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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 1 minute ago, frank83628 said:

    i prefer peace to wars, seems you prefer war n death.... while sitting comfy in your armchair!

    You couldn't be more wrong Frank, Hamas started this war and the Palestians jumped for joy at the sight of mangled Israelis being paraded in the back of pickups being spat on and the bodies beaten with lengths of timber. Now if you said I prefer right from wrong, or good fro evil you would have been spot on!

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  2. Just now, frank83628 said:

    ah, you mean a difference of opinion..... that thing you don't like. 
    everyone should be on the side of Israel right!!

    i think the 1st post after the OP was the best think written here. look at the map and see how Israel has spread, would you be happy of your home was bulldozed and land taken?

    Israel playing the victim is just like the US doing it. everyone out to get them, and blind to their actions!!

    Tut tut Frank, you are off on a tangent again.

  3. Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

    HI Wobblybob, would you care to debate when the war started in Gaza?

    You have been told many times but just because it doesn't fit in with your anti Israel nonsense you invent fantasies.

    Was there any bombing prior to 7/10 as such, thought not. Pulling dates from your excuse wallet will never justify these 7/10 crimes!

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  4. Just now, frank83628 said:

    pretty sure life for those in Gaza wasn't all hunky dory prior to Oct 7th!

    And who's fault is that, the West sent them money and other aid but instead of putting it to good use and improve their lifestyles, (wait for it Frank your going to love this), they built tunnels. 😂😂😂

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Mirror effect, 🪞 

    The anti Israelis on here are incapable of a debate so after a few nonsense posts they decide they are getting nowhere with right minded posters so they decide to write gibberish monologues and the really off the wall posters reply to their own posts. 😂😂😂

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    The intellectual side only, would mean one part was erased, which will give new challenges.


    In nature the strongest part always win, so intellectually, we should just let Israel perform genocide, and then deal with the aftermath. 


    We cant allow that, it puts Europe in danger with a new flood of emigrants who will never forget. 


    I have to admire your tactic in debates.


    Joker, good one. 


    Have great easter holiday

    Was it Mark Twain that said "talking 🐂💩 doth not an intellectual make"

    Yes happy Easter.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    It doesnt leave much for intellectual understanding and humanity. 


    Im off on holiday, so enjoy the debate where  no one is right.


    Im just happy I pulled the right card when born, which only gives me the right to speak from my hearth, what I feel, how I see it, risking nothing at all. 


    A least I have no guilt

    The Joker was not the right card and why would you only want to speak from your "hearth" oh you intellectual one.😂😂😂

    • Haha 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, WDSmart said:


    "Let it Be" would not be a good approach, IMO. But, I do know a song that does deliver the most accurate message of how I feel about this entire Isreal/Palestine debacle: "I'd Love to Save the World" by Ten Years After. The chorus goes like this:


    "I'd love to save the world, 
    But I don't know what to you,

    So I'll leave it up to you."



    A specific one for the terrorists could be Dylans "Subterranean Homesick Blues"

    • Haha 2
  9. 8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum, the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.”



    So there you have it, I hate to burst your bubble but Guterres is part of the problem, good grief some of the terrorists were UN members and to try and use the old excuse of picking a moment out of the air is beyond beggars belief to justify those horrific murder on 7/10. It is disgraceful and disingenuous at the very least and the people that were so brutally tortured by these animals were not even born when your link goes on to mention "56 years ago".

    So as the topic title states "What Would You Have Israel Do to Defend Itself?"


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  10. 7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    If you don't see that Israel did a lot of bad things for many years in that area, then I can't help you.

    It must be nice to be convinced that only all the others are bad. It's so wonderful black and white and easy.

    Enjoy your ignorance.

    It's obvious I cannot compete with a poster with a 130+ IQ, but there again I don't have to revert to insults when the argument is lost. 🙁

    This is about a war that started on the 7/10, so don't start wars then claim you are the victim as it will not wash with right minded people! 

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  11. 8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    My moral compass is like: If someone does something bad to me and people I care about, then I hope whoever did that will be punished. 

    In some countries for some crimes this punishment happens from the authorities. In other countries lots of bad people get away with horrendous crimes and the authorities do nothing. I understand when in such situations people fight against the bad guys and against the bad authorities.


    And this is of course something which applies to many situations in many countries all over the world. 


    When you write: "The past is long gone", do you apply this to anything? If someone murdered your family a year ago, was that in the past and long ago and it doesn't really matter anymore? Or 10 years? Or how long ago is long enough? 

    A year ago is not 80, stop trying to justify the crimes of these evil People, the rest of your post is just gibberish!

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  12. 14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    How about:

    If my government had allowed the people that are supposed to be the representatives of my country to commit such sadistic acts of degradation on innocent Palestinians I would without a doubt say 'we deserve it'.


    The problem is that both people can point at the others and point at all the bad things which the others did. And if they wish they can also think about what bad things their own side did. But they did it obviously only because the others did it.

    Now the question is if both sides accept that lots of bad things happened in the past and both sides try to live in peace with the other side. I know that is very difficult but it's the only way out of the current situation. 

    The past is long gone, we are where we are now and that doesn't include the sadistic murders we have all seen. If your morality compass is out of synch that is no fault of anyone but yourself!

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  13. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am sure you heard the expression before that the same people are called terrorists and freedom fighters.


    I am sure there are reasons why some countries call Hamas terrorists.

    Let's ignore that label for a moment. 

    What would you do if soldiers from another country would invade your city and destroy lots of buildings and interrupt food, water and electricity supply? Would you just accept that because those invaders tell you some bad people are in your city, and they all have to be killed? Or would you defend yourself, your family, your friends, and they people you live with?

    I was never in such a situation, and I can't really know what I would do. But somehow, I expect I would fight against the invading aggressors.


    As far as I know all countries, with the only exception of the USA and Israel, are demanding a ceasefire. So, it seems >90% of the world agrees that Israel should stop their aggression. 

    If my government had allowed the people that are supposed to be the representatives of my country to commit such sadistic acts of degradation on innocent Israelis I would without a doubt say 'we deserve it'.

    • Haha 1
  14. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Mostly I gave up reading and watching news about this. Because what can any of us do? Nothing!

    As long as the USA supports Israel almost unconditionally, they have no reason to change.

    And it seems any US government will support Israel.

    So, what can we do? Look at the news and think how unfair the world is? Or try to ignore it because we know it's unfair.

    Isn't it good news when governments stand up to terrorism?

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