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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. You should be ok for a month or two. Like already said, if the battery is not fresh, maybe 2 years already then it may not crank over and would need a charge.
  2. This article leaves out a lot of details, like why the German engine won't be going in a Chinese sub...LOL. Instead, some China crap engine that has never been tested in submarines, not even China subs, and has known issues that will need resolving, like diesel exhaust venting in crew areas. Thai thought the Geman engine would come through, but that fell out, then Thai navy brass said ok anyway, just give us the sub with a China engine, we just want our submarine.
  3. I'm speechless. But...
  4. I think you're in a tight spot, and at this point a departure probably won't get your deposits back and staying with the owner only may have issues with your immigration papers. Hope you can get it resolved.
  5. Another <deleted> foreigner concerned about US elections and politics. Maybe time for you to worry more about the <deleted>-hole you're from.
  6. Boats in Thailand - ferries, long tail, large, small, whatever type that carries passengers/customers are in the same league as motorbike taxis. If you board one, you are putting your life at the mercy of the boat operator and the tour operator. If that is the only mode of transport to a location, I won't be visiting it. In more developed countries, the first thing that would happen to the person in charge of the boat and all crew members - a urine test for alcohol and drugs...and not the BS roadside quickie test but the kind that go to a lab for testing.
  7. I would bet he was stinkin drunk and was talking smack, and someone got tired of his beoch arse
  8. How much difference in pricing of YT Premium between Western and Thai?
  9. The shop next door to Immigration only charges 5 baht to print. You can email it and they will print it for your PP. Lots of other shops that will do the same.
  10. It's illegal to drive in Thailand if you are shirtless.
  11. Tell us your experience with American divorced single moms.
  12. I've never seen long immigration lines in Suvarnabhumi, either arriving or stamping out, except during early quarantine days. IME, it's always the check-in with the airline that is slow. But that experience was when I flew Qatar flying west. Going in the other direction, Korean has a lot fewer bottom feeders, and the check-in and inflight experience is better.
  13. Similar experience with my wife and I living in Bang Saray. We only go to that part of Pattaya to go to Immigration, Tukcom, T21, BK Hospital, and once or twice Central Festival. I always say the same thing every time I go through that area, 'how can someone enjoy living in this area?'. I find it greasy and most filthy, just like the people there. The only bar we've ever been in was during mandatory quarantine, and walking street was dark, as in no lights and everything closed.
  14. That's what I see as the biggest contributing factor for girls that go to the bars. There is no real parenting teaching them. My wife did not have children, but her brother and his wife have a 4 year old that lives with his grandmother. She speaks only Issan, and does not speak, read, write or understand Thai. He goes to school one or two days every few weeks with no consequences or disciplining. He'll turn out to be a fine example of a Thai man. Sad.
  15. Yes, it's called insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  16. BS, total BS. The roads will never be safe with drivers in Thailand.
  17. WFC? It's just another libtard bs outlet.
  18. That exchange rate goes both directions. Transfer in when favorable.
  19. You must love CNN and believe the shyte they feed you. CNN ain't at the top and hasn't been for years and years. BBC, what's that...big black ...k? Not even the libtard operated Google search has shyte stories like you.
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^ 100 Percent Correct ^^^^^^^^^
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