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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seen on Al Jazeera this morning.

    Israeli attack kills 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of Hamas political leader in North Gaza ( illegal collective punishment ), and another killed 14 people, including children, in a Gaza refugee camp, without warning.


    Al Jazeera titles their reports as "Israeli genocide" and it does seem that that is true.



    In an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic, Haniyeh confirmed the killing of his children Hazem, Amir and Mohammad along with a number of his grandchildren on Wednesday. Shehab news agency reported that at least three grandchildren of the Hamas leader were killed in the attack.




    Gaza: Israel kills 14 Palestinians, including children,


    You do know that Ismail Haniyeh lauds it up in Qatar and seems to think it is a great honour for his sons to be martyred while normal fathers would be grieving for their loved ones, and do you know they were cell commanders of the Hamas military wing. So have we reached a stage where we are glorifying terrorists.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    You mentioned russia, I mentioned a larger picture how things works and have impacted the world we see today.


    The jews have been a hunted religious cult/people for how long? They still are not liked based on todays actions and for their history. They got a brief moment of understanding and empathy after ww2, but now, it is only hardcore bible humpers left. 


    Do not need to be Hamas supporter to be realistic. Only those who do not want to see will follow the crazyniess to the end. 

    TBL mentioned Russia, I just corrected him how wrong he was, now back on topic.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Usa is the world police, the empire with biggest influence on the world, making decisions and take actions that impact people different around the world, and also creating unstabillity in larger regions. Of course heritaged from earlier empires from Rome, Ottaman, British just to mention a few. 


    Alexander the great was one of the first who managed to split and devide people in larger scales, moving boarders, influence culturally, so, where the empire goes, they create enemies. 


    World politics is challenging, and doing good for one side, might harm another side. 

    History lessons are frowned upon! And using it to justify 7/10 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is damn right distortion of the facts. Now back on topic?

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  4. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Indeed, America is going to suffer in the Middle East as it's support of israel while it oppresses Palestinians is likely being used by Iran to arm anyone that will expand the conflict in the Middle East against the US. Iran has probably been seeing how America is waging a proxy war in Ukraine and is learning the lessons of how to do it. I doubt the Iranians care any more how many Palestinians die than the US cares about how many Ukrainians die.

    It's all Americas fault and never Palestine nor Russia with you! 

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  5. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    FWIW I think you guys will win and clear that area anyway


    There are no winners in this. Israel may kill a lot of Hamas fighters and proclaim victory, but such is the hatred they have created it will just be a pause till the next strike against israelis, anywhere on the planet.

    Perhaps they are so blinded by hate for Palestinians themselves that they can't see what they are creating- the forever war.

    Points to note:

    The Palestinians hated the Israelis before this war started, they are indoctrinated from birth, they couldn't possibly hate them anymore than they did before this war began! 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:


    I've already told you I don't engage in the false "Hamas vs. Israel" dichotomy. Hamas in its current form is an Israeli creation.


    Prayers to the Palestinian people.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend untill they turn on you then they need to be put down. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Fact based responses based on propaganda? You can believe what you want, but you are happy to turn the blind eye to the reality of this tragedy, and the fundamental lack of humanity against civilians for decades before the last war started. 


    A war propagandists is the right term.

    It has been proven much to the disappointment of the pro Hamas supporters that they have lied time after time and still you fall for the terrorist propaganda.🥴 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, placnx said:

    The Israeli public has been subjected to Pavlovian conditioning for so many years that it seems to be immune to reason. There is this paranoid reflex that they are going to be eliminated, but the reality is quite the opposite. It's the Palestinians who see their space and identity constantly under threat since WW 1.

    I don't care what spin you use to justify the start of this war, it started by the Palestian incursion on 7/10.

    Nice try though.😡

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    António Guterres said Hamas attacks didn't happen in a vacuum, they had been due to years of suffocating occupation’ ’What does this mean to you? To me, it means Hamas did not start this 'war'. The head of the UN!


    You appear to think this is a war like others in the past. Can you tell me another war where only one side's civilians were being killed? 


    Do you think your hope of further Israel action, killing Hamas, and innocent women/kids will end the conflict? I don't. Frankly, it's quite a hope for me to understand. 

    Have you any idea the suffering that Gazans will face in the future, loss of families, PTSD, no homes etc? 

    Maybe Hamas should have thought about that before inflicting their evil actions before invading Israel, actions have consequences.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    The tragic fact is, if we where in their situation, what would we have done? 


    Think carefully before you answer! 


    Maybe not you, but I would for sure defend my people my land against a totalitarian unjustifiable force who pretended they did everything right for everyones best, but in practice abused the civilians, killed the civilians, unjustified detention of kids, abusing kids, shooting kids, even raped their women and boys. Sounds familar to what Hamas did the 7. October, but we are talking decades of the same abuse, and also take their land piece by piece. 


    How many innocent civilians have died in the war of terror? And not to speak of the chaos left behind when pulled out, creating another scenario where etnic groups and religious groups revenged each other for who they participated with.


    Gaza is just another location where world politics is executed in the worst form.


    But I do not expect some of you guys agree, or willing to admit what comes around goes around, and for me, I have no need to support one or the other side.


    I will fight for my country against evil, no matter who it is, and I think we will experience more terror and conflicts the years to come, because of the cultural differences as well religious differences. 


    Im not especially posiive to mix strong cultures, and think it will be ok in the long turn.


    Again, why do we have a large group of  religious immigrants to Europe? Can anyone answer that? What is the real cause? 


    Destabilization of larger regions the last centuries? Could  that be one reason?

    Maybe not you, but I would for sure defend my people my land against a totalitarian unjustifiable force who pretended they did everything right for everyones best, but in practice abused the civilians, killed the civilians, unjustified detention of kids, abusing kids, shooting kids, even raped their women and boys. Sounds familar to what Hamas did the 7. October, but we are talking decades of the same abuse, and also take their land piece by piece. 

    You're not getting this at all are you, you are wanting to believe the lies that Hamas is selectively given the gullible and it soaks in like water into a sponge.

    The Palestinians would not have to be defending anything had they not committed these gross acts of indecency against innocent civilians. You are playing the blame game to justify these outrageous attacks on Israelis to deflect on who is really responsible for this war.

    Israel has no choice but to ensure these vile acts never happen again and never again is now!

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  11. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    Now you start using my answer to you.


    Mirror effect. Never been one sided, and as said before, Im done going circles with you, because of your constantly cowardly strategy when debating. Low level and one sided and constantly twisting my points as now. 



    You have never been comfortable with the truth and faced with it you emit poor thought out insults. You are always the victim.🥴

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