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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 1 minute ago, Dario said:


    What does a manual transfer mean? Probably with a credit card. I transfer from my bank account in Germany, just across from the Swiss border. And you probably transfer from the UK? And do you transfer via Wise app?

    There is a choice in Wise's menu that does it automatically for you, but it doesn't work for me so I have to log into my Bank Acc to manually transfer the money.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Strange how you only insult those who support the Palestinians rights for equality and freedom. 

    Ask yourself why, this is fundamental to understanding your bias here. 


    It's not the rights for equality and freedom that's the problem, it is the thought process that Palestinians have a right to murder Israelis, you little troll you.

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    My position never varies. I condemn both sides for war crimes. Netanyahu has been the leader for 14 years, more or less. The 11th century is irrelevant for any modern territorial dispute.

    I agree your position never varies, you use 1948 as an excuse to justify the murderous Palestians. 

    11th century and beyond, you don't get to cherry pick your moment in time to suit excusing these sick terrorists!

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  4. 4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Palestinians have had NO opportunity for peace. As I have proven here, Netanyahu actively worked to support and enable Hamas against the PA so there couyld be not single government and no peace. The illegal settlements prevented there ever being a chance for peace right there. You can't face facts that Netanyahu and the extreme right wing are the greatest traitors Israel ever had. How do you have peace when a country is constantly committing war crimes and vowing to never allow your population to have a sovereign state? The delusionment here is incredible.

    You prove nothing other than how you deceitfully you deflect from pillar to post and you allow your overactive imagination to get the better of you. I never realised Netanyahu was the leader in 1948, another deflection. 

    Latest news: Arabs have been killing Jews since the 11th century, that is the reality. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Israelis have had the opportunity to sleep peacefully since 1948. They chose to make sure that the Palerstinians could never sleep peacefully. War criminals. Blame Netanyahu for anything Hamas did.

    Give over with your 'one moment in time' illogic rhetoric, you are a one trick pony, that bores everyone to death with your 1948....1948...1948. Palestians have had more opportunities for peace than I have hot dinners, their primary goal in life is to kill Israelis and guess what the Israelis are not going to let them, stop making excuses for their satanic gruesome atrocities, you should be ashamed supporting these vile excuses for human beings!

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  6. 1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

    Do they not have the right to protect themselves against Israel mowing their lawn?

    Israel has every right, if not a duty to make sure that their citizens can sleep peacefully and live a normal life without some evil minded terrorist burning them alive, removing unborn babies from the mothers womb and beheading them and the rest of the evil crimes these scrotes perpetrated on that day, and only an anti-Semitic would not see this!

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  7. 6 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    This too?


    IDF tanks also targeted the convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa, part of the church’s compound that also houses 54 disabled people, the patriarchate said. The building’s generator, fuel resources, solar panels and water tanks were also destroyed, it added.

    Oh dear water tanks and solar panels destroyed, don't let on to Greta will you in your hour of desperation.

    • Confused 3
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  8. Just now, Danny Australia said:


    Keep bringing Hamas into every crime committed by the IDF is no longer works. Same goes to trying to link all IDF war atrocities to 7 October but ignoring everything that happened before that date.


    How one can blame Hamas when the IDF shoots a guy lying injured on the ground or a when a sniper kills 8 years old playing in front of his house?? The large number of such incidents indicate they are not isolated events.

    Oh come on be honest, Hamas have done much worse than that, much much worse. 

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