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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Tell me that's your leg...and not wifey's.
  2. Caught in only three weeks!....he must be incredibly dumb or the RTP really did want to catch him
  3. I'm 'cooking' blue cheese, crackers, red grapes and washing them all down with a cheeky little red.....
  4. One person's radical is another person's conservative I guess.
  5. And?......It's working and that's what matters for now.....as long as it stops Trump...what the hell?
  6. Can you please post them?.....Unless they are the ones of Trump's inauguration......don't want to embarrass his supporters on here.
  7. ....and that is definitely in your opinion?
  8. Articles in The Guardian...but I guess that would be your worst nightmare.
  9. So he wins....oh no wait.....did he really win?.....or does the one with the least votes win....is that how it works?.....so confusing.
  10. To be fair will it really make that much difference....555
  11. I notice they use....what I understand to be liquid fuel pipes........ for piping gas from gas cylinders....!!!!
  12. Yes, if he still has the money to pay them....although the next 'Rudi' will be more circumspect about making outlandish claims.
  13. You can, on the NHS, have an implant fitted to stop reflux......but only if PPIs stop working.....that brought me some comfort. I panic occasionally at the prospect, that one day, they stop working.
  14. Absolutely....my father had Bisodol which I guess was baking soda.....useless. I went through the same thought process as you......If I contract something now as a consequence of PPIs and die in 12 months......it was worth it for the last 20 years being free of reflux.
  15. Thirteen Palestinian prisoners have since died in Israeli prisons, "the majority of them as a result of beating or denial of medication", the commission's head, Qadoura Fares, told the BBC. From the article.
  16. A woman he can no longer grab by the ......,mixed race.....intelligent........successful......articulate.....and staggeringly popular. He must be having kittens.....yet no pussy.
  17. United States: A widely accepted theory is that the Spanish flu originated in the United States, specifically in Haskell County, Kansas. The first known cases were reported in early 1918 at a military base, Fort Riley, where soldiers became ill. These soldiers were then deployed to Spain, potentially spreading the virus.
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