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Datsun 1200

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Everything posted by Datsun 1200

  1. I have had countless girlfriends and married twice. If you don't know that 90% of women have a sex toy, have a look in bedside drawers on her side of the bed, or other drawers in your/her bedroom. You will find it/them. IH
  2. I think they are talking Urine, if so, at least it is sterile if fresh!? IH
  3. You would soon die if you ate entirely from 7/11. Bananas are the only fruit they sell and the rest is 100% carbs, ice cream and booze IH
  4. And if you are going to "end it early" for Gods sake, read Final Exit The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, 3rd Edition https://a.co/d/9LPUQcE It always makes me sad to hear of people jumping from balconies, hangings, overdoses and blowing brains out etc. Total lack of research, see above ...... Final Exit is painless and dignified. It replaced The Hemlock Society (if the pain got too bad you took the poison Hemlock) but suicide can/should be much more civilized these days.... IH
  5. It cannot be just produced like the Magic Rabbit from a Hat Hmmm America just prints all the US$ it needs (in a shed out the back), so no money? Print more! Dreadful economics but can almost literally it CAN be produced like the Magic Rabbit from a Hat., see the Federal Reserve (which is not Federal and just a bunch of rich <deleted> bankers deciding how many US$ the Magic Rabbit is to produce) IH **All cash I may have/get I have put into physical 23ct Gold chains, the more US$ they print, must make the others less valuable. (sooner or later, but with FED manipulation seems it can continue for a while.)
  6. With all the money Michael J Fox, M Ali etc have raised, I wondered if we/they would see a breakthrough in Parkinsons in my/his lifetime. Seems we will! Good luck to you MJ Fox!! IH
  7. Do many "Swedish Businessmen" have full sleeves of tattoos on both arms. I would say he is going for the "tough from Prison" look, rather than a "businessman from Sweden" look, unless I am very wrong about Sweden!? Many tattoos and many guns, what business would that be? IH
  8. I bought a new Toyota Cross Hybrid 2023 model from the dealer in Phuket Town about 6 months ago and have been very happy with it. I don't know how, but the turning circle for a medium size SUV is amazing. They mention that in many reviews. I had a Ford Escape 2014 model and it had many faults, especially as it got old (the Ford dealer is worst I have ever dealt with, some things they could not fix?), so far there is nothing I don't like about the Cross https://www.toyota.co.th/model/corollacross It seems to have plenty of headroom and I am 180cm IH
  9. If these cameras were really to reduce accidents I would agree with them, but the facts are they put cameras where it is safe to speed a little and that is how they catch so many. Some in Perth are making A$1,000,000 a day and the Govt has become addicted to the easy money. I'm afraid once they discover how profitable they are, there will be more and more ; ( IH
  10. The death penalty may seem extreme, but I think the "right of every Thai teenager, not to grow up in a place where METH is cheaper than candy." trumps "the right of illegal hard drug makers to live".. Drugs at present levels will ruin society eventually, look at the UK and LA. Truth is Crack etc took many of their best and brightest while their "peers" in China are getting PHDs instead. Fentanyl made in China is "totally ruining the West" without conventional weapons. Also, in the past, all weapons = "if you do that to us, we will do the same to you" = MAD mutually Assured Destruction. However with Meth and Fentanyl it is "we can do it (flood your youth with drugs) to you (degenerate <deleted>), but you can't do it (sell kids tons of drugs) to us, nah nah nah nah". I predict many societies will collapse if this continues. Death to hard drug makers, should be our policy. IH
  11. I had same issues with Lazada and was shipped a fake Seiko Solar watch 23,000bht which was fake. They did refund me ok once I sent it back. This "security" stuff is inexcusable. Suddenly your password no longer works and it is your fault somehow, then the "forgot password" link does not send the OTP. Then being unable to get a person to talk to, (a real person) makes me feel homicidal!?? IH
  12. . I wonder if he will use the old "for personal use" when caught with 6,720,000 methamphetamine pills. The Death Penalty for hard drugs like Singapore seems to do the trick. In Thailand I would like to see it's reputation become "a great place to smoke Pot (herb), but the worst place to make/sell hard drugs (chemicals), as they will kill you (without mercy) for that". A few Public Executions for those proven to be Lab Owners and big time dealers, and you can be sure the problem will lessen greatly. Not many junkie problems in Japan or Singapore etc I am involved in Rehabs and am usually for treatment and detox for users. But I see no other way to stop the makers/dealers/Govts that are profiting now. IH
  13. 1M Baht is only A$43,000, but 6.2M bht is about A$270,000 and seems much more reasonable. I bet they would all rather "have the person back" but at least it is not an insult. Remember no Chinese 14yo boy can get a gun, like in most sane places, so one must also blame guns themselves. Since Australia adopted such harsh gun control, we have had a mass shooting in NZ and maybe a couple of small shootings with low caliber guns in last many years.. America has about SIX HUNDRED "active shooters" per year!!?? How many in Thailand? But obviously strict gun control is the answer. Only cops and criminals should have access to hand guns. IH
  14. I can see why her "lesbian porn" video is popular, and now she is "infamous" and that will do in this world. "In future everybody will be world famous/infamous for 15 min" -Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987)
  15. Every Western woman I have ever dated or married had a "sex toy" or two. It is about 90% of all Aussie women over 18yo own a sex toy IMHO. Men would have far more if they were available, but other than very expensive sex dolls, there is not much available. IH
  16. If having to "run into the basement with my security team" is the worst experience of your life, you are in for some real "suffering" one day, and your terrible experience recently, won't seem so terrible. Trust me, there is no doubt.. IH
  17. I just had my Will done in Thailand and Australia, I had many docs that needed witnessing. Most can be done by any adult. "The Living Will " or "Health Directive" was the most drama. But for some the person witnessing has to be "authorized" and you are given a link to those that qualify. It is the usual Doctors, Pharmacists, Lawyers, Nurses etc. I asked a Pharmacist (with great English) but all too much for her, and suggested i try a hospital. Next Siam Legal said 3,000bht to have documents witnessed, set fee but no lawyers there at the time. But in the end I chose the Elite Visa lawyer K Toto https://phuketlegalfirm.com/ after his advice I had a whole new Living Will in Thai/English made and is very professional. My full printed official Will in Thailand cost 30,000bht and is sure to be easy for my Thai friend to execute it. The Living Will (do they pull the plug if in coma etc?) 16,000bht. IH
  18. A little less unimaginable suffering hits the streets, good. I think Siam may need to get the reputation as "great place to smoke Pot, but really really strict place for hard drugs = jail/death". A few public executions of drug makers, and the drug problem destroying the World would diminish. I see no other way and am involved with Drug Rehabs in Thailand and Australia. Aus is awash in Coke and Meth at present but have not seemed to have discovered Crack. Once they do, it will not be pretty. Stuff of nightmares. China is making a lot of this stuff, they know about all citizens and could stop a lot of this if they chose to. IH
  19. The best portable dry herb vape you can get is this https://www.storz-bickel.com/en/mighty IH
  20. And havn't "we" done a great job of ruling those lousy FISH, almost killed em all! American saying: "If it moves shoot it, if it doesn't chop it down. If doesn't do either, concrete it" IH
  21. "Nothing on its devastating effects particularly on youths?" Data please or this is just propaganda
  22. The previous Govt issued 6,000 Cannabis Dispensary licenses, They will all need to be compensated, as is totally legal what they have set up. The new Govt won't want to pay, and it will remain available. IH
  23. For survival, use public transport and/or a car. Scooters are 17 times more dangerous and without a helmet, just use a gun, save first responders having to see your remains on the road. Been coming to Phuket for 20yrs
  24. Youth is wasted on the young, and wisdom is wasted on the old. IH
  25. “Every Day, in Every Way, it’s Getting Better and Better”—John Lennon 1940 - 1980 IH
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