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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Not an easy task, but best to try and talk to the ones who don't want to talk to you......5555......the ones who do want to talk will drive you mad or scare you rigid.
  2. 5555 Same here...and my response to my kids who are into this breathing 'lark'.....BUT.....I did try deep breaths, holding, then slowly exhaling.....and did find it quite relaxing????
  3. Never seen a headline like......Straight man kills girlfriend....or.....Hetrosexual male robs guy in the street....
  4. Vance off to war......a journalist....who never saw combat.....very impressive.
  5. Bangkok is yor best bet......https://www.meetup.com Greater chance of meeting 'normal' expats there than anywhere else. I used the site above, mainly to get into sports.....but there are (or there was) plenty of social events.
  6. Maybe he only whispered these...so they don't count? Campaign Announcement (2015): Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals. “<deleted>hole Countries” Comment (2018): Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations as “<deleted>hole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. Charlottesville Remarks (2017): After the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.”
  7. 1. Housing Discrimination Lawsuits: • In the 1970s, the Trump Organization, which Donald Trump led, was sued by the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged racial discrimination in their rental practices. The lawsuit accused the company of refusing to rent to Black tenants and lying to Black applicants about the availability of apartments. The case was settled with a consent decree in which the Trump Organization did not admit guilt but agreed to take steps to prevent discrimination . 2. Central Park Five: • In 1989, Trump took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, a group of Black and Latino teenagers wrongfully convicted of assaulting a jogger. Despite their exoneration in 2002, Trump continued to suggest they were guilty . 3. Statements During Campaign and Presidency: • Mexican Immigrants: During his presidential campaign announcement in 2015, Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals, which drew widespread criticism and accusations of racism . • Muslim Ban: Trump proposed and implemented a ban on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, which was seen by many as discriminatory against Muslims . • Charlottesville Comments: Following the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Trump was criticized for saying there were “very fine people on both sides,” which many interpreted as an equivocation on white supremacy . • Congresswomen of Color: In 2019, Trump told four Democratic congresswomen of color to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came,” which was widely condemned as a racist attack . 4. Pardoning Individuals Accused of Racism: • Trump pardoned individuals like Joe Arpaio, a former sheriff convicted of contempt of court for racial profiling, which critics argue shows a tolerance for racist behavior . 5. Rhetoric and Policies: • Immigration Policies: Critics argue that Trump’s immigration policies, such as family separation at the border and the attempt to end DACA, disproportionately affected non-white populations and were driven by racist motivations . • Birther Movement: Trump was a leading figure in the “birther” movement, which falsely claimed that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, a theory many view as racially motivated .
  8. You seem to be tiring.....now down to one word vitriolic statements....time to give it a rest? Even bots need a break.
  9. Islamic state of Minnesota....? The Muslim population in Minnesota is estimated to be around 2% of the state’s total population, which translates to roughly 114,590 individuals . Minnesota’s Muslim community is notably diverse, including a significant Somali population, which is among the largest Somali communities.
  10. Good job we stopped it...... The UK’s participation in the European Union’s free movement policy had several economic benefits. Here are some of the key ways in which the UK benefited economically from free movement while it was a member of the EU: 1. Labor Market Flexibility: • Access to Labor: Free movement allowed UK employers to access a larger pool of workers from across the EU. This was particularly beneficial in sectors with labor shortages, such as healthcare, agriculture, construction, and hospitality. • Skill Gaps: Skilled workers from the EU filled gaps in the UK labor market, contributing to sectors such as finance, technology, and academia. 2. Economic Growth: • Contribution to GDP: EU migrants contributed positively to the UK economy. Studies have shown that EU migrants tended to be younger and more economically active than the native population, which helped boost productivity and economic growth. • Entrepreneurship: Many EU nationals started businesses in the UK, creating jobs and stimulating economic activity. 3. Public Finances: • Net Contribution: Research indicated that EU migrants contributed more in taxes than they received in benefits and public services. This positive net fiscal contribution helped support public finances. 4. Trade and Investment: • Single Market Access: Free movement was part of the broader EU Single Market, which allowed for the seamless movement of goods, services, capital, and people. This facilitated trade and investment, benefiting the UK economy. • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): The ability to attract talent from across the EU made the UK a more attractive destination for foreign investors, particularly in industries that rely on a diverse and skilled workforce. 5. Cultural and Social Benefits: • Cultural Exchange: The free movement of people also brought cultural and social benefits, enriching UK society and fostering greater understanding and cooperation within Europe. 6. Education and Research: • Academic Collaboration: Free movement facilitated academic and research collaborations between UK universities and their EU counterparts, enhancing the UK’s research output and innovation capabilities. • Student Mobility: Programs like Erasmus allowed UK students to study in EU countries and vice versa, broadening educational opportunities and fostering international networks.
  11. My wife (Thai) met her father (also Thai) for the first time after 42 years......he abandoned her mother before she was even born. She never met him again as he died the following year. Very sad state of affairs.
  12. Good to see 7 million plus sheeple 'woke' up and had enough about them to vote the right way last election
  13. Sounds like you have found a new barrel to scrape.
  14. ...and no one responds better to their inducements than the Tories.....the main beneficiaries of massive profit making organisations..
  15. So Republicans have walked out as they can't can't understand the bills they are being asked to vote for....and won't return until the bills are written in 8th grade language......🤭......good post.
  16. I know we are not to correct english, but..... Who...not which
  17. I think the tampon bit is a glitch in the matrix.....just waiting for the algorithm to be reprogrammed....555
  18. We already know what mostly peaceful looks like......MTG et al keeps telling us.
  19. They are bricking it......they cannot even contemplate that their all seeing, all knowing, ***** grabbing cult leader is going to bomb....big time.
  20. Trump is a cult.....did I spell that correctly?
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