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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. My only experience is with BK Hospital Pattaya. August 2024: 34,000 THB total. Includes BOTH colonoscopy and endoscopy. Not including first office appointment Not including any fol-up appointment to review biopsy 34k THB for the procedure only. The pre & post appointments were about 2k THB each.
  2. Maybe Thailand should work with neighboring countries to improve the air...clean air in Thailand is nonexistent during half the year. Clean beaches - it's pathetic with the garbage, plastic, and pollution from stormwater runoff and improper discharge. Safety - driving/riding on any road is dangerous. I don't see a way to improve motor vehicle safety. All Thailand has for highway enforcemnt is small 155cc motorbikes, and they don't pursue anything. But their great for getting the police to something after they are called to investigate. It'd better to improve the uneven side walks. But that wouldn't help much, cause still gotta deal with motorbikes on side walks. Public toilets - Japan has some super clean toilets, and some with built in bidets. They also have smoking booths in busy areas on the sidewalks. Never seen this anywhere except Japan.
  3. It has more and better of everything. Best part is...no salt water and no sand. The Thai are seem more refined, and somewhat international. I find the locals are more attractive and on the slimmer side.
  4. I've never noticed any additional fee for cash or credit. If paying cash, you don't need paper money; just scan pay. In the app, you can select cash as payment, and when the driver arrives, please tell them to scan pay. But if you're a tourist and don't have a Thai bank account, you're limited to paying only paper money. Grab almost all the time, but a few times, I used Lineman.
  5. The foreigners being employed that you reference to are here LEGALLY His crackdown on immigration is for ILLEGAL immigration, they are criminals. They broke the law.
  6. Get your lazy, sleep late, goof-off butts back to the office. You've had it good for almost 5 years. Now, get back to work.
  7. GOD speed to the IDF and all the people of Israel.
  8. Not much scientific evidence to support this problem.
  9. It sounds like you don't like Thai food. Restaurants in the West that purport toarly always serve more sushi, Chinese, or some other non-Thai cuisine because many Westerners don't like the strong tastes and flavors that are typical of Thai food. Thai restaurants in medium and small cities have IME always served more non-Thai Asian food. It's harder to source the better-quality recip be Thai will nee items in the West. Maybe you are someone that prefers their 'Sunday Roast' or a 'Proper Breakfast'??
  10. What a load of BS. If it went against their military code of conduct, why are they getting rewarded for past bad behavior.
  11. How much ibuprofen? 200 mg, 400, 600, or 800? How often do you take the ibuprofen? I take 800s that are prescribed by three of my doctors. NSAIDs are not like paracetamol, meaning they don't start working right away. I take 800 every 8 hours, at least 2 times a day and 3 times on the worst days of inflammation. I feel the effects of the anti-inflammatory after taking the second 800. You should see a doc at a private hospital.
  12. Our electric bill is usually just over 6k THB Nov-Feb, and about 10k THB the other eight months. 3bed/2bath pool villa. 2 aircons set to 26 deg and running 24/7/365 3rd aircon set to 23 deg and running 12 hours daily 4th aircon set to 26 deg and running 12 hours daily The pool pump has a high electricity usage, probably about one-third of total bill Aircons cleaned every 6 months All aircons are a "5" for energy efficiency Front of villa faces West. No shade trees.
  13. For all the Trump haters from crap-hole countries currently receiving US Foreign Aid...soon, very soon!
  14. I guess you are saying, "everyone" in the UK knows...cause I sure as hell didn't.
  15. "TINS" Never heard of this reference. Say you're from the UK without saying you're from the UK.
  16. Helmets don't work if they aren't worn correctly...it'll fly off and go bouncing down the highway like your unprotected gourd. Buckle it securely, with two fingers max between chin and strap.
  17. US carriers wouldn't have maintenance support by Category 1 workers in Thailand. Although you can book a US carrier to Thailand, you'll be flying on non-US metal after your connection. And those cat 2 or higher foreign alrlines can't fly to the US because they aren't considered to be safely operated/maintained.
  18. Correct, and SSA can use the highest 35 years of earnings. Not just the last annual salary.
  19. I see many Thai women with butterflies, birds and feathers....most, if not all, are working in the entertainment business. Nothing wrong with tats if you can cover them with biz casual attire. But if you get that crap on your neck, hands, and chest...you are marked for life and everyone sees it. If your work is such that clients, work environment, etc may find this unprofessional, it's smart to not make that kind of life decision. Tourists and maybe some expats, that might possibly be destined to become an older beg-packer or cheap charlie from some crap hole country like ________________ (fill in the blank with your fav country to bash). Full sleeves, entire head (usually shaved bald, larger size gourd, bad teeth), well you are special, or especially...._____________ (fill in blank with your favorite derogatory word). Crap, how did I digress to talking about someone with a big gourd. 55
  20. Your dogs with microchips from the US are fine, they all work the same. The handheld reader scans the area of chip placement and displays the number.
  21. ....Experts suspect issues with the hydraulic pumps or sling riders during the assembly process. They're also experts at deflecting fault and refusing to accept responsibility.
  22. Safety as the primary obsession, for anyone Thai, really??? GTFOH That's a fantasy.
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