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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. When one gets fined for TM30 (or 90 day) infraction, does the passport get some sort of "fined/paid for ___" stamp like on an overstay, or is it just a piece of paper/receipt?
  2. Don't worry about it. I'm sure one of your more entrepreneurial neighbors will rent the pace out to tourists while your're gone (and not tell you). True story 555....I know a guy who left his condo unattended and when he came back after 2 yrs, even though it looked the same, it was suspiciously clean. And then he found a thank note on one of the shelves thanking the "host" for being able to stay in such a nice place and looking forward to coming back next year. Turns out the condo manager" had quite a nice little side business in that bldg during the scamdemic.
  3. Obviously, because there is no intelligence required to begin with to spread legs/open mouth.
  4. The word "tragic" is extremely overused in the media when it involves single rider/driver road accidents here (no matter what nationality the dead people are) IMO. The poor guy had an accident on his bike and died. That's sad, but not "tragic." Tragic is if that bike had caused another fatality by hitting another person/vehicles (perhaps one on its way to a wedding or funeral, just to add to the definition of "tragic") that was completely unaware/uninvolved. Then again, I suppose every death is tragic for the people left behind...
  5. In Pattaya I average about 150 baht a day (3x50) for food. That three full Thai meal like krapao/pad thai etc. Water cost is zero. Many hotel lobbies provide free iced water. If I get hungry later in the evening, there's always a bar somewhere that's having a birthday party with free food for anyone (just leave before they look like they're gonna ask you what you want to drink). Or hang out and hover nearby until some simp who can only buy his friends ring the bell. Internet - plenty of free public places or businesses where you can use free wifi. Just download whatever you want to watch later. Love - if you're handsome like me, picking up horny Russians on the beach is easy. Transport - free hotel shuttle buses Clothes - just need 1 pair of shorts per year, it's a beach town after all! Oh, forgot about rent. What rent? The beach is free and there are so many empty half-built condo shells ruins that all the developer scammers left behind. You can mov into a new penthouse every night! As for medical care - my insurance company policy is 100% free. Look up "gofundme".... My only real expense is the 368 baht it cost me per day for my 5 yr Elite visa, but that's a one-time expense every 5 years so it's not that noticeable.
  6. Remind me not to take home any amputee freelancers from Nana when you're visiting my me.
  7. @Red Phoenix Sorry to bother, could you kindly PM me the info as well please? TIA!
  8. Are you on the kid's birth cert? Just being married isn't enough to snatch Jr.
  9. I started commuting on the Bangkok Airways flight between HKT and UTP on a weekly basis recently, love it. Door to door from my condos in Pattaya/Patong in about 4 hours.
  10. Time for a dose of reality - you can't rescue your son unless you rescue yourself first. So leave, and do whatever needs to be done to divorce the psycho and maybe get custody. Might take a long time, you may not see the kid for a long time, and nothing is guaranteed (will obviously be an uphill battle for a falang and in the end maybe even futile), but I think that's your only chance. One thing that is almost certain is that the situation will escalate if you stay. Perhaps to a point where the kid's safety becomes an issue because her hatred for you crosses the red line from verbal/light violence to a full on homicidal episode where anyone near her becomes a target. Good luck.
  11. No longer an excuse. Any Thai with a national ID card can get an account nowadays, on the spot. https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Thailand/percent_people_bank_accounts/ The Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia have a slightly higher percentage of "unbanked" population but we're talking Thailand here.
  12. As long as short time can be paid by QR, who cares.... It's 2023. The only people who still need cash are criminals and folks who refuse to let go of archaic methods and probably still write checks ('Murica, lol). We can afford to leave those types behind us. Unnecessary baggage.
  13. As long as the maintenance "engineer" ???? took a pic of the travelator on his morning "maintenance check" as per Thai S.O.P. for every job that requires an employee to actually get off their azz and walk around for more than 10 meters as part of his/her job, everything is just fine. All systems nominal. It's like walking in to a doctor's office, doc looks at you for 3 seconds and declares "all good, I don't see no HIV."
  14. Yes but the online process may require a scan of the police report? I don't see how they would just drop that requirement just because an application is being made online (specifically talking about stolen/lost pps although not really relevant in the OP's case). Australia is of course free to do whatever they want in regard to requiring a popo report or not, I'm just saying that this is an almost universal requirement at any country's embassy/consulate so I'm almost shocked they would deviate from that. Anyway, not really relevant to the specific case I suppose.
  15. https://ireland.embassy.gov.au/dubl/PptLT.html https://india.highcommission.gov.au/ndli/cslr5.html https://mumbai.consulate.gov.au/mbai/Lost_and_Stolen_Passports.html
  16. Reading comprehension 101. Which part of "unintended function" did you not understand? As far as your goofy attempt at psychoanalyzing, nice try but as I stated - I don't like most people (and idiotic comments like yours once again validate why) so it's not about being scared to talk to anyone. I just do not care to talk to random strangers. I leave that up to needy Golden retriever personality types people like you.
  17. I stopped having any. Now it feels like X-mas multiple times every day. Like when I order a Coke, and the waitress actually brings a Coke (instead of a Coke Zero, I know I'm a fat ugly falang but if I wanna drink a Coke I'll friggin' drink a Coke thank you) - BOOM! Xmas!
  18. I like a chick/ho with nice ink, but they look horrible once the ink fades/spreads with time, especially sak yant (poke method) tats. As for my own (12)......some of them are personal/meaningful, some just designs I like, and there's one small sized one I regret. I'm a pretty big boned guy, face like a Mexican cartel thug, socially more of a lone wolf and don't like the majority of people I meet so the tats have an added unintended function of often acting as a force field that repels most. I couldn't hurt a fly and am (now) a total pacifist, but I honestly don't mind the "bad guy" image it projects.
  19. It is the norm for most embassies to require this but if Australia is a rare exception then I stand corrected. Doesn't change the remaining facts of the discussion.
  20. The most important question here is did they renounce their Thai citizenship, or are they still Thai citizens but just haven't renewed passports/IDs in long time? Citizenship only disappears when it is renounced or revoked. A passport is simply a travel document, not citizenship in itself. Once the person is in country and gets Thai pp and ID back, there is basically f-all than can happen to them. Thai nationality (the fact that they don't currently have a pp doesn't matter, they are still registered as being a citizen) trumps everything. Ideally of course get that done within the first 30 days.
  21. Still requires either the physical mailing of the old (the one to be replaced) pp to the embassy/issuing authority, the police "loss" report. As mentioned previously, there is a huge difference (in terms of what a Thai immi pp reader machine and the home country border control's officer will see on their screens. The exact wording in regard to discussing this particular case is therefore important. The OP's pp has not been "cancelled" as far as an overseas immi officer is concerned. Revocation - generally done due to ongoing criminal procedures - usually distributed to partnering global immi watch lists and law enforcement agencies. Cancellation - slightly less serious, may or may not be released. Expiration, invalidation/voiding of an expired pp - zero release. All an overseas immi officer will see on the screen is that it is an authentic pp, with the biometric data, and the persons entry/exit history into the respective country.
  22. If you entered the country visa exempt on your old passport on this current trip (i.e. in the last 30 days), and it has not been physically invalidated by the issuing authority either cutting off of the edge+void stamped, then technically immi will likely give you an extension, and you should be able to exit on it provided you adhere to the additional 30 day limit. When airport immi scans a passport, the machine checks only if it is an authentic passport (not a counterfeit) as well as cross checks with the info on their entry/exit database as well as specific wanted/banned lists, and not if it has been invalidated/voided which is left to the actual human operator's physical inspection of the document. It is a slightly different (technical) matter when a country revokes/cancels the passport of one of its citizens due to a criminal matter etc. Having said that, why/how the hell did the issuing authority (assume embassy or consulate here) not invalidate/void it? It's one of the most basic jobs of a consular official that I would think would never be overlooked in the issuance process for a new one. The only exception would be a lost pp. In this case your old one will come up on the system at the point of entry of your home country if you try to get in using it (obviously it's better just switch to the new one upon arrival, otherwise it might end up being a 15 minute holdup until they're cleared you and confiscated the expired one). Essentially, you currently have 2 valid passports until one expires in a few months. And unless you report the 2nd (new) pp to Thai immi, as far as they are concerned you are officially and legally on the old one. Actually not an entirely rare situation, many folks have two pps for various reasons. You just happen to have yours by accident/mistake on the part of your embassy/consulate. Not your problem/responsibility.
  23. My honeymoon with Thailand ended years ago and I share your sentiments. For me, it's just one of many halfway decent pretty spots on earth to live and comfortably within my budget to maintain a Western quality lifestyle. If I had "real' money I'd live in a $10m secluded beach mansion in the Bahamas or Hawaii and swim in clear blue waters with sea turtles every day. Having said that, every time I got back to West to my "home countries" (US & Germany) for a few weeks I realize I generally dislike the general populous there way more, and for different, in my mind more valid reasons. So I truck on and apart from two fantastic close falang friends I drink with a few times a week, avoid most people altogether. Interaction with locals is limited to me handing over money for product or service, and friendly usually reciprocated quick smiles here and there, nothing beyond that. Works for me (and frankly, I think them too), I really don't give it another thought, and the dog gets lots of belly rubs. Doesn't make me an a-hole IMO. The trick is to have loads of hobbies that don't involve other humans.
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