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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 17 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Fiat has no income.

    You  really don't understand investing do you?  Fiat may not have income and for that matter companies like Tesla, and Amazon lost money for many years.  The value is the multiple of 'EXPECTED' earnings.  

    Bitcoin never earned a penny nor will it ever earn a penny.  If it was thought that Fiat would never earn money again its value would drop to the tangible value of liquidating its hard assets, the plant, machinery, equipment, accounts receivable. 

    If bitcoin was "liquidated" at its tanglible value it would be ZERO. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Btc is true. 13 years old.

    World Com  Formed in 1983 19 years later bankrupt proved to be a fraud
    Tyco Formed 1960 bankrupt 2002 bankrupt
    Enron formed 1985 bankrupt 2001 
    Bernie Maddoff - 1980's started fund, 2008 ponzi discovered

    The fact that Bitcoin is 13 years old proves nothing. 

    Obviously you know more than the person who is acknowledged as the most astute investor of all time. 




  3. 56 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Bitcoin is legal and currency not an investment fund. If you dont know the difference no wonder you missed

    Yes I am aware of that.  I am merely pointing out that throughout time there have been "fabulous" investment opportuntities that "can't miss"  

    The old adage is, if it seems to good to be true, it most likely is.  

    Good luck, take your profits and run. 

  4. Just now, Sparktrader said:

    People not buying are the fools

    1. Bulls can make money
    2. Bears can make money
    3. Pigs get slaughtered.

    If you have made money with it, I suggest at some point you take your profits and smile. 

    There were those who likewise saw the great investment returns generated by Bernie Maddoff and suggested those who did not invest with him were likewise fools. 



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  5. 15 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Bitcoin is just one cryptocurrency

    1. Bitcoin is a figment of peoples imagination.  It didn't exist before and someone just magically started it.

    2. Unlike USD, Thai baht, Euro's or any other currency it is not backed by any sovereign government. 

    3. I never said you could not make money from buying Bitcoin.  Obviously many already have.  What I did say is that the "only" and I repeat "only" way that bitcoin increases in value is that there is a greater fool willing to pay even more.  That differs from companies that can improve their profitability over time, or for that matter other currencies which fluctuate in demand depending on economic or political happenings. 

    Since bitcoin is an "intangible"  you can not touch it, see it, feel it, build anything with it, its value is purely a matter of perception.  If and when the marketplace senses the specualtion in cryptocurrency is waining there will be a mad rush for the exists and its value will plummet.  When will that occur?  Who knows.  

    However as a former head of a Trust Division for a major bank plus working for both two of the largest investment firms in the world, Merrrill Lynch and UBS Painwebber I will share with you this truism, often repeated by investment professionals. 

    1. Bulls can make money
    2. Bears can make money
    3. Pigs get slaughtered 

    If you have made money with Crypto currency take your money and run.  Dont expect that the tree will always continue to grow to the stars.

    This is from the investment advise company widely hailed known as the Motley Fool. 



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  6. 2 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    What you describe in your last paragraph is a classic pyramid scheme.

    Well not really.  A ponzi or pyramid scheme entices new investors to pay off old ones.  Bitcoin does not require new buyers to enter the market to pay off old ones.  

    It is a classic example of really what occured during the dot.com era.  Dot.com companies never earned a penny and many were merely "ideas".  " The value of a company is determined by its "anticipated" future earnings.  So investors buy Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, at a price they believe is fair for what their anticipated future earnings will be.   If the company is successful, and earnings increase the value of the stock rises because the company is earning money.  

    Bitcoin earns nothing.  It is really nothing more than a figment of someone's creation that they very masterfully have created from nothing and have people buying it despite the fact it hatched from nothing and has nothing tangible about it. 

    However to "make money" in Bitcoin the only way possible is for a person to buy it and sell it to another person at more money.  Bitcoin can do nothing in the way of improving its earnings to enhance its value.  It is strictly what occured in the dot.com era where companies not making a penny sold each day for more than the previous day not based on any fundamentals but strictly on the premise that there would always be another greater fool willing to pay more. 

    Can bitcoin go on?  Who knows.  I only know that it is pure specualtion.  

    Here is what Warren Buffet who many consider the most renowned investor or all time said about cryptocurrencies. 

    Warren Buffett has made his opinion on crypto crystal clear over the years. The billionaire investor says he doesn't own any and he never will. He claims Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies have basically no value, and all you can do with them is sell them to somebody else.Jan 27, 2565 BE

    • Sad 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Nothing like red or black. Roulette bet is over in 30 seconds. Win or lose. Bitcoin 13 years old. 

    It is exactly like red or black.  It is pure speculation.  Your example is flawed because just like Black and Red is over immediately the price of Bitcoin fluctuates each trade.  

    Again, you may make money doing it.  I could equally make money buying cattle futures believing that the price of beef will go up.  However at least with the cattle, I am buying something "tangible" that reacts to supply and demand, as well as perception. 

    Bitcoin is pure perception.  It is going up for only one reason because people like you see it going up.  Not because it has performed doing anything to make its value increase.  That is a stark contrast to a company who improves its profits and therefore is more valuable to the investor. 

    Just remember trees to not grow to the stars and eventually those investments based purely on the greater fool theory will fall. 


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  8. 4 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Atoms have no value

    What the heck are you talking about. 

    Value is always a perception.  However some items are "tangible"  A house, car, clothing, gold, wheat, a company, machinery, equipment. 

    Bitcoin is an "intangible"  It exists only in peoples minds.  It is not backed by any sovereign nation.   Now some intangibles have value.  I may have a patent, or trademark, an option to buy property or stock.   Goodwill in a business is an "intangible"  A buyer may pay more for a business that has a good reputation and long standing customer base than one with identical hard assets but a poor reputation and a short history in business. 

    As I said, some people may make money trading bitcoin.  Perhaps it might even be long lasting.  However I believe that any person who invests soley on the premise that "it may rise in value" because some other fool is willing to pay more for it, is not "investing" they are speculating.  

    Companies like Apple "make products" and services.  They also rise on "speculation" of future profits.  Bitcoin has no profits.  It goes up or down strictly based on the speculation that it will go up, or down.  I might make money going to Las Vegas and betting on black versus red but that doesn't mean it is an investment.   At some point traders in Bitcoin will sense that the last fool is in, and they will rush to sell.  The trip down will be far faster than the trip up. 

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  9. 12 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    How do you make money off currencies? By going up. Greater fool?

    Yes you are correct.  Currency trading is based on one person paying more than another.  However the currencies such as the USD, Euro, and Yuan are backed by the sovereign governments.  Also they are influenced not exclusively by the "greater fool"  Changes in the country's rate of inflation, its interest rates, public debt, political stability, economic health, balance of trade and trade deficits all impact the currency value. 

    Using your logic, I could open up an app, have a balance in pixels, and somehow theoretically pixels would be the same as the USD.  That is essentially what bitcoin did.  It created the perception of currency when it did not exist, and was not backed by any sovereign nation. 

    Bitcoin is not influence by any of the traditional factors impacting world currencies.  Its value is strictly based on the "perception" that it has value.  A person buying bitcoin can ony make money if "a greater fool" is willing to pay more for it.   One thing is for sure, irrespective of investment.  Trees don't grow to the stars.  At some point the speculative bubble wll burst and the prices fall.  When that occurs prices plummet far far faster than they rose.  

    Certainly some will make profits from trading in bitcoin.  However it is every bit as speculative as going to Vegas and putting money or Red vs. Black.  

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  10. 58 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Bitcoin has beaten the market many times. 

    Yes and even a broken watch is correct two times a day.  Here is just 1 stock Global Crossings which "beat the market many times"  

    If you purchased it towards it's peak it was 175.00 per share.  Now trading at 1.56  

    Trees do not grow through to stars.  As some point valuations based solely on speculation burst and tumble much faster than they go up. 


    • Sad 1
  11. 2 hours ago, bbko said:

    How big is the slab and how thick? Also what part of town are you in? 

    The slab is only about 25 - 30 mm.   Slab is only about 1 x 1 meterThere would need to be fill underneath the driveway slab but not replaced.  Cement would have to be shoved underneath where it is washed away.  Close to Floating Market and yes have a Thai GF that can speak to worker. 

  12. I have used both Windows computers and Apple.  I also have an Iphone but in the past used Android.  

    Personally I prefer Windows and Android.  The windows have a lot more software and in my opinion less restrictive to use.  Try to link an Apple product to anything other than an Apple and it is a royal pain.  

    If you are using graphics Apple products are unquestionably the best.  If you are using data particularly the Word/Excel/ Powerpoint etc programs stick with Windows.  

    Though I have a Mac I never really got use to the change in commands to get things done.  It was like learning over again from DOS

    • Confused 1
  13. Hey why worry about unvaccinated people.  When I point out the crowds at Maakro or Tesco Lotus they all say so what these people are wearing a mask.  

    Seems as though they have evidence that those 3 baht masks or better yet the cloth ones sewn by people are 100% effective in preventing you from contracting the diseas.  So using "their" logic if you wear your mask it is like Superman inside a lead container.  No kryptonite (or covid) can harm you.  

    • Confused 1
  14. On 2/20/2022 at 11:55 AM, happydreamer said:

    Good explanation.  And people buying stocks on projected earnings for a company?  Speculation too?

    I guess we can get into semantics.  Speculation versus forecasting.  With a commodity it is purely a buyer willing to pay more for a fixed product.  A barrel of oil is a barrel of oil.  Its price goes up and down strictly based on demand for the product and its supply.  The oil does not "improve" its worth. Contrast that to a share of stock in a company  take Amazon for instance. The number of shares outstanding are constant so each share is a fractional ownership of the company and its earnings.  The company "increases" in value with something tangible.  "increased earnings" not just speculation.  Certainly an element of "speculation" plays into it as investors forecast future earnings growth but the valuation unlike a commodity is not strictly based on an asset such as bitcoin, oil, or soybeans that remains unchanged with nothing tangible to warrant a rising price other than speculation. 




    • Amazon EPS for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021 was $51.18, a 49.87% increase year-over-year.
    • Amazon 2020 annual EPS was $41.83, a 81.79% increase from 2019.
    • Amazon 2019 annual EPS was $23.01, a 14.25% increase from 2018.
    • Amazon 2018 annual EPS was $20.14, a 227.48% increase from 2017.


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