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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. I purchased a car in Bangkok and it had Bangkok plates. I kept the plates and later sold the car. The person wanted to have the plates here in Pattaya. There is a car registration shop close to where I live that renews registrations and does inspections. They completed the paperwork, got the new plates from the transport office. When they arrived, the new buyer had to appear and the inspection office took the old plates to mail and surrender back to Bangkok and put the new plates on.
  2. I am building a new home and considering adding a solar system to supplement getting power from the grid. During the day I will have the following running: 1. 30,000 - 36,000 btu cassette air conditioning SEER in the 18 to 20 range 2. Refridgerator 19.8 new inverter model 3. A few lights all LED 4. Water pump for well and water storage tank 5. Pool pump 6. On occasion 1 to 2 ceiling fans 7. Some electric appliances including Microwave, TV, Computer, Cook Top, vaccum 8. Every other day dishwasher inverter 9. Clothes washer every day 1-2 hours inverter model I am not sure of the process for how to calculate the size of the system one needs. I know it is based on BTU's but since the home is under construction, I won't have an accurate estimate until after living in the home. The home is a single story, with 3 phase electric service. What questions should I be asking. What would be a reasonable guess as to the cost of the system. And, does someone have a good experience with an installer that they could reccomend.
  3. I finally found that Krung Thai but only the location in Central Marina dispenses the M Pass transmitter. You get the transmitter and a pre-paid Krung Thai debit card to reload for the tolls.
  4. How long ago did you buy this. I went to Krung Thai close to Tuk Com and they said they didn't sell the M pass.
  5. I am building a new home and have a large area that combines the kitchen, dining room, and living room. I believe that it would be advisable to install one of the cassette type air conditioners that can blow air in 4 directions. I have done some preliminary research and yes Daikan and Mitsubishi top the list of reccomended units. However one brand Haier is about 1/3 rd less money and has a higher SEER rating. Has anyone had experience with Haier Air conditioners particularly the cassette type. One thing that is always mentioned when speaking about AC is the availability of spare parts if it is a brand other than Daikan or Mitsubishi.
  6. Well when you have not heard from the listing salesperson in over 3 months I think that exhibits all the patience that a selling homeowner should have to put up with.
  7. I have Mpass and just registered for it. I was emailed a QR code which I placed in the window of my car. I went through the EZ Pass lane and the barrier would not lift. I gave it to the attendant who had no idea. Some have suggested that it was because I only had the minimum baht in the account. One way or another, I would like to have the automated payment but it sure seems strange that the only way to obtain one is to drive to an expressway in Bangkok.
  8. There was no contract merely a sheet listing the attributes of the home. Given that one agent must contact another to show a home it is not a multiple listing service. As a result I see countless examples of the same home listed with many different real estate agencies since buyers can not go to any single data base that contains the listings from everyone.
  9. Yes none of the banks apparently sell them. Just so I understand, the man at Mflow put 100 baht in my account. I have a QR code. Is that all that is necessary is to put in the window of my car. I see something about an EZ pass card that is a small transmitter pasted to the windshield.
  10. I tried googling JensenZ several different ways and came up with nothing. Do you have a link?
  11. I have asked at some of the toll booths. So far they have told me SCB, Kasikorn, and Krungthai banks. Guess what none of them dispense them. I was then told I had to register for MFlow online. I did that but not easily. It would never allow me to progress through the registration and finally a man from MFlow completed it for me and sent a QR Code I was to print and put in the window. Guess what, first time to try and it would not open the gate in the EZ Pass lane. Attendant had no idea what it was or why it did not work. I would think that you should be able to purchase an EZ pass here in Pattaya and not have to drive to one of the toll booths that dispenses them. But then again, this is Thailand.
  12. Looking to sell 3 bedroom home in Huay Yai. I have listed it with one real estate agency that was "reccomended" and frankly very disapointed. Have listed it for over 3 months and not a single viewing Also I have never heard back from the real estate agent since the listing. I understand that unlike in the USA you list with several agencies since they don't share a common multi listing service. Does anyone have experience with a good agent who is diligent and actually markets the property raither than just sits on their hands waiting for calls. Also, I know that some in my village have sold their homes to foreign european buyers who see the homes on websites in their home countries. Again, does anyone have experience with what sites those may be so I can contact them to post the home there as well.
  13. We live in a "developed estate" what really is a village with several homes. There recently was an extraordinary meeting that we believe violated numerous regulations. I am aware that land office filing must be done within 30 days of the date of that meeting However, I know that a homeowner can file a motion with the court objecting to the meeting. Does anyone know if that motion also has to be within 30 days of the date of the meeting or within 30 days from the date the request for approval at the land office is filed.
  14. Was this recently? Who did you use? I have been quoted figures all over the board up to as much as 70,000 baht for an architect drawings.
  15. I have talked to various architects and get a wide range of the cost to have a set of building plans approved and get a permit to build. This would be in Huay Yai. Does anyone have experience with the process and cost.
  16. You are exactly correct. I turned off show hidden files and yes they all went away. Thank you. They "clutter" the desktop at times.
  17. What is Gender? Sounds like you could be a nominee for the Supreme Court. She couldn't answer what is a female. I suggest that you would do very well in those philosophical debates trying to determine how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I know this, there are two genders. They are assigned not by someones "self identity" but rather by their chromosones. There are only two combinations not an infiniate number. They are XX and XY. Not only does the federal government define Gender as Male and Female. So does Harvard, Now you can "identify" as a butterfly but it does not make you one. You can not choose or change your XX or XY chromosones. So while you can project yourself as anything you want, biologically you are either male or female. If you somehow believe differntly so be it. But you get to choose your own opinions but not your own science.
  18. You should tell the federal government your findings. Their forms clearly disagree with you. Game, Set, Match
  19. Sorry, you can try to parse words however the fact remains that when archeologists find skeletol remains, they are identified as male or female. Not binary, transexual, gay, or lesbian, or any of the terminology that has about the same historical legitimacy as Kwanza. Purely make up and manufactured. I suggest that if a person is comfortable with who they are as a person, they certainly don't need the affirmation of others. Those that go way out of their way to post continually asking for confirmation from others to validate themselves seem to be craving the need for others to convince themselves. A person can say, oh my mother said I was part Indian and I have high cheek bones, and that does not make that person an Indian. A person today can "identify" as whatever they want. We use to call that "pretending" and that is exactly what it is.
  20. I would suggest that anyone who believes that there are more than two genders pretty well establishes that persons intelligence.
  21. Now you can call someone anything you want. That does not change the fact that biologically there are only XX and XY Chromosones. The fact that a person self identifies as a horse does not make them an Equine. For centuries, the practice of "identifying" was known as pretending. That is actually what is still is. Cisgender denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth; not transgender.
  22. Now it was either George Herbert Walker Bush or Ronald Reagan who said if you have 5 men in the room, 5 women in the room and 5 dogs in the room and said that the dogs were people how many people would be in the room. After many false answers he explained that there were 10 people in the room. Calling them something else did not in fact transform them into people. There are two sexes. Male and Female. Now you can call people whatever you want however the fact remains that there are only two and coming up with some new terminolgy to somehow define them does not change that fact.
  23. Looking to purchase and need a good but modestly priced legal firm to set up a Thai company. I am in Pattaya I am purchasing a vacant lot to build on. I have been told different things in regards to the capitalizaiton of the company. Some have said 1 million others say the price of the lot. I have also heard about due dilligence on the Chanote. I am wondering what that involves given the Chanote should record any encumberances and it is my understanding if there is a loan against the Chanote the lender keeps it. So wouldn't looking at the Chanote, seeing no liens and the fact that the seller has the Chanote be proof that it was free and clear.
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