, you apply twice.
  7. I know you can get "ripped off" by going to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. However does someone know if any of the other hospitals have neurologist that can test for nerve damage. I suspect she has either Carpal Tunnel or Ulnar Tunnel or perhaps both.
  8. You are probably correct. The term Visa and Extension to Stay are often used to describe each other. The TM-7 calls it an extension to stay. I can just recall that the immigration officer at Chonburi said I would have to apply for a 90 day visa then apply for the 1 year Non-O. He could have been somewhat innacurate in that the 90 day granted me the Non-O and the second a one year extension.
  9. It could very well have been. The "terminology" here in Thailand gets intermixed. At the Chonburi immigration office THEY used the term that I would first have to apply for a 90 day extension before applying for the long term Non-O visa. Perhaps the first 90 day extension is the non-0 and that the one year is an extension. Either way the only thing different is the "semantics" You have to apply twice. One for 90 days and then again after only 75 days. Now perhaps from a technical standpoint the 90 day visa is the Non-O retirement visa. That does not make very good sense in that who would consider a visa lasting only 90 days to be "retirement' The TM. 7 form one way or always refers to it as an extension to stay. The application says "extension of stay" TM.7 TM.7 APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY STAY IN THE KINGDOM .
  10. No it is not language based. Perhaps your immigration area has different rules than Chonburi. I arrived in Thailand on a 30 day from the USA that was 5 years ago. I went to immigration. They told me I had to first do an extension for 90 days which as essentially the same process as a non-0 visa. I had to go to the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok and obtain an income affidavit and had to go to the ministry of foreign affairs the following day to have it legalized. Since I did not have an open bank account the affidavit took its place. At the end of 75 days I had to return to immigration and file for a one year. Now perhaps you are considering the first extension to be obtaining the Non-O. Perhaps you are correct that the 90 day was actually a Non-O visa but that is not how they explained it to me at the time. They said, I would have to apply for a 90 day extension then after 75 days apply for the 1 year Non-O. Even if you are correct. The difference is only in the terminology not in the process. You go first for the 90 day, then apply for a one year. To apply for the 1 year, I again had to go to Bangkok obtain an income affidavit, and get it legalized. So two submissions only 75 days apart from each other.
  11. Not notarized. Legalized. I was required and perhaps it was only Chonburi immigration to take the embassy letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bankgok and have it legalized. Since they deal with all the embassies, they can "authenticate" a real letter from the embassies. The local immigration offices have no such expertise. Again, that might be only Chonburi. But I most definitely was required to do it.
  12. As with most things in Thailand it always depends on which office and officer you are talking with. I have been in Thailand now for 5 years. You never get your passport back the same day. You are given a plastic tab with a number on it to retrieve your passport the following day after 2:00 pm. Most offices don't require the detailed bank letter, Chonburi does. You indicate you can apply well in advance. I can tell you Chonburi says 15 days. So you are correct in saying, you should check with the office you are applying to as to what the rules dejour at that office are.
  13. I beg to differ with you. I had a tourist visa. You can not go directly from a tourist visa to a non-o. You have to have an extension and then wait until it is within 15 days of its expiration. I know. I did it. Also, yes you need to have the 800,000 baht on deposit and AGED prior to making the application for the extension. As I recall, I had to go to Bangkok and get an income verification letter presented for the 90 day extension. I then had to go to Bangkok again for a second letter when I applied for the non-o.
  14. As I have read it the evidence of money being paid to Hunter for what really can only be described as influence peddling is in the millions. It is my understanding that he both failed to pay taxes on that, did not register as a foreign agent and deliberately filed false deductions. Just one notable one is he hired "escorts" then used those payments as deductions on his tax return. THAT IS FRAUD They were going to let him off pleading guilty to two misdemeanors. That unquestionbly smacks of favoritism. These were not honest mistakes. The Democrats keep beating the mantra that No One Is Above The Law. But when it came to Hunter they wanted exactly that. Treat Hunter no differently than the Trump associates that have been fined and jailed for various breaches of the law including tax evasion.
  15. I am from the USA and use that method. 1. Your first issue will be opening a bank account. Most banks will tell you that you need a long term visa in order to open an account. I found a Bangkok Bank that would open one but I had to buy an accident insurance policy for one year as a condition. I was told later that I could cancel the policy by calling the insurance company. I didn't know that and don't know if that is true. Your only other option is to use an agent to open an account for you if you can't open one yourself. 2. You do have a possible alternative if you are from a country that still issues income affidavits. If you are from one of those countries that still does, you can go to the local embassy or consulate give them whatever documentation they may or may not require and issue to you an affidavit of income. As I remember, you had to first go to the embassy and obtain it, then take it to the Ministry of Foreign affairs the following day to get it legalized. 3. If you are not from a country that still does income affidavits you will need to put 800,000 baht in an account and have it remain there for I believe two months. It could be three. 4. You take your current visa to immigration and apply for a 90 day extension. That gives your money time to age in the bank. You "may" have luck getting the 90 day extension and then using that to open the bank account depending on the bank policy. I know Kasikorn requires a certificate of residence in addition to a visa to open an account. 5. 15 days before your extension runs out, you take your passport, bank book updated the day you are applying, and a letter from your bank attesting to your account and balance at the bank plus a bank statement. They will take your passport and when approved give it to you the following day. 6. In the future, you use Wise and transfer your money into your Wise account. You convert it same day, or use the automated transfer feature to convert when the baht to your currency level hits whatever threshold you have set. After it converts you transfer it to your bank here in Thailand. You "MUST USE THE LONG TERM STAY" as the reason for the transfer. At Bankgok Bank it will show as a FTT foreign transfer in your bank book. One caveat to that is if you fail to update your bank book regularly for some unexplained reason the bank will group your deposit with other transactions and just net the amount and you lose the FTT designation in the bank book. 7. At the end of one year you make a copy of all of your bank book for the past year. You then go to the bank and get a statement for at least 12 months preferably 13 months. You then get the letter from the bank confirming your account. In Chonburi they require the bank to prepare a letter showing the amount transfered each month Such as in the example attached. When I have shown them this letter, they don't even look at the statement or bank book copy. However they will still require them. That along with your application, map to where you are residing, copies of your passport and 63 signatures or more on each and every document gets your renewal.
  16. The most dangerous person is not the fool but rather the person who believes things that just are not true. Unless you are older than 11,500 years the earth has been in an interglacial warming period during that time. Not a cooling trend as you suggest.
  17. Says who You? I say mining lithium is unnatural and harms the enviornment. So your "solution" of electrification creates more enviornmental problems than it solves. Plus this Always "look for the money" when someone is touting something. Trillions are to be made forcing the world away from Carbon whether it is warranted or not. https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/climate-scientist-admits-the-overwhelming-consensus-is-manufactured/
  18. That says what they don't believe it to be caused by solar activity. That doesn't say it is definitively proven to be caused by carbon emmissions. In 1800 there were 1 billion people on earth. There are now 8 billion. So is it carbon emmissions. The fact that the CO2 emmissions are the highest, and temperatures are rising is a CORRELATION. The number of Pizza's consumed in the world is the highest in 2 million years to. Does that prove that pizza consumption caused global warming. No. Again, the earth has wamed and then gone through glacial periods for millions of years. You ignore the fact that warming and cooling as EVIDENCED is a natural phenomena. If and I repeat if the earth reverses and begins to cool towards a glacial period would you then equally suggest it is carbon emmission that caused the cooling?
  19. I am building a home and will need to drill a well. I have heard that there are companies in Pattaya that use a ground penetrating radar to locate the best drilling locations. Would anyone know the name of a company that has such equipment. Also what would be a ballpark estimate to drill a well
  20. And where exactly do you get your evidence that it is causal? Your simplistic association of climate change to C02 emmisions first off assumes the change to be abnormal. The earths temperature has had wide swings for millions of years from ice ages to interglacial periods. Second, other factors "may" influence the earths temperture. We know that volcanos spewing ash shade the earth shading the earth. So is it conceivable that the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere is also low at this point causing the temperature of the earth to rise as more sun peneatrate it. You have this single notion that there is one cause for global warming and first off assume that the phenomena is something more than the normal cooling and heating of the earth over many years. Secondly, you assume that C02 is the cause of it. You point to the last 200 years and the fact of industrial revolution. Well we also didn't have solar panels, rubber bands, safety pens, flush toilets, and ball point pens 200 years ago. Using your logic, perhaps it is the introduction of those that is causing weather change. You dismiss the idea that a changing climate is normal and ignore the fact that the climate of the earth has changed for millions of years. You dismiss any idea that other factors or a combination of factors might influence temperature changes. Volcanic eruptions spew tons of particulate into the atomosphere impacting climate. So this simplistic view that only humans and carbon emisions are the primary causitive is just that naive. The following things are true. The earths temperature is slightly warmer. What we don't know is whether that is abnormal, what if anything is causing that, and most importantly what could possibly to mitigate it. I suggest this move to electrify everything has substantial adverse enviornmental outcomes as well. The mining of lithium is extremely impactful. The construction of power plants to supply the required energy, string the millions of miles of electric lines is not without its negative impact. Also, there is this notion that the warming of the earth is destructive. Perhaps, but it could also prove beneficial as areas once to cold to grow crops become now able to support crop growth. The warmer temperature decreases the need to burn oil, coal, natural gas to heat homes from much colder temperatures. Do I know any of this to be true. No. And neither do you. It is a mere supposition that the earths warming is unatutural, that is is bad, hydrocarbons are to blame, and that something can be done about it even if true. This also peaked in 2023. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/14/world/solar-maximum-activity-2024-scn/index.html https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/solar-events-news/Does-the-Solar-Cycle-Affect-Earths-Climate.html
  21. As said, using the past 200 years as some sort of benchmark is like taking one day out of a century and saying "that day is normal" Also, while CO2 can be correlated to temperature rise, so can the number of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches eaten in one day can be correlated to temperature rise. Correlation is not causation.
  22. This notion that you can look at the past 100 to 200 years and somehow use it as "normal" is just ridiculous. The earth has warmed and cooled for millions of years. There is a perfrect correlation between the per capita spending on cheese and died being hung in their own bedsheets. This idea that somehow that correlations human made carbon emission with climate change is just as spurious. It is a correlation, not a proven correlation. What is the mid Holocene warm period? Mid-Holocene Warm Period – About 6,000 Years Ago Paleoclimatologists have long suspected that the "middle Holocene," a period roughly from 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, was warmer than the present day.Nov 12, 2564 BE
  23. I am just aware that the development that I am building in provides it. I certainly am not going to be putting in a ev charger that requires it. Please excuse my ignorance, if the development is providing 3 phase do I have an option to go with only single phase?
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