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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Who's the real Ho here?
  2. At least he chose the most annoying nationalities 555
  3. Until an immi officer at the airport decides to put you back on the sae flight you just arrived on because you're not a real tourist and just trying to game the system. Totally arbitrary.
  4. Living like a billionaire with a low-digit millionaire budget is the way to go.
  5. What do you expect in an unregulated "license not required" industry where a rhesus monkey can be an "agent"...
  6. What about having a tactical "Rambo" combat knife in your own vehicle? Not carrying it outside the car, just keeping it inside?
  7. Sorry if been asked and answered but can't find a specific thread. ROUGHLY how much (Thai cost, not a falang rip off special) would a chicken coop exactly like the one attached below be expected to cost? Size is 60 sqm (650 sq ft)-ish. Will accommodate about 250-300 hens. Location: rural Buriram. I'm just looking for cost estimates here from the handful of you who actually know their stuff, no need for chicken raising advice etc. And yes, my girlfriend is different.😁
  8. Probably a stupid question, but.... New Hilux with 920km on it. Do I take it to my nearest dealer (bought in another province but it doesn't matter) for the initial/mandatory/scheduled 1,000 km check now before it hits 1k, or when it's just over 1k? Just trying to avoid getting TiT-ed for some breaking some asinine rule and losing warranty.
  9. The only people who should ever use/own debit cards are those who are not eligible for credit cards.
  10. Too stupid to walk. What a nothingburger, meh.... Lucky he didn't end up as roadkill by a speeding oncoming car.
  11. My perception of people changed drastically for the better (total 180, actually) when I moved from s-hole Phuket to Bangkok and also started spending time in Buriram. If you're around trash, you eventually become trash. Generally speaking of course.
  12. A lot of the local women look better with masks as often their eyes are much better features than the rest of their faces, so I'm good with it.
  13. Meh, getting involved would take away good Agogo time.
  14. Hope BN stops wasting time hosting the western "leaders" showing up with their wussy-azz calls for "restraint" and starts clobberin' these animals for real. Military morale will suffer otherwise. They deserve to be unleashed asap.
  15. Don't blame them, who wants to be in PooCrap with all the Ayrabs habibi'ing up the place...
  16. You're cute 😂
  17. Excellent. Z!
  18. I caught myself blurting out "ooi" instead of "ow f_k" when I stubbed my toe on a table leg the other day. Please kill me.
  19. Virgin beach my azz. More like Mia Khalifa.😂 I even had a roving sunglasses vendor b__ch annoy me with her crappy Chyner junk who need 3 "no"s and a "never, go away" to finally f off. Poocrap 2023, the Anus of the Andaman. Sad. Was such a nice place for many decades.
  20. Lived 8 yrs in PI, then left because of their extreme covidiocy. Now 3rd year in Thailand, prolly 2 more and then back to PI. Thailand is cool but I feel more at home (and genuinely 'welcomed') in PI, even with it's less than stellar culinary offerings and rougher infrastructure.
  21. I'm neither jew nor Palestinian but I know who'd I'd rather have in my neighborhood. Time for Israel to initiate a final solution to its infestation problem and rid itself of these animals once and for all. They'll forever have to deal with the arab vermin surrounding them but at least it won't be INSIDE their borders anymore.
  22. The amazing hamas errr hummus and in-room pay-per-view donkey porn selection at the Grace Hotel. (Says a friend.)
  23. Demographically, it feels like Gaza City.
  24. I have about as much empathy for this nothingburger as I have for the Gazan "civilian" population.
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