I agree wholeheartedly agree about racism and any kind of supremacy, not just white!
I don't follow Farage, I have just seen the odd you tube video, so really I have no comment about him, however you seem to have strong feelings about him?
I lean against racism also, but I support nationalism. But am against any kind of supremacists.
Correct me if I am wrong and I could be having gone thru a a lot posts, but did you say on one occasion that you thought Farage was a white supremacist or at least he supported them?
Every star and planet we can see is spherical.
The Milky Way alone has around a hundred billion stars, all spherical. There are around 2 trillion galaxies.
The Earth is the only heavenly body that is flat???????
"Bang Sao Thong police have charged Premsuk, 24, Jiraphan, 25, and Chaiya with assault causing death."
Wouldn't that be Murder? or at least Manslaughter?
If you compare land area, then the USA is bigger than Canada Actually!????
The United States has a bigger land area (3,531,905 sq miles) than Canada (3,511,023 sq miles).
I realize it was referring to non native English speaking countries as I am sure everyone did?
Having said that it appears you do not have a sense of humor, as that is what was being conveyed, I guess the laughing emoji's didn't give it away?????
Stating that the folks in biggest, native, English speaking country in the world are ''Borderline retards." is totally ridiculous and absurd! You need to get out more?
If they were converted shipping containers, which are made of steel, wouldn't it be kinda hot in them with that sun beating down all day?
Who in their right mind would pay $200 a day for that?