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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, simple1 said:

    Neither a member of the 'intolerant left' or 'free Palestine cult'. Hopefully you can learn from Morchs' posts which are based on local knowledge.

    We have only your word for that, but the way you defend anti-Semitic posts on here might tell a different story, you called me ignorant whilst my stance has always been to defend Israels right to defend itself against an evil we have never seen the likes of before, do you deny Israels to defend its citizens, do you believe that this war would not be happening if the Palestinians had not invaded Israel and committed these barbaric crimes, do think Israel should just forget about the hostages that the brainwashed barbarians have kidnapped, the war would be over tomorrow if the hostages were returned, them that are still alive that is, and any civilised human being would have to agree that these scum that committed these vile acts against humanity need bringing to justice, don't you agree?

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  2. Just now, Danny Australia said:


    And obviously you are not Einstein either. Ending the brutal illegal, and inhumane occupation will stop the resistance. Not rocket science.

    Don't worry Danny boy the water pumps are being set up as we put pen to paper and very soon the Palestinian terrorists will be flushed out of their tunnels like rats from a sewer, hope it doesn't cause you to lose too many nights sleep.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    1. the term "genocide" was not accepted to be used for the Palestinians as there was no ICC court decision.  Idem dito for the Israeli's.


    2. daily Israeli fatalities by Gaza rocket fire was never confirmed by any news group or state officials


    3. this was not an invasion : https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/invade


    I've said it earlier : I'm against false war propaganda from both sides. Keep me out of this if Israel uses more false war propaganda than the Palestinians...

    Yet you use more false propaganda to prove a point that doesn't exist, and do not deny this as you have had more posts removed than any other poster imo.

    "This was not an invasion" well how would you describe it, trespassing perhaps or gate crashing, get real!

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  4. Just now, Thorgal said:


    "Sounding" is an impression or opinion without backing it up with facts and figures.


    Please provide credible links to what was claimed falsely by the other poster.

    It was an observation one gets by reading your incessant repetitive posts on your defence of the murderous scum that committed these horrific crimes in Israel! HTH 😡

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  5. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:


    How did he figure that out? There is no Palestine, ergo no Palestinian civilians. Did Palestinians sign up to be terrorists? How is this not propaganda?

    Well I guess he's not sucked in to the terrorist propaganda that the antisemitics seem to believe verbatim and hang on to every word the terrorists spew out. They quote the figures from the terrorists as if we are supposed to believe them whilst filming fake scenes of dolls supposed to be real babies being carried and cried over, much better than Steven Spielberg could have dreamt up, these people are liars but they have sure fooled a lot of gullible people.

    They were not Hamas terrorists that were spitting at the young girl in the back of the pickup being paraded for all these wonderful Palestian civilians to vent their brainwashed hate over, what's your excuse for that then, I'll give you a clue...... there isn't one!

    75% of Palestinians are in awe over the Hamas terrorists and by the look of it many on here too.🥴


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