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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. I will do so when I start getting paid for it and receive an official immunity to prosecution pass for bi_h slapping these types. Till then, it's just a fun time killing hobby. PS. These lower socioeconomic Brit trash/Aussie bogan types are generally speaking utterly eneducatable with verbal communication.
  2. SKV rd @ Asok/T21 around noon today. Loud and obnoxious. And on top of that, on a fairly meaningful/nostalgic holiday for many Thais today. If you guess Aussies or Brits (i.e. the usual suspects), you have a 50% chance of being right. Hoping at least one will overdose/jump/crash/etc. before their stay is over. (Aussies)
  3. When I see 2 a-holes get into a fight in a bar, I just sit back and laugh 555
  4. If they're half English, they often look like the Whittakers (Search Youtube).???? Joking, I'm a falang/Asian mutt too. We tend to be pretty smokin' hot.????
  5. I'd sy RIP but I reserve my empathy for non-dumbazz accidental deaths.
  6. New TM30 online system is super easy a monkey can do it.
  7. You'll be put on Interpol red notice and be extradited on the same plane as Red Bull Boy. Oh wait...
  8. People actually swim in that toiletwater???
  9. Well at least one of them possessed a helmet ????
  10. I stopped riding anything on 2 wheels. Bought myself a nice big (relatively) safe pickup and am fine with getting to places slower but safer now, even it it means paying a few baht to park or drive around looking for a spot. Not a 100% defense against getting murdered by these mental midgets (and I include the % of dumbf*** foreigners in this umbrella statement), but as good as it gets.
  11. My gf is different. ☺️
  12. I would've offed myself 5 days after having been stuck in a car with that insufferable turd.
  13. I only see two rather enjoyable facts to this incident.
  14. Sorry I don't have much info for ya, but would you by any chance happen to have installed after market bull/roll bars on your rig here on the island? Been looking for a place but no luck (posted a seperate thread about it just now as well). Enjoy~~
  15. Just got a new Hilux '23 Revo 4x4 and looking for a place that can/will sell/install halfway decent bull/roll bars at normal non-farang prices? Anywhere on the island is ok. Tried going through the car shops at BigC parking lot, nearly peed myself laughing at their middleman markups. Prefer Hamer brand but open to anything.
  16. Unnecessary and sad, yes. "Tragic" to me is an overused word that appears in almost every headline in relation to accidents like this. In a way I've become dulled to these types of reports. When I first got here years ago I had a lot of empathy. Now.....after reading about incidents like this on almost a daily basis (never mind he ones that don't make the news) it provokes more of a judgemental "facepalm" reaction than anything else. Not proud of it but it just is what it is. I just focus on doing my best to prevent myself and/or my family from becoming victims of the local road lunacy. PS. In reference to the PN article, kids are allowed to ride m/c from age 15 - does that mean they can/must also (technically speaking) have a license at 15?
  17. If it looks like a duck......it's probably a Darwin duck.
  18. If I use the app instead of the website, it the same username/password? (wonder if they'll discontinue the app as well....)
  19. Should be arrested just for owning/driving/working on that ugly, fruity azz green 'Murican low-tech GMC douchebag mobile that only retards and drug dealers drive.
  20. Fact: 1 car driver ran a red light Fact 2: car driver is legally allowed on the road, and accidents happen Fact 3: motobike girl is not allowed on road/unlicensed due to age. Helmet is a non-issue, can't turn a coconut into a strawberry. ???? A more interesting discussion would be, what if the car driver had died (let's just say he bumped his un-seatbelted head into the steering wheel and dies from an unlucky aneurism)......
  21. Some dog owners give/get "kisses" from their fleabags too......same same/not different.
  22. I too couldn't find the TConnect for TH so did the Playstore resert to TH and all is good....EXCEPT.... Since it asks the user to enter a date of registration + license plate, nd I am currently on red dealer plates.....TiTted until I get permanent plates.
  23. Yea, bad choice of words on my part. I meant 'included."
  24. Just bought brand new Toyota in Pattaya a few days ago, but I live in Phuket (was my plan to make it a road trip back home). What I totally forgot about asking the dealer - what about the first service on it? Can I have this done at Toyota Phuket or is there some weird nonsensical system here that forces buyers to stick to their original dealership's service centers for the allotted (free) service intervals? I know the logical/obvious answer to this (555) but nothing surprises me here anymore, so..........? (yea, I know I could just ask the dealer but communicating with him isn't exactly easy and I'm sure I'll have the needed reply here within minutes of posting.) Thanx.
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