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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. NATO is not a country, nations joined NATO to stop Russia invading them and who can blame them after what we have seen in Ukraine. The Russian mentality is we can take what we like and nobody can stop us, they are in for a rude awakening for sure.
  2. I don't have to go off topic to make a point, disingenuous to say the least, but that's the SNP for you. ????
  3. But what you keep on avoiding is that most Scots want to remain within our Union (for the third time incidentally), so as much as you may want independence your fellow countrymen do not. You do not have an argument and on that note until this thread gets back on topic I will excuse myself.
  4. You had no problem having a vote for independence in 2014 which meant you would have to leave the EU, don't you think that is hypocritical, or is that different. Your whole argument is based on blaming someone else for the SNPs mistakes, but this is about alleged missing monies for which Peter Murrell was responsible, don't you think that SNP members have a right to be peeved when the money they donated in good faith wasn't or appears hasn't been used for the purpose it was intended for. It is no wonder that the party is hemorrhaging its members in vast numbers.
  5. This is not about your neighbours, this is about monies going missing, oh yes it is all too easy when backed into a corner and start shouting "English" and "Westminster", this is about the currupt SNP, not only are they corrupt they are incaple of running Scotland, Holyrood is a failed experiment and powers need transferring back to Westminster before they damage the country anymore. And most Scots agree with this, 39% say yes to independence and a staggering 47% who wish to remain within the Union. But fear yea not Humza will sort all this out, but I'm surprised he failed to mention the Murrells white garage door, white front door and white upvc double glazing, their house is not diverse enough for me.
  6. But more Scots wish to remain within the Union, do they not, plus the SNP membership has lost approx 30k - 50k members in the last 18 months have they not. Independence was sold to the Nationalists on one big lie and in the mean time Scotland has failed very badly in education, health and the rest that goes with putting all your eggs in one basket. Independence is dead.
  7. But the ones on here that constantly complain about immigration issues are not the ones using agents. ????
  8. Oh dear, I think we're entering the realms of fantasy now. ????
  9. Yeah but in all fairness who in their right mind would wear a Russian T shirt if not a Russian.
  10. Just because Putin has nukes does that mean he should be given impunity to invade any sovereign country he chooses. "Dictators can be deterred, they can be crushed - but they can never be appeased." [Margaret Thatcher].
  11. Got it now, it's the west's fault that Russia invaded Ukraine, what a genius, there was me thinking it was Russia's fault that the Russians are killing civilians whilst demolishing hospitals and schools and all the other civilian infrastructure, they have displaced children and adults. The west are supplying arms to Ukraine to rid the Russians from Ukraine, and I emphasize that these weapons are to stop Russia wiping Ukraine from the face of the earth complete with its people, why you find this concept difficult to understand is just beggars belief. Ukraine is not attacking Russia, Russia is attacking Ukraine! Lets put it this way if these people were abusing my wife and children I would do everything in my power to get these thugs out, just as Ukraine is doing and I find your reply very disturbing!
  12. There is only one nation that you should be pointing the finger at, and that would be the terrorist genocidal nation of Russia. How can Ukraine "escalate" something it didn't start, this illegal invasion was started by the homicidal madman in the Kremlin and it would be extremely difficult to escalate this brutal attack by the Russians anymore than what the crimes they have already already committed. There is only one side that can put an end to this war, and that would be Russia. If Russia withdraws there will be peace, if the Ukrainians stop fighting they will lose their country and freedoms whilst suffering under serfdom to the Russians, it would seem that Russia has more choices than Ukraine. If someone broke into your house would you be scared to do everything possible to remove them or would you just say, 'well I don' t want to escalate the situation, they can stay".
  13. 96% of Scotland's population identifies as white which makes Humzas speech rather disturbing, has he a problem with white people?
  14. Yousafs past record speaks for itself, the union is safe with Humza at the helm, if someone dropped a banana skin he would find it.
  15. A better investment would be a stand mixer with a paddle, bread machines might give you an ok loaf, but with a stand mixer you can make as many loaves as you wish and then freeze them for later use. Failing that mix the dough by hand. Happy baking.
  16. I have tried making sausage with loin and fat but it is still too dry for me, so now I buy pork shoulder and use the 20% fat and they are so succulent, also make great burgers.
  17. Kenny, have you tried making sausage without rusk, I find the sausages are better without it, I just make sure there is at least 20% fat included in the recipe.
  18. There is more than one way to skin a cat, this is the reason that Russia must be crushed is so they cannot ever think of invading anybody elses country, and with that will come a Russian withdrawal and there will be a requisite for reparations in Ukraine, if this is not agreed the sanctions will not be lifted until they pay, they still have the resources remember. The west has access to a lot of Russian money, there is no reason why that cannot be used too, where theres a will theres a way. As for Putin standing trial, I am not sure if he will live that long to stand trial, there will be many of his Kremlin friends ready to dispose of this homicidal despot and even his own citizens might wake up and smell the coffee. But whatever I believe that Putin is a dead man walking. I wouldn't take much notice of propaganda tropes like "the west will fight to the last Ukrainian," like it or not the west is supplying the arms and the means for the Ukrainians to defend themselves, only now has the West upped the ante and started giving Ukraine the weapons it needs to repel these illegal invaders. Remember who invaded who, Russia is fighting to conquer Ukraine and Ukraine is fighting to survive, if Russia stops fighting the war will be over, if Ukraine stops fighting they lose their country and many of their lives, they have no intention of being a colony of Russia and why should they.
  19. The UK creates just 2% of greenhouse gasses so whatever we do will not make any difference, the biggest polluters are Asia (China and India) and most of these people are very poor and need to do work just to survive. So if anybody thinks these people will give up their work and starve just because it will make these people that glue themselves to the M25 or the people that feel the need to throw tomato soup at priceless paintings feel better, I would seriously have a rethink, it is not going to happen.
  20. That is a moot point, might be like most things in Thailand the laws just never get enforced. Take this as you will. Dual pricing started in the 60s when many high-end items were priced higher for foreign tourists. This was mainly due to the so-called “thirsty foreigner” phenomenon where a certain number of tourists would spend more money on goods and services than the locals, who were not obligated to pay such high prices. This practice was banned in the 70s and has been illegal ever since. https://ideapod.com/what-is-dual-pricing-in-thailand/#:~:text=In Thailand%2C many products have,if you are not careful.
  21. Ukraines peace plan is much more realistic, give back all the occupied land including Crimea to Ukraine, pay reparations for all the destruction the Russians have caused, sadly nothing will bring back the murdered Ukrainians. And bring all the Russian perpetrators to account that were involved in this illegal war!
  22. What he said ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️. Dual pricing is discriminatory.
  23. Countries join NATO because they are scared of Russia, Ukraine was never going to be allowed to join NATO, now there is a chance, Sweden and Finland had no intention of joining NATO until Russia invaded Ukraine, Putin is the best salesman NATO ever had. But this war was never about NATO it was about Putins fantasy of expansionism.
  24. Yahoo are quoting a Ukrainian news source (Pravda), perhaps it is not as reliable as most of us would like it to be. But this news of the deployment of 300,000 troops has been banded about by other less biased news sources for the past 8 months now, but with no movement to the best of my knowledge. Hope to be proven wrong.
  25. Were the German workers sleeping on the nightshift. The Unions were the workers worst enemy.
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