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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. No you are as said never backing up anything you say. The Biden vote failed the statistical modeling by Benfords Law methodology. That meant it was "suspect" The modeling does not prove fraud, it proves that the results were so far out of norm that they deserved investigation., As said now for the third time. Show me just one time, that Fox said the election results were fraud and that the Dominion systems were altered. If you can't then stop repeating the assertion that you can not back up. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339615418_Benford's_Law_As_a_Useful_Tool_to_Determine_Fraud_in_Financial_Statements#:~:text=Benford's law is a mathematical,than valid or random samples.
  2. Your article backs up my comments does not refute them. It states and I quote. On Nov. 10, the Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, But according to the updated data, Biden won 16.7% of counties with finalized results. That represents a record-low proportion for a winning presidential candidate. Now is that an abberation, a statistical anomaly. Perhaps. but as said when you have Obama who won 689 counties the lowest on record of a winning presidential candidate and it drops by 30% but the vote count goes up by 11% is enough to raise eyebrows. Are those counties large. Of course. However for him to win by such a large margin those counties would have had to vote in such a huge disproportion that as mentioned, it failed statistical modeling meaning it was "suspect" Hence Fox was well within bounds to call into question how such a statistical anomaly could occur.
  3. As I said, you always think you know but you never show any evidence to back up what you say. This is from Cornell University regarding the statistical modeling called Benfords Law. It is used to identify statistical numbers that are statistically out of the norm. Note, Cornell states that Benfords law is uncanningly accurate. The Biden vote was out of the norm according to Benfords law. That does not prove fraud. It points out that it was statistically so out of the norm that it warranted investigation. If you don't find it strange that a candidate could win 30% fewer counties than ever recorded but somehow get 8 million more votes, then I suspect you would not find the need to investigate the weighting of a coin that if flipped 100 times comes up a statistically improbable amount of times heads. The Dominion systems may be ok and perhaps no fraud. However given the statistical abberation and anomoly Fox was totally correct in questioning it. Again, you "say" Fox said that the Dominion Systems were manipulated. I say you are wrong. Try backing something up just once with a valid source. Not just your rhetoric. Forensic accountants, fraud examiners, accountants, and auditors use Benford's law to detect anomalies that require investigation. https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.08894
  4. As always Chomper you reply, but of course you don't back it up with anything. Show just one time that Fox actually stated the election was rigged. You are inferring something that just was not done. Did they question the safety and security of the Dominion voting systems - yes. Was that reasonable given that Biden won 30% fewer counties than the lowest ever recorded yet somehow managed to get 8 million more votes than any other candidate in history. Of course that was cause to question if there were bugs in the system. As said numerous times now. I believe Dominion is foolish to bring this action. They are opening their entire company up to a corporate colonoscopy where every email, memo, and error noted in one of their machines will be scrutinzed by an army of investigators and computer experts. They may find that process is not pleasant and may have the unintended result of pointing to deficiencies in the Dominion system. Will it? Who knows. I am pointing out the risks associated with going to trial and exposing all your companies secrets.
  5. As said you can flip a coin 100 times and can it always come up heads. Yes. Can you can have Joe Biden win only 477 counties and get 8 million more votes than Obama did when he won 679 counties which was the lowest in recorded history. Yes, but statistically improbable. I don't believe Fox ever stated the Dominion machines were in fact reporting incorrect totals. However the fact that several statisticians reported that the results stretched statistical norms made the subject of the security of the Dominion voting machines fair commentary. When you had a presidential candiate who was so unpopular he failed to garner even enough support inside his party to win the nomination and then suddenly get more votes in history despite winning 30% fewer counties than any candidate in history could make a story on "untold mysteries"
  6. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/currencyfuture.asp You can trade in currency futures. Many companies do that when dealing with foreign purchases or sales to prevent loss from currency fluctuations.
  7. I "think" you are wrong. Quote a link to where Fox has said that elections were rigged. Their attorney's have publicly stated, that at no time did Fox make any such statement.
  8. This is a result of lack of enforcement of the laws here in Thailand. I see every time I go out, drivers going the wrong way, even cars. I see cars and motorcycles deliberately run through red lights. The motorcycles drive recklessly and often without helmets, loaded with three of more people. You do not see this behavior in other countries. They enforce the laws on the books and people knowing they will get stopped obey the law. Here, I have been in Thailand now for 4 years and I have yet to see a driver pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. Even when fined, the drivers ignore the fine knowing the courts do nothing to force the payment.
  9. This is not Thailand. In the USA truth is a complete and affirmative defense. I have no idea what you say the judge ruled on. However if Fox stated the Dominion Voting System could be hacked and in fact that proves to be true. Now Fox makes the claim that it never claimed that Dominion rigged the election which if false is defamation. They did claim the Dominion had security issues. I am of the opinion that you have a liberal judge who is biased making a ruling that even if upheld will be overturned on appeal. The only way that by US law Fox could be held to be defaming is if it knew its claims that the Dominion systems were vulnerable were false and chose to present them as true. Kind of like on the opposite side, that the media knew there was no Russian collusion and that there was the fake dossier but kept pushing the story as if it was true. Fox News has never argued in court that Dominion rigged the 2020 election, but its lawyers have repeatedly made the point that there are longstanding and bipartisan security concerns about its voting machines.
  10. I gave up on Nord. It did raise its cost but also whenever I was using it, the internet speed slowed down to a crawl.
  11. The tax revenue went up and the IRS already shows the tax cuts hurt did not help the top 1%. The problem in the USA is not that it collects too little tax, it spends too much. The top 1% pay more in total taxes than the bottom 90%. Now as to health care your response is non-sensicle. It is as if somehow if the government pays for health care 'IT IS FREE" No it is not. It just shifts the cost to the taxpayer instead of the the employer. If there is one thing that is true, anytime the government is placed in charge of something don't expect it to be cost effective. The employer will work hard to keep healthcare costs down. The government doesn't care. The bureaucrats have no incentive. They are spending someone elses money, on someone else. Case in point. is social security. Social Security taxes were first collected in January 1937, with workers and employers each paying one percent of the first $3,000 in wages and salary. That rate is now 6.2% on the first $147,200. So the rate went up by 620% and the taxable maximum went up at the same time by 490%. AND THE SYSTEM IS BROKE. THERE IS NO MONEY IN SOCIAL SECURITY. It has all been spent, and the trust fund has only IOU (treasury bonds) in it. A bond is a promise to pay the bondholder back. So the U.S. Treasury s promising to pay social security the money that it borrowed from it. That is like your left pocket promising to put back the money it took from the right pocket. https://taxfoundation.org/top-1-percent-pays-more-taxes-bottom-90-percent/
  12. You obviously can't read. The fact is that Biden won fewer 477 counties versus Obama's 689 and yet somehow got 8 million more votes. Now is that possible. Yes if Biden won virtually all of the votes in those counties. That sir is a stretch and a person would any common sense would at the very least question it. Kind of like flipping a coin 100 times and having it always come up heads. Is it possible yes. Is it likely no.
  13. I said Giving someone access to your corporate records HAS PERILS I also disagree that showing vulnerabilities would not help Fox. If Fox proved the system COULD BE HACKED it would raise doubts as to if it was hacked. Again, if there were any cases were it was shown the Dominion System was compromised uncovered during discovery, it would greatly undermine Dominion's claim that its systems could not possibly be hacked.
  14. What I am saying is they had ample reason to question the validity of the election. You had a man so unpopular he could not win his own parties nomination twice. Yet somehow the man reportedly got 8 million more votes than the previous record held by Barack Obama. Obama did that by winning at the time what was THE ALL TIME LOW in terms of counties won 689. Biden now won only 477. So it is perfectly reasonable to question how a person so unpopular could win 30% fewer counties but end up with 10% more votes than the all time record. Now is it possible? Yes if you believe that virtually everyone in those counties voted for Biden. If you recall Fox was also accused of covering up the Russia Trump collusion which of course we now know was based on a dossier that the DNC and Hillary Clinton paid for. We also know that Fox was lambasted for suggesting that the Trump campaign headquarters had been bugged. We now know that is true. What I did say, was that Dominion by bringing suit puts its entire corporate records into play. Fox is now allowed to go into those records and ascertain based on the Plaintiffs own records if it knew of any vulnerabilities to its system. Such discovery by the court has its perils since you never know what it might uncover.
  15. Joe learned from his mentor Barack. Anything positive take credit for it. Anything negative blame on the previous adminstration.
  16. As Stalin said. It matters precious little who votes. It matters only who counts the vote. Same with the Truth. It matters only who determines what the truth is, and candidly, I would sure not bet my life on your version.
  17. Yes it is based on a supposition. My point is when you give a legal team access to your corporate records, you have 'RISK" Should they find anything that suggests that the Dominion Voting machines are vulnerable, it both destroys their suit against Fox, and it destroys their reputation. Which part of that is too complicated for you?
  18. I disagree. If it raises the issue that the Dominion voting systems were not fully secure it raises "doubt" that the election results were accurate. The election does not have to be overturned for Fox to prevail. Also as said, you have no idea what may show up in the discovery process. When you are forced to give access to your company records, you never know what secrets may be discovered. The entire process of discovery in a lawsuit is full of perils for both sides.
  19. https://bc-llp.com/civil-litigation-discovery-process/ How Does the Discovery Process Work? During discovery, opposing parties should turn over emails, electronic documents, paper documents, and other information that could be relevant to the claims. Parties can submit motions to the court asking for specific information to be turned over, and this is common in situations where plaintiffs believe they have not been given all relevant documents. In addition to turning over information, the discovery process can also involve interviewing witnesses and finding out what the witnesses know. Witnesses can be sent written questions, called interrogatories, or can be interviewed on the record in person through depositions.
  20. Things like this have a tendency to have unintended consequences. Fox will be able to through discovery obtain some pretty secretive information on the Dominion voting system and if it does have any vulnerabilities.
  21. Kind of like Stalins comment about voting. It matters precious little what the facts are, it matters greatly who determines what are facts.
  22. Alan Dershowitz Alan Morton Dershowitz is an American lawyer and former law professor known for his work in U.S. constitutional law and American criminal law.
  23. Looking for a competent and knowledgeable real estate agent to show properties here in Pattaya. Have looked at a few properties based on advertisements online. Consistenly they are nothing more than young typically women who know how to post an advertisement and nothing more.
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