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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. Was this recently? Who did you use? I have been quoted figures all over the board up to as much as 70,000 baht for an architect drawings.
  2. I have talked to various architects and get a wide range of the cost to have a set of building plans approved and get a permit to build. This would be in Huay Yai. Does anyone have experience with the process and cost.
  3. You are exactly correct. I turned off show hidden files and yes they all went away. Thank you. They "clutter" the desktop at times.
  4. What is Gender? Sounds like you could be a nominee for the Supreme Court. She couldn't answer what is a female. I suggest that you would do very well in those philosophical debates trying to determine how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I know this, there are two genders. They are assigned not by someones "self identity" but rather by their chromosones. There are only two combinations not an infiniate number. They are XX and XY. Not only does the federal government define Gender as Male and Female. So does Harvard, Now you can "identify" as a butterfly but it does not make you one. You can not choose or change your XX or XY chromosones. So while you can project yourself as anything you want, biologically you are either male or female. If you somehow believe differntly so be it. But you get to choose your own opinions but not your own science.
  5. You should tell the federal government your findings. Their forms clearly disagree with you. Game, Set, Match
  6. Sorry, you can try to parse words however the fact remains that when archeologists find skeletol remains, they are identified as male or female. Not binary, transexual, gay, or lesbian, or any of the terminology that has about the same historical legitimacy as Kwanza. Purely make up and manufactured. I suggest that if a person is comfortable with who they are as a person, they certainly don't need the affirmation of others. Those that go way out of their way to post continually asking for confirmation from others to validate themselves seem to be craving the need for others to convince themselves. A person can say, oh my mother said I was part Indian and I have high cheek bones, and that does not make that person an Indian. A person today can "identify" as whatever they want. We use to call that "pretending" and that is exactly what it is.
  7. I would suggest that anyone who believes that there are more than two genders pretty well establishes that persons intelligence.
  8. Now you can call someone anything you want. That does not change the fact that biologically there are only XX and XY Chromosones. The fact that a person self identifies as a horse does not make them an Equine. For centuries, the practice of "identifying" was known as pretending. That is actually what is still is. Cisgender denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth; not transgender.
  9. Now it was either George Herbert Walker Bush or Ronald Reagan who said if you have 5 men in the room, 5 women in the room and 5 dogs in the room and said that the dogs were people how many people would be in the room. After many false answers he explained that there were 10 people in the room. Calling them something else did not in fact transform them into people. There are two sexes. Male and Female. Now you can call people whatever you want however the fact remains that there are only two and coming up with some new terminolgy to somehow define them does not change that fact.
  10. Looking to purchase and need a good but modestly priced legal firm to set up a Thai company. I am in Pattaya I am purchasing a vacant lot to build on. I have been told different things in regards to the capitalizaiton of the company. Some have said 1 million others say the price of the lot. I have also heard about due dilligence on the Chanote. I am wondering what that involves given the Chanote should record any encumberances and it is my understanding if there is a loan against the Chanote the lender keeps it. So wouldn't looking at the Chanote, seeing no liens and the fact that the seller has the Chanote be proof that it was free and clear.
  11. Sometimes refills of coffee are "free" other times they are not. Sometimes a loaner car when your car is in for service is for free. Other times it is not. Sometimes a salad and a side dish come with an entree, and other times they dont' What is "standard" at some companies does not make it universal. At the very least it should be a companies responsibility to make a reasonable disclosure of exactly what the free installation includes and/or put an asterisk and indicate it does not include the removal of the old unit.
  12. I just wondered if this was typical of what others experienced in Thailand. Sell with everything included but suddenly find new charges when it arrives. I went to the Big retailer thinking if I had a problem that I would be better served dealing with them rather than a small Thai installer. I thought wrong.
  13. Yes we were confused to. I agreed to pay the extra charges but I asked for an invoice from the big box store I bought the unit from. The installer explained he buys the unit from the big box store then goes to the customer house to install. He gets the "extra" directly and as such I could get no invoice for the extra's. I refused. I said, I bought from xyz company. If I have to pay for extras I pay them to the xyx company and then if I have an issue with those charges I will discuss it with them. If I pay to you, they will tell me that I just contracted for service with this sub and they were not part of the deal.
  14. Taking off tires when you pay for new tires is "normal" When I buy new tires I don't expect to ask if it includes taking the old ones off. If you advertise free tire installation would you then feel compelled to ask if it included taking the old ones off. Why should it be with an air conditioner. Consider all these big box stores are selling the overwhelming majority of their units not to new home construction but as replacement. I is called "full disclosure" It is not free installation if there is a charge to remove the old one and as such it should be advertised as such. I replaced a unit in the living room a few years ago. The contractor quoted me a price with "installation" He didn't then say, oh you have an old one so I need to charge more. So your comment about it being customary and normal is not accurate.
  15. Bait and switch Free installation does not include removing the old unit from the wall. If you purchased new tires including installation, would you expect that when you went for the install they said, oh there is an extra charge for removing the old tires. How about for a tune up on your car. Would you expect they would say that it did not include taking the old spark plugs out. My copy says "free gift of pipe cover" When installer comes says no but will sell for 1,200 baht. To me sir, that is bait and switch.
  16. I have used Home Pro before and we did not have any problems. This was not with HomePro or any of the Hardware Chains. It appeared to me, that this sub, paid for the unit from the big box store and then was assigned to do free install. Used the opportunity to find "extras" to charge for. I did talk to the customer service person at this Big Box store. I printed a copy of the download showing the "free items" She said, oh they run different promotions every day and on that dat free gift of pipe cover was not included. That "free gift" offer runs every day on almost every AC this company sells. I printed my copy out and they countered well not on the day I bought. The item is sold out, so I still had my copy from when I purchased when the item was in the cart. No, they said, not proof . Last time to buy from them.
  17. Is there a "part" of installation free that you would ask question of. Is there a part of "Pipe cover included as a free gift" that you would ask a question of Now the 4 meter I knew and I agreed to pay the additional for the extra meter. Guess what. He didn't need it. If you hired a company for new tires and installation, would you ask if it included taking the old tires off.
  18. There is a major company with locations throughout Thailand that sells all sorts of appliances, and electronics. They were advertising a new Samsung AC with installation and a free pipe cover. They arrived this morning. First thing was installer said, that the 4 meter power cord wont' reach was 50 centimeters short but only sell in 1 meter length and that extra would be 500 baht. Next the man said "installation" did not include removing the old AC off the wall and the old compressor off the pad. They have a 700 baht disposal fee. We said, we don't want it disposed, we are selling for parts. Still says the fee would be 700 baht. Next says that pipe cover was not included and would be 1,200 baht. I agree but want invoice from the major company not him and I will pay to them. He says that major company has nothing to do with it, that invoice comes from his company. I agree to pay to the major company and tell the installer I will take the issue of the extra charges up with the major company but I did not "hire" his company. I indicated that I needed a receipt from the major company I purchased the AC from. This is what in the USA is termed a bait and switch tactic and using and paying the contractor directly would allow the major company to say you agreed to pay another company for their services and it has nothing to do with us. End of story, installer finally leave and we did not pay. We ended up getting exactly what was promised. I just wonder if this a typical tactic to bait with a price that includes installation then suddenly get installer changes what was agreed to. PS we asked for the extra length from the 5 meter power cord. Installer said, there was no "extra" he buried the extra length. Not possible. No place was dug up.
  19. It is relevant. He has two chanotes inside the company and I only want one of them. He has a vacant piece of land, and a chanote that has a home on it. I only want the land. I can't buy his company because that means I would own both Chanotes.
  20. A person has a home and extra lot. The two are on separate chanotes. I am interested in purchasing the vacant lot to build on. I know I can't buy the company since that would include both properties. What is the procedure for a company to sell just one Chanote. Is it easier if the person purchasing goes into Thai name or another company name or does that not make a difference.
  21. Have had a LG Dual Inverter that is only 3 1/2 years old and it failed. For those of you with some experience with air conditioners, is this issue repairable. I had one repairman say he thought cost might be 7,000 to 8,000 baht. Which sounded high. This is a picture that he said showed the oil had leaked. Do you know of any good AC guys that might be able to repair. Live in Pattaya
  22. called out your Strawman argument regarding FOX and the statement “The election was rigged”. Ask and you shall receive. Now your arguement that the Again you are misquoting me. I did not say it was impossible. I said it was an anomaly. That means when tested it was out of the normal range. As said, you can flip a coin 100 times and get all heads. Can that result, yes. Is that normal. No. and neither is winning 477 counties 30% less than the all time low recorded by Obama and getting 11% more vote. That sir is an anomaly. His voting pattern did not pass Benfords law which statisticians use to determine when statistics are out of the normal range. Benfords law is used to determine when things like spending, tax deductions, insurance claims etc are out of statistical and therefore SUSPECT. It does not prove fraud. It merely says the numbers presented are significantly out of the range of normal. CNBC - President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that... I did say he won 477 counties I also said that was 30% lower than Obama who previously held the record at 689. So if you subtract 477 from 689 he won 212 FEWER counties. 212/689 = a decrease of 30.7%. However he reportedly won 81,284,000 votes compared to Obama at 69,498,516 That is 16% increase over the previous Obama record. Winning fewer counties and getting more votes are incongruent. Particular when one considers that Obama was a rock star candidate and Biden was so mediocre he could not win his own parties nomination two previous times. Now perhaps you think that is "normal" But then again you may believe in Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny.
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