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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 1 minute ago, stevenl said:

    Lol, see Nick's post.

    But you and many others have always maintained it started October 7. A convenient pov, but not realistic.

    Not in your eyes anyway, posters that have the ability to understand reality will know that this conflict did indeed start on 7/10, for without 7/10 there would be no war. Hope this helps your understanding of the circumstances!


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  2. 29 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    12kg is way to high for your age and starting off, I would strongly suggest you get to practice and get the correct method and "form" before you even consider that kind of weight, or you'll just end up injured.


    Start with around 5/6kg  get comfortable with the methods, etc., lighter weight, more reps, etc is the safe way to start.


    There are plenty of senior workouts with kettlebells on YouTube


    I bought mine of Lazada and never had any issues.


    That is the problem with kettlebells you need so many different weights and they are not cheap. It doesn't take long to outgrow the ones you have and then you need to buy some more. Not all weights are suitable for all exercises and you might need 3 different weighted bells for one workout. 

    With dumbbells you can buy a bar, or two, and some plates, also an attachment and use them as kettlebells. You can keep altering the weight configuration to suit your ability and also use them as dumbbells, IMO.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, bannork said:

    Sorry Bob, your man's been found out. He's been trying to provoke a violent reaction from the pro Palestine marchers but failed.

    "Initial story about ‘openly Jewish’ incident not full picture, says ex-senior Met officer | Police | The Guardian" https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/22/initial-story-about-openly-jewish-incident-not-full-picture-says-ex-senior-met-officer

    Before we start can I say he is not my man and you go on to say that he is trying to provoke a "violent reaction" (your own words?) from the pro Palestinian crowd. Has he not got the right to protest in his way, yet the proPal hate mob can demonstrate in whatever way they choose like shouting for the death and destruction of Israel and its people, fly terrorist flags, swastikas and other anti-Semitic regalia. No Jew is safe anywhere in the world, yet you, and others chose to maximise a trivial incident and if he has shown how bad the hate marches are being policed by the Met Police well more power to his arm.

    Here is another Jew in London being almost kidnapped, god only knows what would have happened if they had succeeded, yet all your concerns are about a Jew attempting to cross the road. Your eureka is nothing more than a damp squib. 🥴







    • Thanks 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Oh the means justifies the ends argument.


    Even when the means stays into what the ICJ describes as ‘Plausible allegations of genocide’


    You are wandering die the sewer of morally bankrupt justifications.

    Hope this helps your understanding of the expression "Plausable allegations of genocide", straight from the horses mouth so to speak. 



    • Thanks 2
  5. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    The 'openly Jewish' man has been an agent provocateur all along.

    You might want to check out the credentials of Aaron Bastani, he is a communist activist that has been arrested twice on public order offences, and is much made in the same mould as Owen Jones, he writes for the Guardian. 


    And as much mud as you lot are trying to throw by digging up this nonsense the police sergeants words were inexcusable, the police met have apologised for their actions and then apologised again for their first apology. 


    Must try harder! 



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  6. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Maybe you don’t like criticism of the slaughter and starvation of innocent civilians.



    Maybe you listen to the terrorists version of events too much, Israel is fighting this war (which they didn't start) with kid gloves on, they have minimised casualties as much as humanely possible. Hamas must take responsibility for the deaths in Gaza for without them there would be none.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Yes, I accept non of this would be happening without the attack of 7/10.


    At the time I referred to that attack as an obscenity, I still regard that attack as an obscenity. 

    Israel has every right to defend itself.


    But Israel also has obligations under international law.


    There are multiple options to Israel, the protest at objecting to the ongoing option chosen:


    Acceptance of Israel’s right to defend itself and to respond with force to the obscene attack of 7/10 does not come with a cart Blanche acceptance of the atrocities Israel is now committing.


    Opposition to Israel’s slaughter of innocent civilians, the blocking of food, medicines, water and power to a civilian population under siege and the exclusion of international news reporters from the war zone does not in any sense or way excuse or justify the obscene attack of 7/10.


    It’s very simple, one obscenity does not justify another.

    Opposing the ongoing slaughter is not hate.



    Israel has even more obligations to it's own citizens and must do what it deems fit to protect the lives of its citizens. Let's not forget these terrible conditions the hostages are being held in and it would appear subjected to daily abuse, but we don't like to talk about them.

    The simple solution is for all the hostages (what's left of them anyway) to be released and the terrorists to surrender, and with that the war would end immediately.

  8. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    Gaslighting again.


    These are not hate marches.


    Though I do accept you hate protests against the slaughter of innocent civilians, the blocking of food, medicines, water and power to a civilian population under siege and the exclusion of international news reporters from the war zone (we couldn’t possibly be allowed to know what’s actually going on could we?!) 



    You accept nothing that doesn't fit In with with your narrative. Do you accept that none of this woud be happening without the attack on 7/10 on innocent Israeli civilians and do you agree that Israel has every right to make sure these horrific barbaric attacks never happen again, or are you with some on here that thinks the Israelis should lay down their weapons and let these barbarians kill them.

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