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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. She has been a class act her entire life. Never any nudes floating around, though she made television history by being the first woman to expose her navel. I'm sure many knuckle children have been fired with her in mind.
  2. Every time I visit family and friends in the US, I am reminded why I no longer live there.
  3. By 2am I pretty much don't care, EVERYONE is beautiful. Even Lola.
  4. I rent on again off again at the Residence@Dreams (formerly La Royale) in Na Jomtien. The staff LOVES me and are always happy to see me return. I make no problems for anyone and, when I'm there at Christmas time, bring down a few nice bottles - Tequila with all the fixin's, Baileys, Jim Beam and some flavored rum. I also do a few favors for the building manager, and as a result, we genuinely enjoy a symbiotic relationship/mutualism. No need to curry favor.
  5. These polls are never solid, trustworthy indicators. The people performing the polls cherry pick their audience and massage the numbers to give their desired results.
  6. "Do You Sometimes Find Yourself Forced into Intolerable Sycophantic Behavior Just to Placate Your Landlord?" No, never. I pay rent on time and am a good renter. I hold up my end of the deal, I fully expect the landlord to do the same. It may make a difference as I have rental properties myself and appreciate a good renter. As well, I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a landlord to keep good renters. I am polite, being an ambassador from a foreign country, but lickspittle behavior? Again - no, never.
  7. Possibly a lot sooner depending on how heavy the envelope is.
  8. "Yeah, no" means I never paid.
  9. I used to send them out to the hallway where I could still see them from the front of the classroom. Occasionally a high level Thai admin would see them, ask them me why they were there, then proceed to give that student a royal a$$ chewing.
  10. No. He was impeached. Twice. Which shows just how much an impeachment has teeth. Useless show really.
  11. Is it possible to pay your monthly electric (View Talay 2 condo) using SCB online (computer, NOT cell phone) while outside Thailand? If so, can you give me a nudge in the right direction how to go about it?
  12. How anyone can listen to him for more than 30 seconds without realizing what a conman he is is absolutely perplexing. I honestly don't get how anyone can buy his bullsh!t.
  13. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but there is momentum building to FINALLY hold him accountable.
  14. While I don't think it will ever come to that, I wouldn't bet on Sleepy Joe carrying water for the traffic cone of treason.
  15. He's already committed crimes that got him impeached. Twice. The walls are closing in. People have had enough of this grifter's nose-thumbing at laws he feels apply to everyone but him. He even tightened the laws that will bite him in the a$$. I personally can't wait.
  16. The students can sense it immediately. There's that "thing" a teacher just has and it comes with experience. A good teacher needs to get it quick, fast and in a hurry or find another line of living.
  17. How is it different? I thought all restrictions were lifted - no mandated quarantine, no ankle bracelets upon arrival. Honest question, not trying to start an argument.
  18. Anyone know if you can use the SCB OCR scan app on a phone if you swap out for a US sim card while traveling?
  19. Do any other countries go through this ridiculous pointing reenactment drill?
  20. Don't tell them you are dead and just make sure someone keeps the rent payments current.
  21. Exactly why I DON'T teach students that age. Most of them (including the girls) are bigger than me and a helluva lot meaner.
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