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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 33 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:


    Can't beat the Israelis in terms of redefinitions. Calling its army "the most moral army in the world", for instance, is an interesting one.


    From the UN's Relief Web:


    Horrific testimonies: Israeli army tortures Palestinians in Gaza physically and psychologically

    As Israel continues its genocide in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has documented the Israeli army's sadistic abuse and torture of Palestinians there. This includes purposefully causing severe physical and psychological harm, which will undoubtedly have long-term effects, after storming their homes and shelter centres or attacking them on forced evacuation routes and so-called "safe corridors".


    https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/horrific-testimonies-israeli-army-tortures-palestinians-gaza-physically-and-psychologically-enar#:~:text=Euro-Med Monitor confirmed that,%2C displacement centres%2C and neighbourhoods.

    The UN were part of the incursion into Israel on 7/10, you must be so proud of the failed organisation that as always been useless, but now it is not only useless but biased and corrupt! 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Yawn - reminds me, I need my second cup of coffee. Anyway, as my late dad who fought in WW2 never forgot, the soviets saved our asses as much as the Yanks and lost 20 million as opposed to 400k for the US. Never forget. But it looks like you already have.

    That is a moot point and a tad off topic.

    • Sad 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    Okay, and although I promised a moderator I wouldn't ask anymore direct questions, I'll ask you two, the first of which I know your answer, and the second of which I would like to hear what you have to say about it.
    - What is the "real reason" this war started? (I assume your answer would be "Oct 7."
    - What is the "real reason" Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7? (This is the one I hope you answer.)

    You assume correctly.

    Question 2, they have brainwashed their followers into believing that the Israeli are the devil incarnate and even their youngsters play games with one child pretending to be an Israeli and they take turns in stabbing him, please tell me that you don't think that this is normal behaviour. Muslims were killing Jews since time immemorial, it's what they do and whether it has anything to do with their prophet being killed by a Jew I will leave tha one for you to ponder over.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    Hamas has done and continues to do awful things. I don't condone any of it. However, Israel has also done and continues to do awful things. I don't condone that either, but you do.

    History is important to understanding this 80-year-old war, and, IMO, to trying to end it.  If you dismiss all of that, you will just go on thinking Israel is always in the right and Palestinians always in the wrong, and there will be no way to resolve this conflict. 

    Using history to mask the real reason this war started is totally unacceptable.

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  5. 1 minute ago, WDSmart said:

    I still believe this "war" started 80 years ago. The militant activities of Oct 7 and those that followed are just a continuation of that larger conflict. 

    Hamas is responsible for killing around 1,200 Israelis on Dec 7. I agree. But Israel is now responsible for killing around 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza since then. 

    Israel could have done a lot more. They could not have bombed indiscriminately as they did. And, where were the civilians to go anyway? Whenever they did try to relocate, the IDF would attack them.

    The "ghastly gullible" states worldwide are distancing themselves from Israel because of its actions in Gaza. The longer this conflict goes on, the more of them will do that. Israel will soon become precisely what it whines about it is now anyway, a pariah.

    Palestian terrorist logic is we rape your women and murder your citizens in the most beastly ways ever been witnessed in modern times, 'why are you angry with us, you know we are the victims'. 

    80 years ago is history, now is now, stop using this excuse to legitimise or to minimise the horrific the killings on the day the war started, vis a vis 7/10. It is very disingenuous!

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  6. 15 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    I don't excuse Hamas for what they did on Oct 7, but the difference between you and me (one of the probably MANY differences) is that I also don't excuse Israel for how they responded to that by killing 30,000 (or so) Palestinians in Gaza.

    I was neither pro nor anti either party when I began posting about this on earlier forums. Now, because of people like you, that's changed.

    I don't believe you, you are doing your best to get the date changed of when this war started so in your mind that lessons the seriousness of the crimes Hamas, and some UN workers committed on 7/10, even a blind man can see when it started.

    Those 30,000 you keep repeating are the responsibility of Hamas, Israel couldn't have done anymore to have warned the Palestians of where they would be holding their operations, Hamas are using them to gain them the sympathy vote and the ghastly gullible have fallen for their lies hook line and sinker.

  7. 34 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    My link is a response to a search of "photos of starving children in gaza." 

    How about this one? I hope you are not trying to claim that there are no starving people in Gaza.That would be taking your pro-israeli claims way too far. 
    In war-ravaged Gaza, starving children fill hospital wards as famine looms | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)

    I think the problem with your 'lets blame everything on Israel' after a while it backfires on you when the truth is revealed. There is no doubt that the terrorists themselves have been hijacking the trucks carrying the aid and much of this aid is being sold by Hamas on the streets of Gaza. 



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  8. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    If you look outside your mindset, you might see a double standard. 


    If it is a death warrant, why on earth did they establish Israel in the middle of their enemies. A quick sober analysis would make it clear, it was not sustainable with a state among enemies, thats why rhis is important to consider, when we eventually ends up at 7. October.


    Israel is only there because Uk and France invested heavily and guaranteed their future. Later Us have taken that role, because of strategic reasons, and also because of the importance of the christian voters in Us.

    If you had a reality check you might see the nonsense you espouse. 

    This topic is not about why they did this or that 80 years ago that is done and dusted. 

    • Sad 1
  9. On 3/23/2024 at 4:03 PM, charleskerins said:

    Was about to buy an air cooler  for the room and someone told me it is a breeding ground for mosquitos.  If so anyone have experience with this and is there any safe "solution"  to the issue?   thank You

    What I did to make sure the cooler reservoir didn't attract mozzies was to put a couple of drops of sweet smelling oil based liquid, the mozzies cannot penetrate the film of oil and it gave off a nice sweet smelling aroma at the same time. I bought a shed load from Lazada and my cooler packed in.🥴IMG_20240327_135718_8872.thumb.jpg.3564b40a46e2dcfaf7827eed63018aeb.jpg

  10. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    There is only fails, mostly from the international community who sit and watch this unfolds and supply weapons and security guarantees.

    That would sign a death warrant for Israel, the civilised world is not ready for that, nor should they be.

    Do you ever blame the perpetrators of these wars, is it always the victims fault, the terrorist propaganda has suckered a lot of fools In the West.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    Whyndo you think I only see one part suffering. I know what a terrorist attack is, and if you did not pay attention, the terrorist attack is oart of the long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Which you are not able to to see or willing to recognize. 


    You are not able to see any Palestinian suffering at all, and totally accept starvation, mutilation and killing of Palestinians. 

    I am not playing your silly mind games, for what you fail to see is, had this war not started on the 7/10 there would be little or no suffering except for the mandatory missile attacks from Gaza.

    And any suffering in Gaza lays at the hands of the perpetrators of this war and why you fail to see the obvious is mind boggling, you are all about obfuscation.

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  12. Just now, Hummin said:

    You are hanged up in 7. October, 


    Poor mans weapon and strategy against a totalitarian force have no suprises. 


    Do not need to justify the terrorist action. Any attack on civilian is unacceptable. 


    Now we re talking about a genocide in revenge. 

    You are hanged up in 7. October, 

    I wonder why, oh I know that was the date the war started and the same reason you don't like it being mentioned.


    Now we re talking about a genocide in revenge. 

    You might be, there is no genocide nor revenge, that is you being economic with the truth again!

    • Sad 1
  13. Just now, Hummin said:

    You cant see the difference between cause and consequences as a result of decades of brutal politics. 


    It is  alled narrowed minded view, and easily affected of propaganda, as in every war and conflict it is.


    Thats why humanity goes back to zero one every time with short memory of last time they where mislead. 



    You cannot resist justifying the Hamas crimes on 7/10 with your what about this and what about that. 7/10 is the date that this current war started and don't let anyone convince you any different, and more to the point don't pee down our legs and tell us it's raining!

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  14. Just now, Hummin said:

    The Palestinians have been the victims long time before Israel even was on the map, but lets be more realistic, they suffered long time before Hamas was an militant political organization. 


    Im not here to even try to discuss with people who manage to debate on a level as yours. Waste of time, and non productive

    And I'm not here to debate with posters that cannot tell fact from fiction. You don't callously rape women then kill them and set fire to families houses with them still in the house then start shouting 'it's not fair' when Israel retaliates, they have made their bed they must live with the consequences!

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  15. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Once again I have to disagree with you. IMO all that would do is make the israelis do the same to Palestinian prisoners, probably 10 for one.


    I think netanyahu has given up any idea of rescuing the hostages, if he ever did. IMO he just wants to get on with the real slaughter.


    Seems a few on here would cheer him on.

    I've an idea, instead of murdering the hostages why don't they release them then surrender and may be the "slaughtering" would cease. 

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