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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 1 minute ago, sirineou said:

    If what Merkel, Sarkozy, Burns. and many others said 

    "Ukraine induction into NATO, de facto declaration of war"  is true.

    What do you think a country against whom war was declared does?

    I have no interest in what Merkel said and if I did I cannot read your supplied link as it is behind a paywall, which is against AN rules!

    Ukraine was never going to be allowed into NATO until Putin illegally invaded their sovereign country and now there is a distinct possibility.


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  2. 14 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    It becomes offensive when one is accused of supporting antisemitic/s in an attempt to crush debate. The appointee has an outstanding professional record and is within her rights to critique certain Israeli policies and actions. Below is a speech she gave at the National Press Club of Australia which will give further insight into her POV. Of course I expect yo and others with the same worldview not to bother to educate yourselves.

    You accuse others of which you are guilty, is it not pompous and an insult to say "not to bother to educate yourselves"  hypocrisy at its finest, for where I'm sitting you are reading and watching anyone that is a critique of Israel. We have shown you enough links to facilitate our claims, you have shown a Sky Anchorman introducing this anti-Semitic person, need to do better!

  3. 4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Last time I checked Merkel was German . Sarkozy  who had the same opinion was French. Burns who is now CIA director and was then ambassador to Russia  , warned the US of the same is American.

    You might want to research the issue a bit more before express an uninformed opinion.


    I have done my research thanks very much, you my want to stop reading TASS and propagating Kremlin propaganda, you claimed that NATO was "in defence of NATO expansion. Russian land grabbing does not equate to NATO expansion! 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Many critics of Israeli policy are often critiqued, no surprise Sky News joined in. Her qualifications are outstanding, profile below:


    There has been international attention and controversy surrounding Albanese's appointment and tenure as Special Rapporteur. Critics of Albanese have accused her of antisemitism and anti-Israel bias. Human rights groups have said the accusations are illegitimate attempts to discredit her criticism of Israel.





    Why am I not surprised that you defend antisemitics, it is becoming a recurring theme with you and when confronted by your biases you go into denial mode!


    If you ignore the Hamas massacre that started the war, the 14,000 rockets fired against Israeli towns, 130 hostages now being tortured in Gaza, how can you possibly understand the war?

    And though you say it’s not in your mandate, you have commented. On February 10, you mocked the statement of President Macron that October 7th constituted the greatest antisemitic massacre of our century. You said the victims were “not killed because of their Judaism,” but rather “in reaction to Israel’s oppression.”



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  5. 44 minutes ago, Neeranam said:


    It's just a shame that all your posts consists of people with extremely antisemitic views, is this because it is difficult to slander the Israelis when being truthful? Nice try but no cigar!


    Mr Neuer says the reason the United Nations “picked her” was because she is “extremely biased.”

    He says she is someone who “pretends to be neutral.”

    “Neither her position nor her background has anything to do with impartiality,” he said. “In fact, her mandate from 1993 is to investigate only ‘Israel’s violations.’ So her mandate is only to investigate Israel.”




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  6. 1 hour ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I think Johnson’s misdemeanours were more than a beer, for a start he lied to the Queen, then lied again in Parliament denying any involvement in parties and prorogued Parliament illegally.

    Judging by what we saw of the Boris Johnson party, I hope I'm never invited to one, but a Keir Starmer party is another kettle of fish......Chicken Korma for me Keir, Angela Raynor will have her usual chips with mushy peas.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Of course not, and I have no idea why that troll is replying to me, he was blocked a long time ago and he knows why, for continual insults and false claims like this. 

    The problem you have is you class everyone that has a different opinion to yourself as insulting you, you have all but a few members on here on ignore (or so you say) now the laws of averages deem that all on ignore have not insulted you. You seem to have a very fragile mindset and take offence at everything. What false claims were made about you.....that's correct, none. 


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