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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. The guy is a loose cannon and will/is do/doing irreparable damage to the slick, well oiled, glitzy Trump extravaganza....shame...and it was all going so well........b****y cat ladies.
  2. Well said Totally agree...look at all the fuss some organisations made over the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.....they need to keep their noses out of other peoples businesses......if people have to suffer then it's their fault.
  3. Get with the times.....humping couches is new wave......all the kids are doing it.
  4. Is there any way low-lives like this could be quickly deported? I'm thinking Rwanda......there's must be lots of accommodation going buckshee.
  5. If there aren't major protests then ordinary Thais are doomed........the elites will have won again and know they can just carry on fighting for their place at the trough and to hell with everyone else.
  6. Tortious interference might the best avenue to pursue, but he has to prove that action was without any form of justification.....he will lose in the end I feel.
  7. Watch this and cheer yourself up..... https://x.com/dachshundcolin/status/1820861945920315798?s=48&t=rg_oYaHHWarO1vpZ9RPi4g
  8. True...but the ones that count are the swing voters.....no one cares about the nailed on voter.
  9. Accepting all or any of these criticisms are based in fact ......They (the Dems) must have gone over everything with a fine tooth-comb and have pre-prepared responses.......Just as the Republicans did with Shady Vance's cat ladies and couch humping episodes.
  10. Anyone seen a statement from China.....or are they too busy partying for now?
  11. Why are they not put on a flight back home that night.....?? They would soon get there act together if that were the case.
  12. To be fair....you got the last part correct...555
  13. Not qualified to say.......but in the LOSs I would would err on the side of saying NO! If there are no ownership papers of any sort, presumably it is government land and could easily be taken back by the government???
  14. Cream of the crop.....some of England's finest.....the last one is a definite keeper.
  15. Megan Kelly.......oh dear. That's your go to source for news.....what a joke.
  16. He must be gutted.....a week ago he was thinking this would be all his......rip out all the seats.......replace them with couches....heaven.
  17. No quote as per.....very poor.
  18. OH NO.....Mine don't.....she gets 75% of the pension in the form of income.....now I am really worried.
  19. A soldier who served under Walz, Al Bonnifield, said: “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t. “… He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.” Calling Walz “very caring” and a “very good leader”, Bonnifield said Walz helped him and other soldiers when they returned from Iraq.
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