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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    Zelensky should have read up on a bit of British history before trusting a word that came out of Boris's mouth. Things might have been so different with a lot less dead to bury.

    Always somebody elses fault with you and never the perpetrators that started this evil invasion!

    • Thanks 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Congratulations on a post that is actually thoughtful, and not the usual israel good, Hamas and all Gazans need to be killed type of post I'm used to seeing.

    However, to answer your last paragraph, IMO it's because we don't like to see 2.3 million people that have been confined to what has to be the largest open air jail on the planet slaughtered by israeli and American  bombs from safety high in the sky. The phrase "shooting fish in a barrel" applies here with bells on.

    The Gazans have no army, no air defense, hardly any military structure at all to resist ( Hamas is a small group armed with rifles and RPGs, no tanks, no artillery, no Iron Dome etc, and is hardly an "army" ), and now they have no hospitals to speak of, can't get clean water, even food is a problem, and they have no means of escape to anywhere, so all they can do is try and dig their dead children and women out of the rubble with hammers and bare hands while the slaughter continues.


    There is no equivalent in Ukraine; they have best weapons the west can send them, and they can certainly run away to another country. Perhaps they are victims of their own success in halting the Russian advances. They are not "us" and they are holding their own, so why would the common man with enough problems of their own go and demonstrate for that unfortunate country?


    Many of us don't like to see the laws that are supposed to govern conflict so brazenly flouted- the israelis don't even try to abide by the humanitarian laws, and simply ignore any protest. It's just so blatantly unfair to use a huge army armed with tanks, artillery, bombers etc to crush a mostly unprotected population with no escape, so while israel will win the conflict ( I won't call it a war ), they are going to get a hiding in world public opinion. The world has been watching, and is not impressed.

    Don't start wars, simple.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    The number of deaths for a start, 10-1 ish. 

    What the hell has that got to with anything, it's not a case of we'll kill 1,400 Gazans then call it quits, this is not a revenge attack, it is an attempt to stop further atrocities being committed by these brainwashed inhuman creatures purporting to be human beings. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    So, you know better than Amnesty International. Rather arrogant. 

    Amnesty International is biased and are known for their one sided reporting!


    Criticism of Amnesty International includes claims of selection bias, as well as ideology and foreign policy bias against either non-Western countries or Western-supported countries. Various governments criticized by Amnesty International have in turn criticized the organization, complaining about what they assert constituted one-sided reporting.

    Separate to its human rights reporting, Amnesty has been criticized for the high salaries of some of its staff,[1][2] as well as its workplace environment,[3] including the issue of institutional racism within the organization.[4]


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Amnesty_International#:~:text=Criticism of Amnesty International includes,countries or Western-supported countries.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    What arrogance.

    Why do you keep mentioning my 'Rabbit'?

    Are trying to make a joke about my friend who is a Rabbi. If so, I've no idea why you vehemently resent me having a Jewish spiritual advisor. I don't know your religious beliefs, but mine are close to Judaism. Would you say you are polarized?


    I would say you are a trolling member of these boards, you posted on this thread about a hostage being released from the murderous Palestinian terrorists stating that she looked happy as she waved goodbye to her captives, for gods sake get real and stop trolling! 

    • Agree 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    Hello there. You have to bear in mind that the organisers of the event didn't want him to be there.   :smile:

    From the report   (the organisers had)  "been clear about their concerns that the man’s attendance, and that of those who were likely to accompany him, would cause fear for other participants.

    “The same view has been voiced by others.

    “As a result he was spoken to and warned on more than one occasion that his continued presence in the area was likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress to others.

    “He was directed to leave the area but refused to do so.”

    I hear what you are saying but not wanting somebody to be there does not mean he cannot attend as a journalist or a demonstrator. The organisers cannot use the police as a weapon to remove someone they don't like, as I said previously the polices job is to arrest criminals and not decide who should attend and who should not attend. Let's not run the country where innocent people are arrested and guilty people are allowed to spout their bile without consequences. On the "free Palestine" marches people were threatening to kill Jews, and the police chose to ignore their vile hatred speeches, two tier policing will not work, nor should it, same rule for everyone eh.



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  7. 1 minute ago, Thorgal said:


    Youve quoted Dr. Eli David : an AI expert with high volume IDF propaganda distribution on MSM




    "Dr. Eli David is a leading AI expert specializing in deep learning and evolutionary computation. He has published over fifty papers in leading artificial intelligence journals and conferences, mostly focusing on applications of deep learning and genetic algorithms in various real-world domains. For the past fifteen years, he has been teaching courses on deep learning and evolutionary computation, in addition to supervising the research of graduate students in these fields. He has also served in numerous capacities successfully designing, implementing, and leading deep learning based projects in real-world environments."

    Yes Palestian terrorists are much more reliable, in your eyes at least, you are part of the problem!

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Why should I apply Israeli military order (378) that was issued by the Israeli government, that established military courts, and basically outlawed all forms of Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation as “terrorism”.


    To be accused of "terrorism" you have at least to participate in terrorism or commit terrorist acts.

    Yes you are correct, so please give details of all prisoners that are not terrorist or have not committed a crime against Israel, that the Israelis are holding, you are just waffling at the moment and fabricating a story to suit your twisted logic!


  9. 14 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Today, the number of Palestinians currently behind Israeli bars is 5,200, including 33 women and 170 children.

    Again, if tried, Palestinian prisoners are prosecuted in Israeli military courts.


    Some 5.500 Gaza children died in the meanwhile, because people didn't wanted to engage in hostage exchange.

    You need to learn the difference between a hostage and a terrorist, but hey, you already know the difference, but if you admitted it and stopped trolling you would not have a hope in hell of making excuses for the Palestinian terrorists. Here is a Palestinian child just being let out of an Israeli prison and already Hamas are telling everyone that the Israelis are responsible for her deformed face when infact she was a suicide bomber. 

    Does it make you really proud to believe Palestian propaganda, they deserve an Oscar for their contribution to fiction film industry and Thorgal believes it.😂😂😂




  10. 18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Deflect as you want, this time with Hamas leadership that has been killed that would torment me? LOL


    But my point was and stays it's not legal to keep Palestinian nationals in Israeli prisons under Occupied Territories...


    You keep missing 'terrorists' off you blathering replies, any reason?

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Thorgal said:


    Deflect as you want, but it's not legal to keep Palestinian nationals in Israeli prisons under Occupied Territories...

    It is when they're terrorists and nobody is deflecting only you, nobody give a rats ass about terrorists, only the usual suspects. And just to cheer you up there is breaking news that 4 Palestinian military commanders have been killed and those that haven't been killed are dead men walking, rejoice!



    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Thorgal said:


    Not true, Hamas leadership made it clear that they took Israeli citizens on 7th of October to be able to exchange them against Palestinian hostages that are jailed in Israel and Occupied territories in Israeli prisons.


    There are 19 prisons within Israel and one inside the occupied West Bank that hold Palestinian prisoners.


    Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, it is against international law for an occupying power to transfer an occupied people from the occupied territory.


    There's no justification from my part of any extra judicial actions from Hamas since 1987 till today. I just apply international law in a balanced way.

    Good grief man, amongst the other hostages they kidnapped, there was a 9 month year old baby, what is wrong with you!

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