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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. Read thru the fine print - just another advert sales pitch to hire some entity to take your money and they fill out forms they say you must do.
  2. Does Agoda or Booking.com own any airplanes??? Answer that and you know your answer. If you don't have any airline loyalty, search using those sites (that don't own airplanes, and will leave you shyte outta luck if something goes wrong, find the fare and flights you want, then go to the airline's site and book the flights.
  3. Not nearly as attractive as most Thai women. Unless you like short, no waist and a really big butt that is connected to boobs, and not as clean (hygienic) and can only cook adobo, pancit and lumpia - nothing compares to Thai food, not even their balut or monkey meat - nasty, just like Filipina.
  4. Once you go Mac, you never go back. And then get an Apple Watch. I never miss calls and the ringer on my phone is always on silent/off. All calls and notifications are on my watch, both sound, vibration, and visual.
  5. In other words, ain't jack gonna change.
  6. Crime, everything from petty crime to major organized crime will do very well in Thailand when casinos open.
  7. I like using Vick's Deep Heat Mentholated Rub on my meat.
  8. Dang. And I thought I was too negative.
  9. Obese?? It was in Sweden, not England. Probably wasn't short and didn't have a big round bald head either.
  10. Preliminary inspection indicates the motorbike's brakes were malfunctioning. Maybe they functioned perfectly for brakes that were worn out beyond repair long ago. Similar the many motorbikes you may see at night with no tail light or no headlight, or maybe both are out.
  11. Work? Work? WTF would I want to do that for! Gotta be from one of the countless bitter, angry expats that hang out in places that have a pool table and their fav restaurants include the words “…& Bar”.
  12. Maybe do what the Golden Geese are doing…leave for a better place to live. Plenty of options. Maybe do what some car manufacturers and other biz has done…leave for better options.
  13. Really?? So, you could see the person behind the wheel of the Hilux? Wow! That must be a rarity to see thru the front windshield glass behind the dark/black out window tint that thin skinned people need to hide inside their vehicle. I hear that same chyte from "witnesses" that say they saw the driver of a vehicle that hit and run, or was driving dangerously, blah, blah, blah. Speaking of thin skinned....you heard someone beep their car horn? Another bull-chyte comment. Someone beeping their car horn in Thailand...oh no, don't. You may hurt someone's feelings.
  14. NO!!! Just order an Ardent FX and take the guess work out of decarbing and infusing. Plug in play. I have a 220volt for Thailand and a 110 volt for the US. The oven method is not reliable and is not precise. The Ardent FX is electronic controlled and extremely precise and to achieve results anything greater than this is gonna be crazy expensive commercial equipment. An Ardent FX results in activating 97% to 100% decarb - you will NEVER get that with some home method. The temp must be maintain precisely and residential ovens and thermometers can't achieve that level of precise activation. No need to dry store bought weed, no need to grind it either. Just dump it in the Ardent, press A1 for THC and wait for the light to turn green. About 2 hours total to heat up, activate, then cool back down. AFter that, you can consume the weed or add your fav infusion and press the infuse button. Same process, heat up, infuse, cool down. I use the silicone sleeve when infusing, and without the sleeve when decarbing. I use virgin organic coconut oil for my infusions, but butter works great too if you're baking with it. I get my coconut oil from Big C https://ardentcannabis.com My two FX models cost about $300 USD / 10k THB. Worth every bit of money it costs. Dishwasher safe, and I've put my US FX thru the dishwasher many times. But if you use the silicone sleeve for infusing, I don't wash the FX, only the sleeve. I've had the 110 volt FX for almost 4 years, and the 220 volt about 2 years. If you're a smoker, and really wanna get too high...ingest some infused oil, wait for the effect about 1/2 to 1 hour, then take your hits for a really stoned high. If you've ever tried RSO, and used a little too much you'll know the feeling. Too high for me, and I haven't took a puff in over a year. Nothing but infused coconut oil. I haven't made gummies in two years since moving to Thailand. I laugh at the stupid/uneducated that believe they can consume raw cannabis bud or leaf and get a buzz or any effect at alll. BS, it's all in your head cause raw cannabis hasn't been activated. Enjoy your oven method and the under or over activation results. 555555
  15. Cars with excessive features....in Thailand? Geez...they're already stripped of most safety features and pollution control. Shade tree grease monkeys that work on cars, cheaper to disconnect some features than it is to maintain or repair them.
  16. he Yes...and just wait for the casinos to open in a few years. Crime and gansters, organized crime will follow, or probably grow even before the first casino opens. There's no enforcement now even for petty issues like bad driving, speeding, expired registration, motorbikes unsafe, no helmets, etc, etc. Zero enforcement and a green light for crime when casinos are here.
  17. Problems with US banks / accounts?? Maybe it's you that has the problem. If you have difficulty opening a bank account or applying for a new CC, it's you, not the bank or the lender....you, your problem. If you're trying to open a bank account or apply for a CC while you are in a foreign country....it's your lack of understanding common business practices and maybe lacking common sense and piss poor planning. If this fits you, then I'll put some things on FB marketplace to sell you. After you transfer the money to me, I'll ship the items to you right away! A few weeks ago (Sep '24), I opened new checking and savings accounts with a high rated and exclusive banking institution. that I've done biz with since '94. I did this here in Thailand, no phone calls, just my laptop. It was simple to complete online and then I transferred/deposited about 2000 THB / $50 to each account. A week later, I wired a large deposit using Swift from my BK Bank to my new US Bank account. It was almost instant and the next morning it was there when I checked online. Using Swift to transfer to the US was my only reason for opening a new chk/sav account with this bank that I've used for other account types for a 30 years. Not every US bank accept Swift or foreign currency transfers. If you're having problems, you may be someone that didn't have smart plans or any strategy and arrived in Thailand with ONE single debit card/ATM card, and probably one CC, or maybe no CC at all. You can read those sob stories on social media when someone can't access their bank or their money back in their home country. When I moved here several years ago, I arrived with 3 debit/ATM cards and 3 CC. The same 3 banks and cards I've had for 30+ years. I have no trouble keeping these accounts and cards and living here in in Thai. For those from other non-US countries...I feel grateful and blessed when I read about your woes and problems because you don't have the same freedom and liberties.
  18. No DECARB? Unless you decarb the flower/cannabis plant...you're just blowing smoke up someone's arse. If you grind raw flower/bud/or any part of the plant and mix it with anything and then consume it....you ain't getting chyte. Decarb is short for Decarboxylation. If I missed the part about decarbing your cannabis, I apologize to anyone that did include this most important step in edible cannabis. If you don't know what decarb is - go school yourself before you try to explain how to consume/eat cannabis or any infused oil/butter or whatever. You are clueless.
  19. Go back to your country if you can't afford to live here, no matter what country you're from. Too many paupers that make bad life decisions to come to a county without sufficient funds to support themselves, AND don't have an adequate emergency fund. Typical foreigner with only one single debit card, no CCs, small pension, etc, etc, and no plan before they ever decided to live here.
  20. Try Fascino. They are about half price of BK Hospital. You need a prescription from a doctor.
  21. I agree, time to see a Urologist. Ditropan Tabs 5mg 2x daily is often prescribed for this condition - overactive bladder. Generic name: Oxybutynin Chloride Tabs A digital exam can usually eliminate if the cause is an enlarged prostate or something else. I suggest go see a real urologist...not a clinic doctor.
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