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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. Agreed, but why is only agents and retirement visa mentioned?, actually extensions of stay! I dont know how many visa classifications there are, but there are many? But only gets discussed?
  2. This thread is about Big Joke investigating ties with the Chinese mafia? "He is investigating links in the IB ranks to the granting of favors to Chinese nationals looking to live and do business in Thailand. " "Some crime could probably be traced abroad but there was as yet no evidence of that in the inquiry." It is clear what he is investigating, but once again we see the comments go off at a tangent. Surely if people want to use agents, its up to them and if they don't , again its up to them? People can do what they want with their money?
  3. Unless the line extends out of the parking lot and down soi 5, in which case you would be in the direct sun. In busy periods is does happen.
  4. In the UK is quite normal for people to be released on license after only serving half of their sentence is the have behaved well?
  5. A while back 'Baby its cold outside' was banned in some places because some of the #metoo movement though it was offensive and manipulative? Now this? Why do people listen to these crackpots? Folks have become over sensitive and get offended by the slightest whim. Do they sit down on purpose to find anything that is offensive with anything?
  6. "will be treated as a special case by the Department of Special Investigation. The police have previously seized some 4 billion baht worth of assets from this suspect, in the forms of land deeds, houses, cars, and motorcycles." So what does this mean? Does the DSI want a cut? Four billion is a lot of money?
  7. Basically yes, anyway people will just ignore it?
  8. That would mean actual "police work"?????
  9. If you can attend in person, you have up to 7 days after the due date?
  10. Whilst you are absolutely correct, plus it could be windy and make thing worse, but the headline reads "Elderly Woman Freezes To Death In Korat"
  11. Wouldn't the BIB issue a receipt for the money?????
  12. AS another poster has said its a 2000 baht fine, but only if you have to deal with immigration? So for an extension of stay for example?
  13. I am assuming this is British slang? "cockney chavs sat next to me." I understand "cockney", from a part of London?, but chavs had to look it up. However the "The Magaluf scally. "has got me scratching my head? ????
  14. You are correct, but is seems in some areas they are still in 3?
  15. Quite so, they have a "Diversity Czar" who is paid 35,000 pounds more than the CEO, she gets 230,000 pounds per year. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10004111/NHSs-diversity-tsar-paid-35-000-chief-executive.html
  16. I really don't know, but whatever the amount, its a drop in the ocean compared to what the Chinese businessman/gangsters are turning over?
  17. Quite, although agents do business with IO's, this is not what 'Big Joke' is after? He is after Chinese gangsters and illegal businesses, like casinos? In another thread on AN......."Recent raids and investigations in Thailand have highlighted potential links between Chinese gangsters and Thai local officials" This is not a few thousand baht, or hundreds of thousands, they are talking about Billions of baht?
  18. You do realize that all the protests in Iran started because the morality police arrested a woman for not wearing a hijab and she died in custody? "As of December, at least 458 people, including 63 children, have been killed and several hundred injured, according to the US-based Iran Human Rights Activists News Agency. More than 18,000 people have been detained. " https://www.euronews.com/2022/11/25/iran-protests-what-caused-them-who-is-generation-z-will-the-unrest-lead-to-revolution
  19. "Similar raids in the resort town of Pattaya also found threads linking several suspected Chinese criminals through a web of Thai frontmen to authorities who had apparently not seen these anything-goes nightlife venues despite them drawing thousands of guests each night." So are the ''Thai frontmen" the Police? that would make sense?
  20. Some good news! and get that RH down!
  21. Its 500 baht per day. if you are on overstay and make it to the airport, its not a BIG problem, you get fined a maximum of 20, 000 baht and depending on the length of overstay can get banned, but you can get on your flight? Its only if the police catch you, then its a BIG problem?
  22. That would make sense and there is his problem, its Thailand?????
  23. They said the search was finished? they lied, it was a dirty trick?
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