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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Confusing. So what was the actual date on the permission to stay stamp in their actual passports? 31/7/23 or 24/7/23 i.e. where did the airport immi officer get the 27/7/23 from?
  2. Wash plate in sink after you've made yourself and your wife a burger in your own kitchen - OK. Wash dishes in your wife's resort's kitchen after you've made the same burgers - NOT OK. Welcoming guests in the lobby of your wife's resort saying "Welcome to my wife's resort, hope you have a great stay. If you need me to help you with any language-related problem (can't read a sign, don't understand what housekeeping lady is saying, need directions into town, etc.), feel free to ask me if you see me in the lobby or run into me in any of the common/public areas doing nothing.": OK Welcoming guests in the lobby and then taking them up to the room, going inside and showing them how a light switch works: NOT OK Cutting the grass on your own residential property: basically OK but I would personally only do it if I have a good relationship with neighbors/people who can see me doing this. Cutting the grass at your wife's resort: might as well just cut up your passport and the visa in it. Ya dig? ????
  3. I live in Phuket and the vehicle would leave the island maybe once a year for a road trip to Ao Nang. I pretty much hate everyone in my social circle (they just don't know it 555) and don't want to be asked to give people rides, don't have any little breeder trophies nor a wife/gf, only "date" hookers who come and go on motobike taxis. I like to sit/drive high for field of vision reasons. SUVs are an option as well but tend to cost more than pickups. So basically, a single cab (no rear seats) is fine with me as long as I can sit fairly comfortably (187cm) and my giant goofy fatazz Saint Bernard can ride shotgun and attract the lay-deeeeees (I figure the ones we catch can ride back to the crib with us in/on the tray.
  4. A pathetic saga of TiT/Euro-retard-pol Flintstone law enforcement. And now he's safely back home in Norway, the country that has the audacity to give contemporary history's biggest single incident mass murderers (Anders Breivig, body count 77 people) a goddamn parole hearing after serving a whopping 10 years in a three-room cell, playing video games, exercising, watching TV and taking university-level courses in mathematics and business.
  5. If I had a dime for every time I fingered a starfish.....????
  6. As the title suggests, I'm a total cheapass when it comes to spending any money on add-ons I don't need. My only non-negotiable is A/T. I need it to last fairly reliably (at least in terms of drivetrain) for about 5 years, and I don't care about any resale value as I'll probably end up having it officially scrapped to legally/conveniently/efficiently get it out of my name. So, which make/model pickup/UTE would you guys go for? I prefer buying new, but a low km (less than 50k), max 2 year old vehicle would be considered as well provided no accidents and still under factory warranty. Am I right in thinking that the MG Extender is the cheapest in this respect? Toyota Hilux....? Mitsu Triton? Mazda? I'm not interested in any of the Fix Or Repair Daily models.
  7. After reading just the thread title, I immediately grabbed my phone and frantically called all 5 Brit friends I have here to check if it was one of them. Is it time to move, or should I just look for other members of less errrrr..... mentally volatile nationalities to make friends with?
  8. Re-naming a company (2019) after a "cool" Marvel entity (even semi-copying the logo) shows a level of infantile that is scary even for Thailand. Thailand's SBF. Wish I was 10 years younger, back then I would've had the nuts (and foresight) to short the living crap out of this goldmine of delusional dreams in a timely manner.
  9. There's one living in the Seychelles that was born when Andrew Jackson was elected US prez. And even more impressive, there are some Greenland sharks alive when DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa. Some POS degenerate loser drinking in public at 9am doesn't really bother me, but being in the same species is a bit embarrassing in comparison.
  10. Generally the same type of losers who are emotionally vested in professional sports teams. Luckily, they're a minority.
  11. The world's biggest sick water buffalo hospital. 50% ROI courtesy of Western simps.
  12. Pffft.....if it's not a proper kerrrsplat, it's just the nothingburger of the day.
  13. Start lecturing her in an especially superior tone about world history, geography or astronomy. Out like a light in under 5 minutes I bet. My go-to is the old "Why is the moon smaller than the sun even though it looks bigger in the sky".......
  14. The deviant joke practically writes itself 555
  15. I've had times when I've had those ho'ys during the wrong time of the month and ended up with blood cockles. ???? Vibriosis and gono......nasty.????
  16. Alcohol is dependent on ME! Without me and my army of billions of like-minded reality-distorting warriors, alc would just sit in a warehouse like a pathetic loser and rot away till its shelf life expires. Much like the ugly women who would never get any D without drunk men around them to compromise their standards.
  17. Just watch the Russian version of Sesame Street like me and you'll pick up the basics in no time. Today's episode was especially fun because it was brought to you by the letter Z.????
  18. Did the travelling thing years ago, got the tshirt, all good and fun at the time. Now, my bar stool is the most fun and reliable thing this place has to offer me and they'll have to use the jaws of life to pry my rigor mortis'd azz from it. Happy as a clam on it~ Wish all happy travels and/or stooling ???? -Norm
  19. Sandboxer

    Condoms :)

    Non-immuno compromised heteros in 2023 who still use condoms probably love their facemask and coof vaccines too.
  20. Ah yes, the old monolingual thing....like 90-95+% of Brits, Americans and Aussies, with the remaining 5-10% being immigrants.
  21. 555 ????
  22. All I'm hearing here is "Monkey want banana."
  23. Happy with my GF and GR, and if GF ever leaves or kicks me out of my house because her husband gets too jealous, then I'll still have GR to lick my feet, fetch beer from the fridge and go for walks with (something GF isn't too keen on usually, especially the walking part). Just sucks that the average lifespan of GRs is only about 10 years, but I can always get a new Golden Retriever puppy an hour after Rover has been buried (or turned into soup - hey, I'm 1/4 Chinese, it's in my genes????).
  24. Sig.......impressive, not a cheap gun. Especially in Thailand I imagine nothing under THB 40-45k-ish for a legally sold/registered one? That pic of the scene in the "resort" looks like a crack den.
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