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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Do you live in Thailand? The law is whatever the Bib SAY it is.
  2. Thais may have confusing mores to the western eye but I think we can all agree that money is usually a powerful driving force. Weed is a prime example.
  3. Laws in Thailand are enforced by folks who have no clue as to what is or isn't on the books. Even if you find a link saying it's 1000% legal to board a local flight with a small bag in your possession, too many people from the local TSA to the BiB with the handcuffs aren't necessarily aware. I would NEVER take such a chance on something that is a completely unnecessary risk. Just buy it locally wherever you go. This really is a no brainer.
  4. In the past, information didn't flow as freely and quickly. For better or worse, social media is letting people understand the overt repression being forced on them and silly puritan values like this are getting in the way of the bottom line. There are profits to be made from making and selling these bouncy toys, as well as probably fewer sex offenses against human bouncy toys.
  5. They knew that DAD knew he lost the election before Jan 6 which will be YUGE!
  6. The creators of South Park just got offered and accepted a contract for almost ONE BILLION US DOLLARS for the next few seasons. They have an interesting history. Whether you like them or not, you have to give them credit how they have touched a nerve around the world.
  7. Is Big Joke so confident that he doesn't feel the need for sporting a flak jacket?
  8. Aha! THAT makes sense.
  9. I have a condo I use strictly for storage so I have the electric breaker turned off. I still get a charge anywhere from 26 to 43 baht every month. Obviously this will not break the bank, I'm not even mildly annoyed, just curious - why? I could understand if there's a basic monthly charge, but the different costs have me scratching my head. Any ideas as to why out there?
  10. I remember when that playground first opened up, it was truly beautiful. The truth is kids are tough on EVERYTHING, it's in their nature to destroy. The school I'm currently teaching at is going to have to replace the seating that was installed for Covid cuz the kids have torn it apart. Little fingers busy at anything to distract themselves from their schoolwork.
  11. The talking back is actually happening NOW! "It may have been a glitch, but during a media interview, a “smart learning” robot named Sophia declared: 'Okay, I will destroy humans.'” https://www.ediweekly.com/will-destroy-humans-says-life-like-robolt-elon-musks-claim-tha-artificial-intelligence-poses-threat-mankind-may-justified/
  12. From my understanding, these high priced dollies are solid soft plastic. No pumping required. Heh heh heh. ????
  13. BELIEVING in something and BEHAVING according to the golden rule are quite distant from each other with so many supposed "Christians."
  14. Be sure your surgeon can provide you with options as to what type of lenses are available. I was about to have the procedure done by one of Thailand's top pros then did a little research. This joker just put in whatever was cheapest that day. There are a number of different lenses, some are quite expensive, but they might be your best choice, and we are talking about your eyesight. Not the time to go cheap Charlie on yourself.
  15. The VALUES are perfect. It's the a--holes who profess to be Christians who don't practice what they preach. You know, Ted Cruise and the like?
  16. If I, as a naïve tourist newly arrived in Thailand, saw an army of uniformed, armed men coming my way, I'd beat feet and never set foot there again.
  17. I tried a search on AseanNow with no results. I'm looking for a moving outfit to move my things from Jomtien to Chanthaburi. At least two warm bodies and a truck at least the size of the attached image. One of those converted pickups will not cut it, they're not large enough. Thanks in advance.
  18. It's because they cater to an audience comprised of racist bigots who WANT to be spoon fed garbage of the foulest kind. Fox pundits repeat this sentiment over and over, afraid of how their bottom line will plummet if the truth be told.
  19. HappyExpat57

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    As of this post, Pirate Bay does NOT have anything other than cam versions.
  20. Typically a 200 baht fix. Money well spent.
  21. You would think those at the top would have handlers to watch over the minutiae of their actions. If not, I bet they will going forward. This has cost both sides politically.
  22. I worked for Uncle Sam for decades, the last of them with a secret clearance. Some areas held strict adherence to document rules while others were obviously too lax. The policies are quite simple, it's just a matter of sticking to the protocol no matter how high up the food chain you are.
  23. I have a sneaking suspicion there will be a "part two" to this story. ????
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