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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 6 hours ago, Danny Australia said:





    Dedicating this explosion to my daughter Ella for her birthday”

    These were the words uttered by Major Moshe Grunberg from the 271st Combat Engineering Battalion who dedicated the demolition of an entire building in Gaza yesterday, shortly before ceasefire, to his daughter Ella's 2-year birthday.


    This is the army being marketed as one of the most ethical, humane and professional army in the world. :omfg:


    Reality check: One soldier doth not make an army, but nice try, you must try harder to denigrate the Israelis as these pathetic smears are not working. 


    • Like 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Who's denying the gruesome atrocities of Hamas on the 7th, not me, what I think of some of the reporting is that it is somewhat biased towards Israel's conduct prior to the 7th.

    People not taking into consideration Israel's apartheid/treatment of Palestinians since they left Gaza in 2005, as I've said before you reap what you sow.

    And before you start, I'm sure Hamas knew the consequences of what happened on the 7th as well.

    Whilst you're down in your hole Mr Denier. This is what you said about Douglas Murrays video⬇️⬇️⬇️, you are like a holocaust denier, if you admitted the truth you would not have an argument!

    You denied it and if you think they're going to show these brutal sadistic crimes to the likes of you and me, well I am relieved, but obviously not you eh!


    2 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Another load of talk but no visible evidence.

    Murray is known for his criticism of immigration and Islam.

    Critics claim his views and ideology are linked to far-right political ideologies, and accuse him of promoting far-right conspiracy theories such as the Eurabia, the Great Replacement, and Cultural Marxism conspiracy theories


  3. 16 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    No entity has killed more Palestinians than Israel.


    Israel has a duty to not commit atrocities and war crimes as well as to not steal land and operate an apartheid state - they take none of these responsibilities seriously.

    Which part of 'Israel has a duty to protect its own citizens' are you not getting. The only people that are advocating genocide are the Palestinian Terrorists. Does it give you great pleasure excusing the satanic crimes of the Palestinians or have you just got a short memory span, either way it doesn't make sense.

    • Like 2
  4. Terrorist apologist much!

    Israel has done more to save the lives of the Palestinians than their own glorious leaders have, anymore Oct 7th incidents will be dealt with in the same way, so it might be a good idea for the brainwashed illiterate terrorists to stop trying to kill the Israelis, it will never end well for them. 

    Israel has a duty to protect its citizens!

    • Agree 2
  5. 35 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    It's not allowed to explain in this topic the Palestinian cause from 1897 till 6th of October 2023.


    But it's allowed to make any comparisons from  any historical date to justify war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc committed by Israel against Palestinians.

    You make this conflict so one sided, now I wonder why that is. Hamas has stated that they want the annihilation of Israel and the Israelis, that is genocide, all the Israelis are doing is trying to prevent another Oct 7th. The Israelis have a right to ensure that another butchery of their citizens never happens again, but you being a one sided Willy ignores the Palestinians that started this war on Oct 7th! You have been, like a lot of gullible people sucked in to the propaganda of the terrorists, I hope I haven't upset you by calling them "terrorists".

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    People all around the world are shouting Genocide, why on Earth are the power to be allowing it? Oh wait a minute, the US support this annihilation.  Shame on you USA. 

    There's only one side admitted it and that would be Hamas right, so take your fairy stories elsewhere.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You are probably wasting pixels there. Seems that israeli apologists think the Hamas attack came out of a vacuum, and don't even realise that Hamas was created as a result of the illegal occupation and israeli oppression.

    Are you trying to justify these animals that committed these horrific crimes in Israel on Oct 7th, because thats what it looks like to me, these brainwashed pieces of crud will be eliminated and never given the chance to repeat their despicable acts! And anybody that follows in their footprints will be given the same treatment.  

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  8. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Making stuff up about other posters is either trolling or baiting. Up to you which.


    You can carry on baiting, but don't expect a reply.

    You put him on your list

    You put him on your list

    Responders to your posts

    You put them on your list

    You can't avoid the truth

    So you put them on your list


    Thanks to Gilbert & Sullivan for this inspiration.🥴


    • Haha 2
  9. Just now, Thorgal said:


    He was also a freedom fighter...oh

    Who is this "also a freedom fighter" aimed at, if I've read this correctly you are not referring to these beastial animals that are worse than terrorists are you, you do a great disservice to mankind by calling these perverted brainwashed scumbags as freedom fighters. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, BobBKK said:



    How many keys on your keyboard, you seem to struggle to put words into sentences, we can talk about paragraphs at a later date, one step at a time eh

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