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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 29 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Flip flopping how? I said on many posts that IMO what Israel does in the West Bank is mostly wrong, but the the Gaza Strip is a different situation.


    I did not say things were the same. They are not. My comment was with regard to 'brainwashing' and hate. There's that, and it's no good ignoring it. Plus under the current government, such elements have been further legitimized. These are issues discussed on Israeli media, politics and society all the time. Nothing new, not a radical comment.


    As for reasons to hate - both sides have that, it's not news either.


    There was nothing on the scale of 7/10, that's right.

    But there's an ongoing increase in incidents which is wearisome.

    I never mentioned the West Bank and are you suggesting that the Palestinians are not "brainwashed". 

    • Confused 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Your claim was about brainwashing, and I think, hate. There's no shortage of that in Israel, especially among right-wing/religious sectors, all the more so when referring to the illegal settlers in the West Bank.


    This is not about justifying, accepting, or supporting Hamas - but it cannot be said that such elements do not exist in Israel - it's just that they are not as strong as Hamas, and despite expected objections from the usual suspects, in comparison they are under control. Obviously the main difference being one fully embraced and celebrated by Hamas, while Israeli governments (even right wing ones) aren't 'there'.


    Here's a choice one (the 'Blood Wedding' too, if you care to look it up)

    Duma arson attack



    Stop flip flopping Morch, what we saw on the 7th Oct none of us want to see again, with a few exceptions of course, no names, no pack drill. 

    Do the Israelis have a case for hating the Palestinians, personally I would say yes, but we don't get a reaction from them like we saw from the Palestinians, and I guess we never will. 


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  3. 14 minutes ago, Morch said:


    That's a wide-brush comment, and is not true.

    There are many Israelis who would qualify, and there are parties well into this kind of hatred.

    Plus, whether you call it brainwashed or indoctrinated, or whatever - Israelis have their own narrative (and that's fine).


    The difference is that in Israel there's an opposition and even a pro-peace camp. Less of that among Palestinians in general, and in the Gaza Strip specifically.

    What's the difference between brainwashed and indoctrinated, children play games pretending to stab Israelis. When the Israelis start to microwave babies and cut fetuses out of mothers I might have some sympathy, but at the moment my tolerances are extremely stretched. 

    Nobody is saying that the Israelis are perfect but there is no comparison to this lot that want to see the end of Israel and the Israelis! 

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Obviously have no idea of the British military, as for the rest of your rubbish, tell me the same in 50 years time when this is still going on, unless Israel changes.

    I have a lot of idea about the British Military and one of the things I do know is that there are not many antisemtic soldiers/airmen or sailors that have served, I'm sorry Jeff but you are one of a kind. Try thinking outside the box instead of chosing to berate the Israelis all the time! 

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Opinion lol, 9 years in the UK forces so I have no idea what a professional army is.

    As for your comments on Israel's loss of support, tell that to the dead and dying.

    Hardest course in the British Army being a cook, nobody has ever passed it yet. 


    Israels concern is protecting its own citizens, the Palestinians are brainwashed into killing Israelis, don't start wars then start crying when you are losing, wars don't work like that. Them that start wars don't get a say when it ends! 

  6. 27 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    And why do you think Hamas committed those atrocities? Not about racist? It's either that or Israeli repression. I think it's racism on both sides. The Israelis are quick to jump on the antisemitic bandwagon and now you think racism isn't to blame.

    there isn't an excuse in all the world to justify the atrocities that happened on 7 Oct.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    Do any here think that Israel are NOT committing war crimes?

    If so, I say you are deluded. The President of the US of A, who obviously supports Israel's war  on  of terror, said he is not happy with their 'indisciminate bombing'.

    Indiscriminate bombing is considered a violation of international humanitarian law and isclassified as a war crime.

    @Morch I'd like to hear you answer.


    For each bombing raid the Palestians are losing 0.77 loss of life, and the Israelis need applauding in their meticulous care of limiting Palestian casualties as much as they can, if only Hamas cared as much of their civilians as the Israelis do, there would be even less casualties.

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  8. 3 hours ago, ozimoron said:


    No, and nor did Hamas. Some people have a problem here with accepting that almost all, if not all, Israeli critics here also condemn Hamas. It's one of those inconvenient truths apparently.

    Wanting Israelis dead is not being critical, it is antisemitic, a label some of the terrorist apologists seem not to understand. Let's not forget 7/11 and the sadistic terror that the Palestinians brought to peaceful innocent civilians on that sad day and stop making excuses for these vile excuses of human beings, the world will be a lot safer without these raping and killing machines! 

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Come on man, trying to put the blame of 18,000++  Palestinians on Gaza is very childish.

    Hamas considers itself a resistance movement fighting for the rights and self-determination of Palestinians, in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They argue that their struggle is against what they perceive as occupation and oppression, and they view sacrifices, including human lives, as a means to advance their cause.

    I am not, and never have condoned or supported Hamas but I can sympathize for the Palestinian cause. You, and other Israelis find the Oct 7th terror attack as some weird kind of excuse for cleaning out Gaza and that is somehow neuralizes all the crimes Israel have committed against Palestinians in the last 70 years.

    You will know what Teshuvah means; it involves acknowledging wrongdoing, expressing remorse, and making amends. The focus is on personal accountability and the possibility of redemption rather than a direct connection between specific actions and subsequent life circumstances. Israel's attrocities since 7/10 are totally against what I have leared in my Jewish studies.

    Hamas specialises in targeting civilians which makes them terrorists, and sad sadistic terrorists at that, they are not a "resistance movement" and anybody with any sense should know this!

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  10. 16 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    And how many condemnations of Israel come from Wobblybob? Any?

    What is there to condemn, Israel has a right to protect its citizens and also a right to live in peace. Hamas and the majority of the brainwashed Palestinians wont be happy untill all Jews are exterminated, many of the 'forgive Hamas and their followers' are totally oblivious to the ramifications of supporting these sadistic monsters.

    Many of the 'terrorist' luvvies on here have to invent scenarios, lie and quote the terrorists themselves expecting normal posters to believe their gibberish witless posts, what draws you to side with terrorists.

    • Agree 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    There's your first mistake, to think your reasoning is sane. Unlike you, I am not a team player. I am capable of condemning both sides and I don't defend my country's war crimes unconditionally.

    I look forward to seeing the other side of you, because I cannot remember you condemning the barbaric terrorists, go on give it a go, condemn the evil satanic terrorists and their trusted brainwashed followers.

  12. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I saw the vdo of this vile israeli soldier vandalising a Palestinian shop on Al Jazeera, so I checked it out, and it's true. Not alone by any means, and plenty of sites about israeli vandalism on internet. Absolutely despicable behaviour, and filmed by the soldiers themselves.


    The VDO is in the linked article



    Outrage over Israeli soldier vandalising Gaza gift shop

    The emergence of a video showing Israeli soldier vandalising a gift shop in Gaza has sparked widespread outrage. This act of vandalism adds to the already grave situation in Gaza, marked by significant destruction and the reported killing or expulsion of local residents.

    Have you found any evidence of Israeli soldiers cutting pregnant Palestinian women open and extracting the unborn fetus or any beheading of civilians, perhaps raping men and women then shooting them. 😠😡

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