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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. "Witnesses views will be taken into account and justice for all was promised, reported Daily News. " Is this a joke?
  2. Anyone living in Thailand for any length of time knows the police are corrupt and are therefore trash? The police are supposed to serve and protect, aren't they?
  3. W10 should work?
  4. If you have the App downloaded it always works. If you are using a PC you need the latest OS or you nay have problems?
  5. I believe its now 400 baht, same as for no helmet?
  6. So your saying only white people get it? ????
  7. Yes, if you really want to throw money away, get married, buy a house and car in Her name?????????
  8. Not arguing with you, but they need money also? Maybe not as much as girls from Bangkok?
  9. Well I'm going out on a limb here, but I would suggest it depends on how much money is involved, every man has his price?
  10. Are you not into sarcasm?
  11. There is no 180 day rule, however maybe expect some questions by the IO when returning to Thailand?
  12. Quite so, even if they did, who in their right mind would invest that much money knowing that the Thai government could change their mind again next month, or they could be kicked out of the country?
  13. "Not according to the law." What law, reference and quote? "It doesn’t say that." What does it say? "What’s relevant is what is in the law, not what’s not in the law." What exactly is in the law?
  14. I flew back into Suvarnabhumi last month in the morning arrived around 10.30 am, thru immigration in 5 minutes, which was pleasantly surprising. Afternoons are much worse, but immigration must know how many planes are due to arrive, why cant they plan ahead?
  15. Its really quite simple all he has to do is quote the relevant law, with the reference Title, chapter etc and this discussion would be over?Instead he is going round in circles?????
  16. So you can quote the exact sentence, phrase or paragraph in the Thai penal code, i would very much appreciate it?
  17. You can pretty much get a fake anything in Thailand? ID's, Passports etc for the right price of course
  18. "Because the law says so, whether you disagree or not." Exactly which law say that?
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