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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I wonder how they would feel if they had been sleeping in a residential building that got blown up by the israelis.


    They probably wouldn't feel anything, as they would have been slaughtered along with the rest of the thousands of Palestinians blown up by American bombs dropped from American planes by israeli pilots.

    If I was a Gazan and I had been sleeping in a residential building that had been blown up by the Israelis, I would be thinking why did Hamas have to start a war with Israel, it was so much better before 7/10, yes that's what I'd be thinking.

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  2. 32 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    Spoken by a citizen whose country has been the leader in taking over other countries in modern history.


    ”The sun never sets upon the British Empire “


    Pot, Kettle, Black.


    Exactly how does our POTUS affect YOUR daily life as a non American?


    While I agree Biden is a moron I don’t see how his domestic policies nor his foreign policies affect YOU as a non US tax payer.


    By the topic of this thread it appears your country has its own issues and would benefit from your attention.

    Woa, hold your horses cowboy, TBL is not one of us, he is one of them. 😉

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  3. 4 minutes ago, paddypower said:

    one further thought:  not everyone here is using some perspective: Hamas killed a lot of Israelis (not necessarily all Jewish) in a horrible fashion. Now, it is pretty obvious that the Israeli government wants revenge, to the extent of what? 35,000 dead Muslims? This is a separate agenda from what many Jews around the world want - they want security. and rightly so.  But not at the horrendous loss of lives that continues today and tomorrow. Do not disenfranchise those of us who are against war and genocide, specially by the very people who suffered their own genocide. Savagely Ironic is it not? .

    Wrong thread!


    Openly Jewish' man threatened with arrest by Police near pro-Palestine march

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  4. Just now, johng said:

    Nope the provocation started shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall/Soviet union collapse with NATO expansion culminating in the war in Ukraine...which BTW Russia has won.

    NATO equates to members joining for the fear of being attacked by Russia, which would explain why there are more members now than at first when Putins army invaded Ukraine, the concept is not difficult, why are you finding it so!

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Another thing, should not be necessary to condem Hamas and Russia innevery post, because what they do is war crimes, and I have no need to explain that every time. It is self explaining, but you like to twist my opinions so it fits your opinion of me. 


    Well, I could not care less what you think of me, I know perfectly well where I stand, and what I stand for, and I know the history who brought me to my wealth and my freedom. It havent come easy, or for free. 


    I have served my duty in army, and if I was called out, I would had fight for my freedom same as many of my friends have done. I was lucky, I didnt have to. 



    You are arguing with yourself now! Nurse



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