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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Thailand Pass works great once you decide to PASS on Thailand.
  2. @AndreasStr @wehmoen How many hours did it take for both of you to receive the approval mail, and if you don't mind sharing, what are your departure dates?
  3. Slightly confused. So if all docs have been successfully uploaded and then you get that "Success" popup with the green checkmark that says "You will receive approval and certification from Thailand Pass by QR code for traveling to Thailand via registered email"......then the next mail/notification from them will be the actual approval that contains the QR code? And for that we should wait 3-7 days (I see that some folks say they got the "confirmation" almost instantly or "within hours") - are we talking about the same thing here? Because I successfully submitted my docs about 7 hours ago and have received zero notifications/email about anything. And what if the docs get rejected - are we notified of this via an email?
  4. I'm just waiting until the first ads pop up here offering TP processing services for those who are not able to get it done themselves. ????
  5. I have had a BKB Master debit card and outside of Thailand (and sometimes even in T) it has pretty much always been about as useful as teats on a bull. It doesn't even have my name on it, so often times I can't even use it for the most basic online purchases like domestic flights (not all airlines, but most, since the final payment step usually involves entering the card holder name along with the card # etc. Utterly unimpressed, will change banks net time I visit (so in 2055 once the ThaiPass problems are fixed^^).
  6. Another hypothetical: TP is granted and QR issued. I decide to change my schedule and fly a few days earlier. I know that any flight/date change requires TP re-registration (and let's assume the 2nd one also gets approved), but what then happens to the already granted one? Does it get cancelled automatically ans is unusable in case I decide to go back to the original travel date? Or will I have two co-existing valid QR codes for 2 different dates? The TP FAQs do not address this specific question, and I'm not about to be the test rabbit (really tempted though now that I've figured out how to use it problem free....would rather fly after 1 week rather than wait for my scheduled flight on the 20th).
  7. For those who have made it through to the end...have you noticed that nowhere along the process does it ask for the prepaid PCR nor airport transfer confirmation, just "accomodation/booking #"....? I uploaded the official booking.com confirmation email screenshot (SHA+ hotel in Phuket)...arranging the transport with them on the side, and they still do not have a Test & Go system so I asked them for the SHABA id so I can make arrangements for the test at the airport upon arrival at HKT via thailandpsas (TPSAS). Hope this works...
  8. Been on my laptops (LG & Samsung Galaxy book) trying all night but like most of you got stuck at various points throughout. Used all the tips provided so far, still no go. Was ready to give up but then got the idea to try it from my TABLET (Samsung A7 Galaxy Tab), and lo and behold......ZERO problems without any browser manipulation or any other tricks. Add to that, I'm in Korea (vax certs don't even have QR codes nor pp# on them). So I got the submission confirmation message (see below). Of course it might get rejected for whatever reasons, but it's one step further toward the end goal for me. Worth a try, folks, and good luck!
  9. TP is running about as well as a special olympian. I keep getting " header.subject header.forNonThai
  10. I gave it am honest try, but after hours of dealing with API/error messages I give up. I'll take the hit on refunds and cancellations and go to Mexico instead. Thailand can KMA.
  11. @ThaiVisaCentre Do you expect/guesstimate the first Phuket 1 Night Test & Go packages to possibly appear on your website within the next 4-5 days, or is it really an unknown at the moment? You guys have been a great source of reliable info and updates so I figure you deserve my business. I have a flight reservation to HKT on the 10th, so just trying to figure out if my schedule is still feasible or if I should postpone a few days.... Cheers~~
  12. So what exactly needs to be included by the hotel in its "1 day Test & Go" package? Airport pick up? PCR test - on premise or done at a secondary site?? Anything else? Thanks.
  13. Still a fetus basically, only 45^^ Relatives in Phuket so I want to spend some time with them, at least 6 months, but perhaps even a year.
  14. @ubonjoe Just to be clear, the visa exempt 30 day entry (for eligible countries on the list) has already been reinstated, or will be reinstated on 31 Oct.? Understand it can be extended once for an additional 30 days for a total of 60 days. At the end of that 60 (well, before that of course), can I have an agent switch it to something longer like a student/muay Thai/etc. visa, or will I have to definitely leave after 60? Much obliged....
  15. So do we still have to go to https://thaievisa.go.th/ to get the visa approved online (this is how it is done if coming from South Korea) visa or will TP replace this??? Embassy here won't reply to any inquiries nor answer phone, and website of course outdated...
  16. A few questions. 1. So the only reason the Phuket sandbox program still exists is for people from countries not on the list of 46, correct? I bought an AXA policy for my upcoming sandbox trip (the "old" $100k coverage one) that specifically states "Phuket Sandbox".....but as I am from South Korea (approved country), I obviously won't need to do Sandbox and instead will do the 1 day/night "quarantine free" entry. 2. Will the fact that my policy states "Phuket Sandbox" be a problem in this respect if I run into a brain dead official somewhere along the line or am I being overly paranoid? 3. Tried to contact Axa to ask if they can remove the word "Sandbox" but they ignore emails. Anyone have any good contact info? I purchased on their main official website, not from an agent. Thanks~
  17. I have nothing of value to contribute, but just wanna say that you sound like an intelligent, articulate, reasonable and overall great guy (and all without being a simp) that I wish the Thailand expatsphere had more of. Best of luck with the situation.
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