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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. Those road studs should be the least of safety concerns...most sidewalks are full of cracks, gaps and uneven.
  2. I appreciate the suggestions, and will give the plant more time before I water and will also give it more food. For the nutrients, could someone post a pic of a readily available product to use, or a lil more detail. Such as molasses, or epsom salt…how much, and how to apply? Thanks again.
  3. Thank you. I suspected too much water. The plant was recently repotted after two weeks of getting it home and also was fertilized with this product in picture and suggested by the vendor it was purchased from.
  4. A small plant growing in a pot outdoors and appears to be in pre-flower stage. First experience at growing. Repotted one week after purchase and just over 1 meter tall now. Some of the lower leaves have started to turn a faint yellow/green. What would cause this problem? Indica/female/Kush Thanks.
  5. Hamas is targeting people of Jewish faith. Black, white, tan…if they are Jewish, they want to murder them.
  6. Darn...such a surprise for the family-friendly and safe" destination of Pattaya.
  7. Thank you! That was what I was thinking, but wasn't certain.
  8. How much does Bangkok Bank charge to a BKK Bank ATM/Debit card in a BKK Bank ATM?? I keep reading there is a 200 THB fee everywhere in Thailand every time you withdraw from an ATM. Where does this 200 THB fee show up? I have a BKK debit ATM card. I only use BKK ATMs. When I withdraw cash from a BKK ATM, my new balance will reflect the cash for that transaction...exactly to the amount I take out. Is the 200 baht fee for any Thai ATM using a debit/atm card from a different bank that is not from that bank's ATM?? The only fees I am aware of is 30 THB about once per month, regardless of any ATM usage. Thanks for helping to clarify this.
  9. 100 percent, you are spot on with your post. That use disorder for cannabis is total BS.
  10. I’ve never heard of any such BS cannabis use disorder, but the first sentence is enough to know there’s more problems with many, many chit-for-brains that reside in WA. The least of which is use of cannabis. The ‘wall’ shouldn’t be for just the southern border, it should include all of CA, OR, and WA.
  11. I'm not sure what this potassium citrate mixture is all about. Is this something you are buying and then mixing it yourself for a health problem? If this is for a documented medical condition, why not get a prescription from you physician and a pharmacy?
  12. Stating you have a European license is like someone saying they have a North American license. There isn't a North American license, and doubt there is a Euro license either. There are 23 countries located in North America. These include Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  13. Unlikely to improve unless government officials have a higher pay, or those that produce the data are paid.
  14. I think it’s a great idea when someone doesn’t wear a helmet while riding a motorbike. Maybe if they crash and die, it will keep them out of the pool of breeding. The world will be a better place.
  15. Wonder what country he is from.....if it had been UK, EU, OZ, US you can be sure the nationality would be in bold, letting everyone know what country the criminal is from. Hmm...
  16. Wow, that's almost 1/6th of the entire annual budget for some expats.
  17. I've seen FB Marketplace property for rent that stated "We do not accept Chinese or Indian".
  18. No, this is incorrect. The code is stored until it gets erased, and even if the light is no longer on the code is there and it can be read until it gets erased while it's connected to the reader.
  19. No, you do not need to be employed. Your income must be verified with your IRS 1040, if they request it. You do not need W2s, pay stubs, etc. Everyone is held to this same requirement for the K1. I'm certain of this....and I also do not recommend an immigration attorney if you can read and write. All the attorney will do is tell you what you need to provide to them and they fill out the Petition - you do all the leg work and everything except fill out the form. There are some cases that may need an attorney but it's not often unless you have some complications that must be dealt with. I'm in process now, and my I-129F petition was approved this month. Message me if you have more questions. Also, I suggest the FB Group K1 ( fiancèe visa) Support group.
  20. I don't believe you're decarbing cannabis if you cook it with a pizza. When cannabis gets higher than 148 degrees Celsius or 300 Fahrenheit, you have ruined your flower. Pizza cooks around 400 F or 205 C. If you felt any effects from doing that on pizza, it was most certain the placebo effect. It was a way for your brain to tell your body what it needs to feel better. I haven't read or seen many knowledgable posts or discussions about decarb. Time and temperature, must be closely monitored and controlled, and putting raw flower on cheese to cook on a pizza is a ridiculous to think you are doing anything more than toasting your flower. There are a couple of very good decarboxylation machines available, but I could not find one on Lazada or Shoppe. I bought mine on Amazon in the US, and I know it's available in the UK also with a 220v plug. Not decarb related, but I had a good laugh in Khon Kaen last May when the woman told me she just puts raw plant leaves in soups. I told her she is just eating plant matter and she looked at me like I had three eyes.
  21. When you feed the monkey, you own the monkey. Whether it a cat, dog, giving someone a ride in your car, loaning some money, opening your door and allowing them in your home, or engaging in conversation you don't want. If by phone, text or email...the best response is radio silence.
  22. It could be to show gratitude for the work they provide. It's typical for management to do something like this, maybe once a year.
  23. He was a young man, only 39. An elder with none of the health problems can be even more high risk. Influenza season is just beginning.
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