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it is what it is

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    wherever I lay my hat

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  1. 1.7 M baht in a bank account? if nothing else, this displays a shocking lack of financial management awareness
  2. why are they complaining, if they had any sense they'd sell to a 'greedy local' and pocket a nice profit.
  3. why would i recommend a cafe on here, it would only encourage undesirables to visit
  4. how very dare you?! i'll thank you to know the government takes very positive actions, it closes schools for a few days and free public transport for a week. next problem?!
  5. true enough, the consumers didn;t know he was a nazi when they bought the vehicles. however, anyone buying a tesla these days is a different matter - though torching them is a tad too far.
  6. yea, and shops/bars selling alcohol, as in many countries the contradiction is not thai.
  7. long stay in Thailand ( Pattaya) 12,500 baht ( $367) no money in bank thru an agent is that legal? should you be here if you can't even meet the basic requirements and/or afford to be here?
  8. $100 per day? that sounds like a pretty low wage, unless she's only working a few hours each day
  9. but why not cut all free visas they are not free visas, it's visa exempt entry, the clue is in the name...
  10. not as crazy as the injured party appealing to the uk government for support in a case against another uk citizen, so potentially having the uk govt supporting both parties? fortunately the uk govt has more sense than to get involved in personal legal disputes in foreign lands.
  11. These charges include reckless driving causing injury and property damage, which carries penalties of up to one month in prison or a 10,000 baht fine, and carrying a weapon in a public space, punishable by a 100 baht fine. well, that will teach them.
  12. he wouldn't get away with it if there weren't so many dumb people blindly supporting him
  13. so, the highlighted problems are safety concerns and 'inefficiencies' in law enforcement, and the solution is infrastructure development. a certain lack of understanding of the problem perhaps?
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