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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, RuamRudy said:


    A genuine question - how do you feel about Sunak's attack on the right to protest?


    "For holding a sign outside a courthouse reminding jurors of their right to acquit defendants, a retiree faces up to two years in prison. For hanging a banner reading "Just Stop Oil" off a bridge, an engineer got a three-year prison sentence. Just for walking slowly down the street, scores of people have been arrested."



    I would say you are deliberately going off topic because you cannot and have not made any reasonable input to this topic which is disingenuous.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    A language does need to be phonetic for any spelling of pronunciations to make sense.


    You can misspell any word you like, but how that miss spelled word ‘reads’ is dependent upon the accent of the reader.


    I think that if it's ok for Robert Burns to write phonetically it should be ok for JohnnyF.

    Don't let lifes trivialities get to you, lifes too short!

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    There are 2 different issues here. One is the intent of the law; the other is the abuse of it by those who object to it or the party that implemented it. 


    Note that the SNP does not have a majority in the Scottish parliament. The law was passed with cross party support, 82 for, 34 against and 4 abstentions. This is not an SNP whim.



    Spin it as much as you like but I suspect you know how ridiculous this law is.

    Which brings me back to my initial post that the Scottish government is turning Scotland into a police state and you are complicit with your apathetic approach to the whole situation.

  4. 4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    I disagree. All laws are open to abuse. Should we avoid passing any law because of a small number of people with malicious intent?

    There is no logic in you disagreeing with the blatantly obvious......when other more serious crimes have to be put on hold to facilitate this ill thought out whim of the SNP it is idiotic. Perhaps it's time for you to admit how ridiculous this new law is, you are doing yourself no favours by defending it!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    Indeed, there is seemingly no limit to the idiocy of malicious, bigoted people. I think each one should be charged with wasting police time - but that would, of course, waste even more police time on these idiots.

    This is the reason this rediculous and unworkable law should have not been introduced in the first place, do not blame the people that are wasting police time...blame the idiotic SNP for giving them the ammunition to fire! 

  6. 46 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    Positive political discourse is taking a stand. Making vexatious complaints to the police about wildly misrepresented occurrences is not. 

    4000 complaints in the first 24 hours of this ridiculous new crime law and the police must investigate everyone, therefore leaving the police under manned to investigate real crimes is criminal in itself, the SNP has made Scotland a laughing stock and you just won't admit it, "Lead on McDuff" I will follow no matter how stupid this new law is!


    • Thanks 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    So you recognise that the law does not apply retrospectively yet you use this phrase? Strange...


    Funnily enough, it seems that 3,000 people have failed to understand the basic premise of the law, and rushed to put their bigoted ignorance on display.

    Peoples concern that Scotland is turning into a police state is hardly bigoted ignorance, more like you putting a finger in each ear and bellowing 'I can't hear you'! 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    Linehan clearly has issues and is probably not the best spokeperson for female rights. He was supposedly posing as a woman on Mumsnet trying to drum up anti-trans support. So much for his advocacy for safe spaces for women, eh? He was banned from Twitter for hateful comments.


    More here:


    Poor man seems obsessed to the point of harming himself emotionally. He blames others for all his troubles. Needs someone to tell him to pull away from it all.


    Being banned from twitter doesn't mean a thing these days. Never criticise the hate brigade on twitter, I thought it might have changed when Elon took over but it's pretty much run by the lynch mob intent on ruining good people's lives.

    • Like 1


    5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's admirable, but in THIS situation, do you honestly believe that Ukraine can win?

    I do not and never have . Napoleon and Hitler both thought they could and couldn't. Ukraine doesn't have the manpower or the industrial capacity to win. Without western taxpayer support it would have been over 2 years ago. Money doesn't win wars, men do and Ukraine doesn't have them.


    If you do think Ukraine can win I'd be fascinated to know why.

    But as a warrior I would have thought that you would have realised that in a battle it is all about fire power and weaponry, the SAS are a testimonial to this when just 7 SAS soldiers took on hundreds of South Yemen's finest at the Battle of Mirbat.

    Fire power!

    • Haha 1
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  10. 45 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    You're right. I'm not at all interested in Linehan's concerns because I don't see him as a serious commentator. And I'm not sure I want to talk about toilet provisions either because it's so tedious. 🙂 


    My point was a general one about how I perceive these people, not about any particular issue.

    My point at the moment is that women's rights are gradually being eroded by one thing or another, usually another. Graham generally fights for these rights whether males using female loo's or men competing at female sports and so on and so forth. Generally speaking I find him a good egg and very deliberate in his wording on women's rights. We know he doesn't get on with certain clique of society, but overall IMO he is honourable and he means well. :thumbsup:

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Baht Simpson said:

    I'm not talking about specific issues. Those can be debated. I'm talking about Peterson's angry rants, Fox's pathetic sarcasm, Linehan's hateful comments and Rowling's intransigence. 

    Sorry if you don't want to talk about Linehans concerns about men using ladies toilets then you are cherry picking, talk about things that matter!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    Yes. Remember when she liked a tweet that said trans women were just men in dresses and then got her agent to apologize by saying she accidentally liked the tweet when she "mishandled" the phone. Lol


    I have no problem with her or anyone voicing their opinion but like Jordan Peterson, Graham Linehan, Laurence Fox and others she's highly antagonistic and deliberately courts trouble in an attempt of vainglory. 


    From what I've read all the people you mentioned are against men using ladies toilets, personally I would not call that being antagonistic. Do you think it's a good idea, what can possibly go wrong?

    • Like 1
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  13. 4 minutes ago, Seppius said:

    So just had mine done, 500 to clean 800 for gas, seems excessive, unit only 2 1/2 years old, here's the bill. One-man band, does a lot of a/c work in the building and 2nd time I used him





    Mine are 8 years old now and have never had a gas replenishment.

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  14. Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

    Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara highlights the current situation, emphasizing whether the attack on the aid convoy was deliberate or part of a systematic and indiscriminate use of force in Gaza. He suggests examining the broader context to understand the motives behind such actions.



    It's a war, mistakes can be made.......Hamas started this war?

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