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Datsun 1200

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Everything posted by Datsun 1200

  1. Very few "non criminals" pay for second passports, and with drugs also in room, = Darwin was correct, one more scumbag out of the gene pool IH
  2. I come from Perth and in my 20s America had a program called "Dial a Sailor" (multiple times/visits) a dating system for Yanks and Perth women. https://tonyseed.wordpress.com/2007/06/22/liberty-visits-return-of-the-dial-a-sailor-program/ For 1,000s of years, to invade a place and have anonymous (for the woman) sex with the local women was an act of War, yet 2,000 Yanks in uniform would regularly get off their ship, with 3 months pay in their pockets, horney and obviously Fcking "our" women. We (men born in said location) did not like it and wanted to plan "bash a random Yank" nights. Plus all those caught by our Aussie sailors. Put it this way, every time a Yank ship left, a few were left behind coz in Perth hospitals. It was a very very bad thing to do to an ALLY (enemy is fair game apparently) https://tonyseed.wordpress.com/2007/06/22/liberty-visits-return-of-the-dial-a-sailor-program/ It proved to us that Aus is just a lapdog of Uncle Sam and if you even threaten Yank bases, the CIA will remove you, as they did to Whitlam. Anyway, this was a long way to say I understand why this Farang (below) was attacked "unprovoced", I'm pretty sure motive below was really coz the guys are thinking "fkucing fat stinking farangs, having sex with all our most beautiful women just coz they were born in a rich country". This is no doubt how many young men must feel, resentful, it would be totally un-natural and against evolution if they were happy about Yanks "breeding with their most beautiful women." and we can't compete financially etc This attached below was my last girfriend (for 4yrs, I'm 63yo), I could see the envy in many mens/boys/lesbians eyes, as is natural I think. I still resent the fact that not one Yank Admiral (from Westpoint or some <deleted> thing) did not think "hey, 2,000 of our horney soldiers will disembark in Perth, I wonder how us setting up a "dating site for Yank sailors and Perth girls will go down with the local men, our supposed Allies?" - Yank Admiral = "they are not from the Good ol USA, so (literally) screw them" See above to explain to this attack below... https://aseannow.com/topic/1310714-foreign-tourist-attacked-by-hostile-youngsters-in-pattaya/
  3. If you can't find it here, you are being too pedantic https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/coffee-bean/ "Could there BE any more choice?" --Mathew Perry RIP IH
  4. Disolute = drunken, disreputable rogue IH
  5. I had to provide a Police Check from Australia to Elte Visa, they do check, and if you did anything that can get you prison time here, they refuse it (apparently, as per their rules) IH
  6. Like all alcoholics/addicts I have the Gene CHRM2, which before the 12 steps were discovered (AA) was almost always fatal. Since 1939 if lucky and you found the 12 steps, one can have an "interesting" and "exciting to a degree" life, but never an easy life, always very difficult coz family probably Alcoholic too. With those Steps I have had a brilliant life, I'm now 63yo happy, joyous, free, healthy wealthy and wiser. Without those Steps AA/NA, certainly dead at 37yo https://aa.org.au/new-to-aa/what-is-aa/ IH
  7. They all copied Yul Brynner, he did it first and best!! https://www.google.com/search?q=Yul+Brenner IH
  8. This is a tad ironic and certainly won't help.... IH
  9. If money is not a concern, the very best is at Bumrungrad Hospital in BKK IH
  10. See attached, it is close to Boat Avenue
  11. Is there not something about "stupid criminals always return to the scene of the crime", I thought it was BS until I read this! IH
  12. "Fear of death" is the same as "will to live" or "survival instinct", everybody was born with this "biological imperative to survive". It is natural to fear death (survive) but now with reason I don't fear death, but I do fear "suffering at death" so I have Final Exit on hand and rarely worry/think about death anymore. IH
  13. This is the famous Ghost Rider on one of his "runs" before he died at high speed as one would expect sooner rather than later. Ghost Riders ...RIP Ghost Rider at 300KPH.....RIP
  14. Chalk up another on for wearing good helmets. Most here would not even rate in Aus but "much much better than nothing" I have ridden big bikes, raced cars and go-karts, am a pilot, and won the event below, and never once did I/we consider being stupid enough not to wear a good helmet. However sadly, in Phuket, half the riders are helmet-less..... IH
  15. Why did I invest in physical Gold? I don't understand your mask reference. IH
  16. I just put all/any cash I had into 23ct gold chains bought with cash anonymously at Makro a typical Gold shop. Paid under 32,000bht per "baht" (15.2gms) for all I expect it to double in 12 months IH
  17. I am not scared of dying, but I am scared of suffering (lung replacement rejection!!) when the fun is over.... Final Exit The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, 3rd Edition https://a.co/d/9LPUQcE This was a huge relief when I found this and it probably ADDED 5 years to my lifespan (screw lung transplants etc) IH
  18. If you want the best, I am 63yo and see better than when 25yo (fcku glasses!!) I and over 1,000 others have had Dr Captain replace lenses. Tim Newton from TNT and others around Phuket use the same doctor https://www.phukethospital.com/doctor/captain-wiriyaluppa/ IH
  19. Perth is a Nazi state when it comes to raping the average motorist for money. They are totally addicted to the huge easy money these cameras generate. One Stationary Speed Camera on the Mitchell Freeway was reported to have made over A$1,000,000 over a long weekend. Local Govts get addicted to the money really quickly and we will see more and more of them unfortunately". Luckily these Jammers are legal here ... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vortexradar.com/2022/09/adaptiv-tpx-automotive-laser-jammer-review/%3famp=1 https://www.thaipbsworld.com/your-essential-guide-to-thailands-new-driving-license-points-system/ https://www.phuket-motorbike-rental.com/the-penalties-for-traffic-offenses-in-thailand/ IH
  20. If you have a kid that is mega immature, super spoiled, using Coke and is "mad about driving", to survive the 17yo - 25yo age. Buying them a Merc, BMW or Volvo etc is one expensive way to try and keep them alive. Red Bull's Boss ran over a cop on his scooter, and his Ferrari dragged the dead cop over 200m to his home, try that in your Honda Jazz! In biological terms, his escape is just a father trying to insure his (defective?) seed/genes are spread as far as possible, by protecting his son, as do most primates. IH
  21. How unclear is that, "suspicious activities" could/will be easily be abused
  22. The above should not read "False sense of knowledge. " and read... "Accurate sense of knowledge", ask any Thai to tell you about any countries history, including Siam. How about the Vietnam War with America? They have no idea. I asked one adult "you know WWII?" , they said "eh what was that? How about Hitler? He replied who? I asked "tell me about the King? and he ran away!!?? I rest my case IH
  23. Here are the details for fines and points <<<< Link to the Bangkok Post removed as per the forum rules >>>> https://www.phuket-motorbike-rental.com/the-penalties-for-traffic-offenses-in-thailand/ IH
  24. Try pulling into the "private beach" at the Aman Puri in Surin and some other resorts. If you insist you will be talking to "security" fairly soon. Technically you are right, but not the same as in the "doing"... IH
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