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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. And the 'clip'....can you post it please?
  2. "Truly unbiased (or less biased) MSM outlets should refrain from endorsing anyone". You presumably feel newspapers during previous historic moments should not really have commented on Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Johnson......for fear of being seen as biased? Don't you just hate free speech.
  3. 1. Napoleon Bonaparte: Napoleon was around 5 feet 6.5 inches (169 cm) tall. He is often considered shorter due to a mix-up between French and English measurements and his nickname “Le Petit Caporal” (The Little Corporal), which referred to his rank rather than his height. 2. Adolf Hitler: Hitler was about 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm), making him of average height for German men at the time. 3. Joseph Stalin: Stalin was approximately 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm) tall. He was notably shorter than many of his peers, but his strong persona and influence made up for his smaller stature. 4. Pol Pot: Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, stood around 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), making him relatively tall among his Southeast Asian contemporaries.
  4. ..........because he came from a settled, Christian family in Wales..........that being the case why would anyone in a position of responsibility jump on the TR bandwagon with no evidence and start screaming TERRORIST on the off chance they would be found to be correct at a later date?
  5. Genius has its limits, but stupidity knows no bounds. What on Earth are farmers supposed to do? If they deliver burned sugarcane it is to be rejected. If they deliver unburned sugarcane what do these idiots think the farmers will do with the leaves????? As a 'family' we have around a 1000 rai of sugarcane......the leaves will be burned this harvest....end of. The only solution is to harvest the leaves either in the field, which farmers will not do....or much easier....force the sugar processors to harvest the leaves by making them accept sugarcane and leaves intact. Harvesting in the field will simply not happen.....the leaves will be burned.
  6. Why are Donald Trump/Boris Johnson/Viktor Orban/Vladimir Putin so popular??? Can anyone, logically, explain their popularity? An electorate that can't think for themselves?
  7. So the police should have said he was a terrorist BEFORE they had any evidence. Glad you're not a detective.
  8. ....and neither does Trump.
  9. Most minor common assault cases don’t result in pre-court detention, especially if it’s a first offense or there are no aggravating factors. So you didn't read that bit?
  10. They’re dead?
  11. In the UK, most people arrested for common assault are not necessarily held in police cells prior to a court appearance, especially for lower-level cases. Here’s how it typically works: 1. Assessment of Severity and Risk: Police consider factors like the seriousness of the offense, prior convictions, risk to the public, and likelihood of the person showing up in court. For common assault without aggravating factors (like weapons or severe injuries), police are more likely to release the person on bail. 2. Use of Bail: Police bail, with conditions (e.g., curfew, stay-away orders), is commonly used for minor offenses, including some cases of common assault. This allows the individual to remain free while they await their court date. 3. Custody in Serious Cases: If the assault is more severe, if the person has a significant criminal history, or if there’s a risk of re-offending or not appearing in court, police may keep them in custody until they are brought to court (usually within 24 hours for minor cases). 4. Immediate Court Appearance: For serious or repeated common assault cases, the individual may be remanded in custody for a prompt court appearance, especially if they’re seen as a potential flight risk or a danger to others. Most minor common assault cases don’t result in pre-court detention, especially if it’s a first offense or there are no aggravating factors. However, the approach varies, and the decision rests heavily on the circumstances of the offense and the individual’s history.
  12. How many Godwins were there?
  13. Not so much illiterate as CBA reading your unadulterated drivel.
  14. Donald Trump has stated that, if he wins the 2024 election, he will take action against political opponents, particularly those he believes have wronged him or engaged in politically motivated attacks. Some of his key statements include: 1. “I am your retribution”: During a 2023 speech, Trump said he would act as retribution for his supporters and he would pursue legal actions against those he views as unjustly targeting him or his supporters. 2. Targeting Justice Department officials and Biden: Trump stated he would restructure the Department of Justice and FBI to remove those he considers biased, citing figures within the Biden administration and law enforcement as potential targets. In an August 2023 interview with conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, he also stated he would pursue investigations against President Biden and his family and they would face consequences under his administration. 3. Expanded Presidential Powers: In recent rallies, Trump has emphasized a need for more direct control over federal agencies and the judiciary and that he would seek to expanded presidential powers to act against those he believes were responsible for “weaponizing” government agencies. He’s just one big pussy (grabbing) cat and probably lying about doing any of this.
  15. No need to reply….yet you did….555
  16. I'm interested in your opinion. Here's my initial thoughts. Let's imagine for a moment that Trump is correct and a vote for Harris is a vote for a hard left, Trotsky like, communist state. Where does the USA go from here? Nearly 50% of the American population are communists. Really? What can be more divisive than labeling (sic) your political opponents communists? How can you divide like this then expect to unify the country under your Presidency? How will Trump deal with the 50% population? Imprisonment? ‘Go after them’….. in his own words? That's been tried before with political opponents.
  17. Who, on God’s green earth, are you to declare the World is tired of liberal wokes?????? It is liberal wokes that are trying to prevent the likes of Trump, Musk, Johnson, Orban, Putin et al from running the show.
  18. I hope and pray you are correct. The World does not need Trump…….. regardless of how much the hard of thinking might want him.
  19. There is no reason to suppose there are no ‘bad’ scientists….. there are plenty of bad lawyers, politicians, teachers, airline pilots…….etc The clever part is peer reviews which hardly exist in any other profession….and peer reviews are cut throat. As an aside nothing is ever ‘proven' in science…..there are just best theories based on the current evidence and observations.
  20. They won’t put them on…….drives me ******* mad. ‘Stupidity' can be the only reasonable response.
  21. Thought about it, but went for a whisky, beer and some KP peanuts instead.
  22. I’m quietly confident that he will win……not necessarily via the ballot box though, It is staggering that a so called 'educated the nation' could end up with such a totally unhinged, despicable character as their president.
  23. How will this work….I thought all asians looked the same?

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