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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. You: Videos like this that took place a few nights ago will never be allowed to be shown on terrestrial tv the media have been told to only show far right thugs the press the same only show far rioters on your front pages not gangs of Muslims running riot in the Harehills district of leeds or Muslim gangs shouting Allah Akbar in Northern towns, there not allowed to be shown. But they are shown.....this received a 10 minute slot on the BBC.
  2. The braincell leaked it himself......he took photos clearly indicating (to people wealthy enough to have stayed there ) which hotel it was. Good old X did the rest. He must have been terrified as people smashed windows, invaded the corridors and set fire to reception area..... oh wait....that was the Holiday Inn in England....555
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cgrl8kew20zt
  4. The 'Muslim thugs' were arrested at the airport and charges are awaited. They are on police bail. Do you know for sure they are muslims and not catholics? If they are British citizens, where would you propose deporting them? Do you not think that policy automatically dictates an officer, seen kicking someone in the face whilst on the floor, temporarily paralysed from a taser, has to be suspended?
  5. Relevant? We did make the effort to get vaccinated against Japanese encephalopathy .......we live out in the sticks......no good rushing to get a jab after you've contracted that.
  6. OMG....you're being robbed.....we pay 250B for 8 hours.
  7. Press Conference and Interviews: • After President Biden’s announcement to step down and endorse Harris, she held a press conference and took questions from reporters, expressing her intent to unite the party and emphasizing her policy priorities. • She has also given interviews focusing on her campaign strategy and key issues, such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality. These interviews have been part of her effort to solidify her stance on critical topics and appeal to a broader electorate. Which bits are you struggling with? As a wild guess the interviews probably revolved around being asked questions....d'ya think?
  8. Was it a battery powered helicopter hovering over an offshore wind-turbine farm, in shark infested waters? Easy to get flustered and mix up your Willies in those circumstances.
  9. Is that the battery powered boat that causes him terrible nightmares?........electrocution or shark attack.....what to do, what to do?
  10. Agree....never bothered until I was bitten last year. Injections weren't fun...lots of them and occasionally a little painful
  11. Kamala Harris interviews since her nomination as the Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential election............. 1. Press Conference and Interviews: • After President Biden’s announcement to step down and endorse Harris, she held a press conference and took questions from reporters, expressing her intent to unite the party and emphasizing her policy priorities. • She has also given interviews focusing on her campaign strategy and key issues, such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality. These interviews have been part of her effort to solidify her stance on critical topics and appeal to a broader electorate. 2. Television Appearances: • Harris has appeared on major television networks, including CBS’s “60 Minutes,” where she discussed her vision for America, her views on the current political climate, and her approach to international relations, particularly concerning China and Russia. • She also spoke about her potential administration’s priorities, including expanding access to affordable healthcare, tackling climate change, and addressing systemic racism. 3. Engagement with Local Media: • Harris has engaged with local media during campaign stops, particularly in battleground states. These interviews typically focus on how her policies would directly benefit local communities, emphasizing her plans to boost local economies and improve infrastructure.
  12. What?...that is all research and pure original thought.....link is my brain.....555
  13. One of the major problems, as I see it, is once you rise above the level of Isaan farmer, refuse collector, motorbike taxi driver .......being morally bankrupt is not seen as a negative trait, but something to which most aspire. Corruption, nepotism, blackmail, bribery, extortion are not frowned upon..... It is just how things are. From a situation like that you cannot rise above the dross to achieve anything.....hence the demise of the MFP.
  14. Kamala Harris interviews since her nomination as the Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential election............. 1. Press Conference and Interviews: • After President Biden’s announcement to step down and endorse Harris, she held a press conference and took questions from reporters, expressing her intent to unite the party and emphasizing her policy priorities. • She has also given interviews focusing on her campaign strategy and key issues, such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality. These interviews have been part of her effort to solidify her stance on critical topics and appeal to a broader electorate. 2. Television Appearances: • Harris has appeared on major television networks, including CBS’s “60 Minutes,” where she discussed her vision for America, her views on the current political climate, and her approach to international relations, particularly concerning China and Russia. • She also spoke about her potential administration’s priorities, including expanding access to affordable healthcare, tackling climate change, and addressing systemic racism. 3. Engagement with Local Media: • Harris has engaged with local media during campaign stops, particularly in battleground states. These interviews typically focus on how her policies would directly benefit local communities, emphasizing her plans to boost local economies and improve infrastructure.
  15. Was the MFP naive in pushing for a review of 'certain laws' before/during the elections.........or was it this promise of a review that garnered so many votes from Thai electorate... without this promised review would they have just been 'also ran's'.
  16. Agree.....they are deadmen walking......no way are they going to be allowed to continue in public life in any meaningful way.
  17. education, media, big pharma, press, the administrative state, the military industrial complex, finance, corporate America and the military with the exception of the media and the press....all the others they are supposed to 'take over'....it's there job.
  18. Agree.....you have to be upfront, explain, apologise, grovel if necessary.....the UK Tories lost their PM because of the inability to tell the truth and apologise.....good result as it happens for the UK.
  19. 15 mins of fame......every dog has its day.
  20. If you put no link, no evidence, no quote after your statements it will save a lot of time and effort re: people asking for such.
  21. Maybe to Trump all Black Americans look the same.....easy to get confused.
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