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Troy Tempest

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Everything posted by Troy Tempest

  1. Only a couple of showers on Samui since February!....Stingray is still in Dry Dock!
  2. I love eating a Choc-Ice and washing it down with a Jamesons!
  3. Is a Drug to Treat Cannabis Addiction Finally Within Reach? Yes...It is called Cannabis! Every time I smoke Weed it is a TREAT!
  4. Says it all!
  5. It was the best moment of my time in Loei when I found a 7/11....There was only one bar on a roundabout somewhere....By 10:00pm it was a Ghost Town!
  6. Well I went there for the first and hopefully the last time in 2014......I guess the Vermin 7/11 have leeched their way into the Zombie towns now as well?
  7. "Planning a trip through Loei up to Chiang Kahn later this month and apart from scenery / sightseeing areas on the way, is there anything worthwhile to see in the actual township of Loei?" You could look for a building where they may be painting the outside and watch it dry!....I spent a year one weekend in Loei!.....It took me about 3 hours to find a 7/11! Joking apart the nearby scenery is stunning, particularly if you drive up to the Mekong..... But, Loei Town/City or whatever they call it is about as much fun as a party in a Convent! For once We Know What He Didn't get up to? Or can we guess?....They all look happy!...... ???????????? Dirty Habits ???
  8. You don't need to watch this video which is a very long winded description of a Nut Case causing his own death!..No wonder the guy was Nuts....The presenter said he was "Raised by an Ant" (@ 9mins 12 seconds). Also you don't need to waste your time watching videos of people doing Stupid things....Sometimes a photo will do the trick!
  9. You worry too much!....David Bowie had Spiders from Mars!
  10. "Weerachai stated that he suggested a reenactment of the incident to the airport authorities before having another two meetings. " Maybe they could get the same lady back to do the reeactment???...That way if it goes wrong again she would have a matching set of legs which could save her costly alterations by tailors when she buys new trousers in future? OOPS!..Have I gone Too Far?
  11. Weird weather on Samui....We have had prctically no rain since February. Last night we had a massive Thunder Storm and it P!SSED down where I live (Hua Thanon). However, I have friends in Lamai just 3K up the road who heard the storm, but got No Rain.
  12. Meaningless Article! What is the point of comparing Airlines to Hotels or any other "Brands"? They are totally different commodities! It's like comparing a Hippo to a Cigarette lighter! e.g. Q: What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? A: A Hippo is a large Ferociuos Mammal that can weigh over a Ton...A Zippo is a little lighter! BTW do you like my new car?......All electric!
  13. On a slightly different note....I recently spent £6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow. I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyway......I had the Vet come and take a look at him. He said,, the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young. so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day. The bull started to service the cows within two days……. all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor's cows! He's like a machine! I don't know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ... but they kind of taste like peppermint.
  14. So much for the Hilly Areas theory...I live on Samui next to the beach at sea level but I got it!
  15. I was staying at a resort once that had some stone walls. One day hundreds of small brown centipedes (4-5 cm) started coming out of a gap in the wall. The gardener told me they were poisonous and not to touch as they bite. My GF was panicking and told me to kill them with spray...So I got the spray and started dispatching them. Next thing a Giant Black MF about 15cm long came out of the same hole in the wall, reared up and started chasing me and it was fast......I assume this was the Mother! Luckily the gardener was still there and killed it with a spade, but he had to hit it about 5 times before it died..... It looked like this!
  16. Speak up or I'll pull your face off!
  17. Can someone please explain what this means in English???
  18. I am not sure what 1 Ton of Ktratom would look like....Is it the same as a SH!TLOAD??? ????
  19. Last time I was in the UK I got stung at Harry Ramsdens Fish & Chip shop....Not by a box jellyfish, but by the price. I must point out however, that the vinegar was free! Chips £ 4.39 Cod (Small) £ 10.09
  20. I think that the majority of you who replied to this thread have missed the likelihood that this guy is probably suffering from a serious mental condition. Whilst I agree that it is quite common for some Thais to behave somewhat irrationally and become confrontational for what we think are minor annoyances, this guy was way over the top! Just saying.
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