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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The kind of “flimsy lifeline” that is substantiated by facts: 


    GideonFalter, the head of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)


    Don’t get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with activism, I think it’s an important part of the public and political discourse so essentially to a healthy democracy.


    However, there’s a difference between honest activism and actively editing videos prior to publication in order to remove scenes that undermine a narrative an activist wishes to portray. 

    You stated you that you haven't even watched the video, so I fail to see how you can be so informed on the subject, there is a vast difference between reading what was said and watching the emotions from the video. The police have apologised 3 times now for the incident which would indicate to most people that they are in the wrong and did they have their body cams turned on or was it conveniently turned off for this incident.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:


    If he has an agenda, you're having a laugh, Mark Rowland resigning over this, no chance, pro-Palestinian marches being cancelled, the UK government wouldn't dare there would be uproar on the streets, terrorists on these marches, so funny, less arrests over the 6 months of this than at a 3rd division football match.

    It is you that is having a laugh, you may think that it normal to carry Swastikas and terrorists flags of every denomination but it isn't. The police leadership is totally abysmal, they have been transformed from police to clowns with their red noses and their bobbie helmets painted in LGBTRZ colours. The police have lost all trust and respect from this once proud nation. Their capabilities to police has been lost by losers like Mark Roland and his predecessor, the problem is the establishment has more of these useless commissioners waiting in the wings.

    If you had any respect for the country you would see this but obviously you don't. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

     Yes, he is a Jew clearly, a Jew with an agenda that was great one day but then it all fell apart.  

    Yes, loads of Jewish people on these marches from day one, no there isn't says Falter, then it's toy's out of the pram time, man's a charlatan who got found wanting on all counts.

    From the river to the sea, everyone should be free.

    If he has an agenda, and he may well have the Met Police have fallen for it hook line and sinker, it has shown the polices discrimination towards the Jewish communities and the call for the resignation of Mark Roland is almost inevitable now, so well done Mr Falter, and now there is a call to cancel these marches. A big win for democracy and a loss for the terrorists amongst our midst.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    I have constantly referred to Mr. Falter by his name, and where did that get me?


    Talk about "Clutching at straws!", eh bob?



    So activists, "even Jewish activists" have the right to cause a breach of the peace?


    Excellent. Then we're agreed that the police have the right to arrest them, even the Jewish ones.


    What you refer to people is up to you, suffice to say it is normally better to call someone by their given name than to flame the issue by using nouns like "activists" especially when there are thousands of unhinged activists screaming of death to Jews. Your concern of one solitary Jew rather than a hoard of feral hate mob screaming Banshees is so noticeable that even a blind man can see your true motives.


    Is wanting to cross the road a breach of the peace now, welcome to the world of reality!

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  5. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    I see this ‘word of the day’ thing is catching on.


    Now you’ve learned a new word, and been shown how to use it in sentences, you can move onto recognizing activists engaging in activism.

    A big fat clue is when they engage in editing videos to remove scenes that undermine the narrative they are pushing.


    Give it a try.



    You could always try calling the gentleman by his name instead of these childish dramatic games you like to portray. 

    • Like 2
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  6. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    I wouldn’t call him an idiot, he clearly has enough smarts to manipulate the gullible with heavily edited videos in which scenes that are not supportive to the narrative he wishes to push have been removed.


    From the start I said he was engaging in grandstanding performative activism.


    I’ll now add with manipulation of video for effect.

    Word of the day...activism/activist. 


    Clutching at straws!

    • Confused 1
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  7. 17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    The police officer did call Mr Falter 'openly Jewish' and the Met have acknowledged that at least three times now.


    The police officer did say that if Mr Falter persisted in trying to push officers out of the way so he could cross through the protest march that he would be arrested.


    Can you get to the point? It's been ten days already.

    I just don't know why Mr Falter just didn't wear his Jeremy Corbyn T Shirt to cross the road, the baying hate mob would have opened up for him like the Red Sea opened for Moses and his followers.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, NanLaew said:


    Good morning @Wobblybob,


    Your open acknowledgement of having poor comprehension skills and being unused to the subtle nuance of the written word is much appreciated.


    I also see you are very happy with labelling and pigeonholing. Nice hobbies. Making it personal is the only way, eh?


    As for your "true pro Israeli supporters". LOL


    Best regards,


    You are the one that made it personal and it has backfired on you, posters don't like you trying to derail topics with your superiority complex and your over inflated ego!

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  9. 55 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    Yet you are the one who suggested they truck Jews out of London. Are you also the one who got upset when trains were suggested as being more appropriate?





    There's no need to be afraid of something you don't understand.



    Yet you are the one who suggested they truck Jews out of London. Are you also the one who got upset when trains were suggested as being more appropriate?



    Never heard of sarcasm, obviously not.

    You purport to be pro Israeli but you spend most of your time stalking and baiting true pro Israeli supporters, you have outed yourself! 



    There's no need to be afraid of something you don't understand.



    Again you cannot debate in a civilised manner, always little jibes which is the trait of luvvy liberals when they have lost the debate out come the insults! 



    • Confused 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    And some other members have mentioned the swastika and Mien Kampf and guess what...  their 'disgusting' posts haven't been removed.


    Apart from my assertion here that I am pro-Israel, you know absolutely nothing about me.





    Because some "other posters that do the same" are making an absolute mountain out of a molehill with this non-event. Calling or identifying someone as being 'openly Jewish' is an anti-Semitic act now?


    Mr Falter wanted to cross through the protesters.


    The policeman suggested to Mr Falter that he wait. He refused.


    The policeman suggested that he take a different route. He refused.


    The police even offered to escort him. He refused.


    Yes, anti-Semitism is ugly and yes it is real and yes it is indefensible, but some here appear to be so unbelievably wrapped up in being more woke than thou, it's risible. By persisting in believing Mr Falter's innocent 'walking while Jewish' nonsense, you're all being played like a cheap violin. Maybe that's what Islamophobia does to some people.

    You haven't got a Scooby Doo, and by the way I don't want to know anything about you as I find your posts abhorrent to say the least. 

    Oh dear Mr Falter wanted to exercise his right as a Londoner to go about his business in a manner we should be used to in a free country and he was threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road, what planet are you from! 

    Officers were also heard to have said that if Mr Falter should return here he was to be put in a pen, whatever that entails. 

    Mr Falter was in no way at fault for exercising his right as a Londoner to go about his business, the mob were the threat and all the more reason these antisemitic hate marches must be immediately stopped! 

    But if anything it has exposed how biased the London Met Police are, we have lost the capability of policing these hate marches and Mr Falter exposed the inadequacy of the police in London. They are afraid of the mob and Mr Falter was an easy target, but the problem we have is the police service is so woke now if Sir Mark Rowley was replaced we would end up with another of the establishments pathetic woke cop in waiting! 


    • Agree 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    No doubt many ruined their lives, and still do, 


    Anadrol was one steroid only the idiots did back then, but as said, they most likely abused other things to, and veterinarian steroids ment for horses only. 


    It is a lifestyle in a downwards spiral


    "I think a better way to view this is a spectrum of behaviors by people on anabolic steroids ranging from being somewhat more assertive, moving up one notch to being frankly aggressive, and moving up another notch to actually having this roid rage. It's really an extreme of a spectrum of kind of behavioral things that you see with anabolic steroids.


    Could anabolic steroids account for severely violent acts?


    Yes. It's been implicated in a number of murders and can result in extreme

    aberrations of behavior including the taking of one's life.


    Another thing you have to be mindful of -- it may unmask an underlying

    psychiatric disorder that has been basically kept in check until the individual is exposed to this category of drugs. And so what you may be seeing is unmasked psychiatric disorder."



    He certainly was very paranoid when he was taking these drugs, he thought everybody was out to screw him and he also thought he knew what he was doing, he didn't. But when he wasn't on them he was a great guy.

  12. 5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Many take them without doing a doctor visit and re evaluation periodically, and that spells dangerous. This is why I didn't think of it. I wanted to be as strong as possible without drugs. I was as strong as many of the steroid users, although they were bigger. I didn't want to think of the side effects many were getting, so I didn't do them. I have enough joint problems because of the extreme weights, I didn't need more.

    My Brother in Law at the time who was an orthopaedic doctor told us that steroids not only make your muscles bigger but also your organs including the heart and it struggles to function with not having enough blood to supply it.

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  13. 17 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Im not here to defend roid use, but I know enough people who have been professional body builders, and never experienced roid rage from any of them. 


    As alcohol, it is the personality not the stimulants. 


    I know andnheard about roid rage, but as said, those where also abusing amphetamines, cocain, alchohol, and involved in crimes. Personality problems

    My business partner was an avid body builder, did the shows on stage etc, he was massive but he took steroids and he had the temper of Satan when riled. He had the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger but he was very unfit and would get out of breath walking a 100 metres. He died at the age of 33 with complete organ failure through steroids.

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