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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I'd love to know how many of those visitors are from outside the country.
  2. I remember going to Bali Hai pier most mornings around 8:30 to go out scuba diving. The beach was always bustling with activity, and I was always amazed at how the paragliders never got tangled up. Fast forward to 11 November. As I ride my bicycle the entire length of Pattaya Beach Road, the homeless far outnumber those who might be tourists, and there's a sense of disappointment at what COULD have been. There used to be plenty of family-friendly activities to enjoy and they coexisted just fine with the adult activities. EVERYBODY was happy. With this utterly nonsensical approach, the policy makers have sent a global message that they haven't a clue how to run a country and Thailand will be a non-starter for months and maybe years to come.
  3. On slow news days, do they just take this article, mix the words up a little, and send it to press?
  4. Knowing what I know now, I would have chosen a different country for retirement and just come to visit Thailand; and I wouldn't EVEN visit now under the current ridiculous requirements and nothing to do once I got here. People who say it hasn't changed are frogs in a pot of water as it is slowly being brought to a boil.
  5. Don't you mean "We threw it against the wall and it didn't stick?"
  6. Correction - ya won't see them until you knock off the senseless requirements and open up the entertainment venues.
  7. OP is discussing renewing an expired license. No discussion of loss is relevant.
  8. It must be WONDERFUL knowing more than scientists around the world.
  9. Did you actually read all that? ????
  10. Facebook? Really?!? The mother of misinformation! 555
  11. I thought the mask mandate wasn't required in a car if all passengers lived together. Naturally, if I'm wrong, it will take less than a few nanoseconds for someone to correct me.
  12. They're mandatory whenever you are outside your home. Most people are caring enough to follow this minor inconvenience, some selfish buggers just don't care. Any time you are outside you run the chance of coming within 2 meters of someone. It's just the right thing to do at this time.
  13. I found this site to be MUCH more informative and laid out clearer than ANY Thai web site. It's NOT a fake, it's a great public service. Do I sense some cyber jealousy?
  14. They'd really cut down on visits if they would FIX THAT DAMNED 90-DAY ONLINE WEBSITE! Thanks, an occasional spiritual dump feels very good.
  15. In 2009, I was teaching summer school and had to create my own curriculum. I decided to teach about elephants, a much beloved creature and dear to the Thais. I discovered that 90% of the wild elephants were gone due to deforestation.
  16. I came here in 2006, got the 7 year itch in 2013, so I pulled up stakes and moved to Zihuatanejo, Mexico. It's NOTHING like in the movie "Shawshank Redemption!" I was back in Thailand 6 weeks later with a renewed appreciation. Rent is about 4 times what you pay in Thailand, the infrastructure is horrid, and you think Thai traffic is bad? I also traveled a bit and saw it wasn't just that god-forsaken town. Naturally, the first day back to Thailand, I was reminded why I left in the first place, but it was somehow much more tolerable. I'd never recommend Mexico. I hear good things about Ecuador, but I heard REALLY good things about Mexico, so if it were me, I'd make as long a visit to get a real feel for the place. For all its warts and political falderal, Thailand is still a far cry better than most places. And what does THAT say about the state of the planet? Addendum: The corruption in Mexico is MUCH worse than in Thailand.
  17. Does anyone know if US retirees are covered if they have Medicare parts A & B?
  18. Same situation (possibly worse) in Pattaya. No one coming to the beach, others getting arrested in restaurants shortly after 10:00 pm for having a beer as tourists tend to do. I wonder how many of those arrested were honestly surprised, having no idea what the idiotic laws were? I know those in power aren't in touch with reality, but SOMEONE should have told them how badly this would turn out.
  19. I use a generic desktop with a video card that allows up to four monitors. I'm quite happy with two.
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