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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Watched some streams of the latest "anti-Semitic" march in London on several news feeds. Unlike Mr Falter's "bottling" CAA, it was good to see that the more moderate Jewish groups are still not afraid to join these peaceful protests. It warmed the cockles of my heart to see that a keffiyeh-wearing pillock with a swastika placard got arrested by the Hamas-loving Met for being "openly ignorant".

    Peaceful protests, stop trolling, these hate marches have been going on now for 6 months, time for Rowley and Khan to be booted out, but the country is totally rudderless at the moment thanks to ineffective governments and are too scared to govern.

    But keep em a coming Mr Laew, nice to have a chortle in the morning

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  2. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Hamas, which most reasonably balanced minds would accept are a terrorist organization, indeed they are a designated and proscribedterrorist organization.

    The fact the British Government Nd other Governments have told Hamas (Terrorist Organization) to immediately release the hostages removed all reason for Innocent Palestinian in Rafah to complain when the Israelis visit carnage on them.


    Take look around you and see if you can find where you lost your morality, let alone sense of compassion for the innocent people who are about to be slaughtered.



    Nobody was being slaughtered on 6/10, think about it!

  3. 14 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    No, not at all. But you are if you think Russia, who is winning overwhelmingly, will withdraw.


    This is the problem some people and governments have. They are high on their own propaganda and illusions. Russia, with its far superior army is now just toying with Ukraine. Pick off a unit here and there, take a village here and there. Reports of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering, of elite Azov units unwilling to fight.


    Writing is on the wall but some are just too blind to see. Poor Ukraine.

    Deluded and high!

    • Haha 1
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  4. 28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    But Gideon Falter is Jewish, indeed he is openly so. Unless his basal appendage is some sort of independent state, it is also Jewish. He has "bottled" on his previous claim that he would be out there protesting THIS weekend, so he has indeed put his Jewish foot in his Jewish mouth.


    Queue the indignant cries of, "Oh look the fake anti-Semitic poster has returned" from the frothy and overexcitable clique of forum wokery. The ones that can't tell their ant-Semitic arses from their holier-than-thou elbow.


    You know who you are.

    Oh look the inflammatory not so fake anti-Semitic poster has returned! Didn't take long for you to spread your hatred! 

    • Confused 1
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  5. 2 minutes ago, sambum said:


    So in order to get a "fair deal" from the Government you have to lie and cheat to get it?


    Strange old world isn't it?

    If we were getting a fair deal from the government I feel there would be less to complain about, we are not getting a fair deal and if it was upgraded it would still remain the lowest in Europe, do you think that the government is lying to you?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    History repeats itself over and over again and again. One day most will realize this war was worse than they first liked to think or believe. 


    Today we know the consequences of Vietnam and Iraq war, just to mention two wars that did upset many people and attracted larger demonstrations. 

    Stop making things up again, there wasn't a war on 6/10.

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