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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I always get another student to hit the errant student. It's a joke, only a pretend slap on the shoulder is given, and we all know it, but attention is brought to the bad behavior. It lightens the mood and the bad student stops doing whatever they were doing.
  2. They didn't take any tobacco, they took the tobacco delivery system. How is this different for busting someone selling cigarette holders?
  3. What the <BLEEP!> exactly makes a hookah illegal? Isn't it just metal, plastic, and maybe a little rubber? What would need to be removed or reshaped to make it legal? SMH!
  4. I'm a 1XL in the US, 2XL in Pattaya and a 4XL on Lazada. No real standards.
  5. The hub of "Closing the barn door after the horse got out."
  6. Yeah, but what ELSE are you really doing? ????
  7. That was my first thought. I've found both SCB and Bangkok Bank "sensible" by Thai standards.
  8. If you actually believe people are secretly putting expensive pot in anyone else's food, well you MUST be high!
  9. "She said she has contacted the bank on many occasions after 100K, 10K disappeared on many occasions. " Wouldn't think she should have changed banks after the first theft?
  10. Complain about what? Their marquee is the envy of Thailand!
  11. Was it a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 scooter?
  12. I suspect his supreme hubris won't allow advisors.
  13. I am a record holder with those thieves. I wrote to them about something I've done that is repeatable and verifiable. Cost me $5 USD. They assured me there was no one else holding that record and for $1000 USD it would be entered into their records. Yeah, no.
  14. He's SUCH an expert on all things, I have great faith in his words. BTW, we're STILL waiting for those soap operas he was going to create.
  15. Any more they make you feel like a criminal. YEARS ago, I had a little keychain fob that held a tiny scuba tank where I kept spare o-rings for real scuba cylinders. One of the Thai guards looked at it, opened it, and said "I think there's cocaine in here." He was just kidding, but my heart stopped. They don't even joke around any more. Another time I was five minutes late for an appointment and they denied me entrance. No wiggle room or humanity, just mindless automatons.
  16. Lemme guess - elections just around the corner?
  17. And Orwell thought his work was mere fiction.
  18. You had me until your closing. EVERYBODY pays.
  19. Then you're obviously pricing them at fair market value. I've seen far too many properties for sale with ridiculous prices. BTW, I was renting a nicer place in Na Jomtien. The owner, desperate to sell, dropped the pre-covid price more than 30% and got not even a nibble.
  20. Correct, and the constitution can be amended to allow for secession if the majority of states agree.
  21. Not entirely correct. A state CAN secede if a majority of the remaining states agree. Will that ever happen? I highly doubt it.
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